Thursday, Jtune 17, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine iowi R- Continued from Page 81 HELP WANTED GREAT OPPORTUNITY AT THE WOLVERINE '76 TRUCK PLAZA HELP WANTED All sifts-shift saupetvisors,.iland a ipeas, maintenancesuepervisor, porters. Gift shop sapervisor, sales- people. cashiers and gartage helpers. Gooad .starting estee and Ibenefits. Appications taken startang June 7, 9 a.m.-4:30 p..H-F. Wlverine ,6 Truck Plaza, Interstate 94 and Baker Hoad, Dexter, MI. 6711623 IIGRTWOHRtS MAGAZINE is lank- ang faa esperienced advertising salespealel. Interested? Call 63- 6482, 71 H60 TRAVEL CONSULANT Exoer'ence In damestieaned Inter- nortional end lanes. Minitmmaoe ara agency esperience. Call 005- 6122. Regency Teavel Agency. cHall REAL ESTATE RUSTIC FAHMHOUSE, aver 2 acees, 2 paths, 4 to 5 bedraotms.field- stonerporch. Natural woadwork, bars. Fifteen minutes team dawn- toan.$45,000. 761-5950, 971-8842, :"i9-4a21, 475-2508. Robert H. Tharn- tac Jr., P.C. Realtor. 1418131 SMALL COLONIAL HOUSE: two bedroacat.11'2 ear tarage, appliances ainladed. $23000. Call 971-4344. 70R623 HOUSE HEEDED!. aid Westside ar Burns Park. Land Contract, $8,a0a (tan. 709-5151, evenings 995-4021 or 71-1142 or 475-2101. Habert H. "Thorntan Jr. P.C. Realtar. 25R623 FARMHOUSE WITH 141 ROLLING ACRES, sandy soil, 2 barns, $159,000. Latnd ectract possible. 761-5950, evening's 115-4121 ar 971-8842 or 475- 2808. Rabert B. Tharntan Jr. P.C. aealtor. 26R623 O)LD VIHTAGE FARMHOUSE, 10 ar', and a tree lined lane. Ten aaoms, beatiful woodwork. Aakng 1110,000. Land cotttract passible. 701- :1'Aevenings 995-4021 ar 171-1142 4 425-2808. Rabert B. Thaornton Jr. 11.C CRealtar. 278623 -FOR SALE I1 n SPEED Colulmbie, gaad shape. Slat, sell far tuition. $50. Dan, 5U-524a. 68B619 CaORNER COUCR/TABLE SET. 175 ar best offer. 668-t88l. 57BO11 BIKES AND SCOOTERS VONGA 750, elIent tanditian. or atrale. 994-0453. 74Z117 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS TI sNaR BASSMAN CAnINET: twa 12" oesens,. Mike, 015-7631. 73X6i1 0.1°5105951 Lea Paul guitar. Gaod 15far sallectars,.Donn 711-9431. pirce druma set. Apallo C1 eater. 711-1400. cXl3a 17YAMAHA PG-110 GUITAR. JIIC AL anad Steel Gsatacs, Hew > d1-(e. 115-7240, 429,9241. exte WANTED TO RENT WANTED: 2BR haouse ar apt. tnaw or Aug. 15. HOT near ramsapt;mader- ately priced: yard, amaenliec wel- came. Mis. year rease. 995-9456. aL6la WANTED FOR FALL: My attnro na o-ptyle hoseearam~nps, Please call Julie, 761-6a84, 761-60015. 761,618 MELLOW GRAD student crekstcan- genial houttehold far fall. Clote Ia campus. Tany, 663-9060. 51L619 PROFEaSORS! On_ sabbatical Ibis year? Respansible teacher casing far PhD. will care far your home in exchange tar free rent this summer or fall until Jusne, 1177. Escellent references. Enjny plants and ani- mals. 665-8024. 37L617 BUSINESS SERVICES FOR TYPING/EDITING, TUTORIHG in English call Dorothy, 995-1075., J817 PROFESISIONAL TYPING-Term pa- pers, theses. Pica type. Amy,195- 9647. 88J615 $1-PG. (TEXT). l0c-lina (tables). O'nite. Experirned. I-921-6617. cJ6l7 EDITIHG, PROOFREADIHG, Call 994-5615. 81J619 DAVE'S GARAGE Ranstt.guareanteed ats and truck repair at reasonable prices. 102-2791. 67J622 I AM a full-time, free lance typist with considerable experience typing bcabs, dissertations. papers. I type aver 100 wpm., perfect accuracy guaranteed. Sate rate 70c per pace. IBM Carrectileg Selectric. Call Bill, 665-166. eJtc NEW SERVICE Experirnced, Eror-Free, Ganeled Manuscript, Dissertatian, S p e e c h Typewriting. Editing, Academic/Fec- fessional. IBM Selratrten, Reasan- able Rates. Capying. Pick-up and Deliverey. Peronalzed. Confidential. Telephona Dictation an4 Noary Serviees. STEPHENS PROPESSIONAL TYPEWRITING SERVICE P.O. Bot 181 Ypsilantlis leb. Ms. Stephens 434-1984 86J630 BARDS FOR weddings and partlra. Don. 761-1431 or 195-2659. cJtc Typing, Capying. Binding Editing, Keypunching Notary Service TheSecretariat Disetation Speialists 112 S. State Street 10 am.-l0 p.m. 994-3594 Try Daily Classifieds LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Set af keys unader a tree is facnt If Ange11 Hall. Call Julie a 761-084 oa761-60085 ta identify. MISCELLANEOUS BIGGEST BARGAIN IN TOWS Ice Cream caiaes far a nickel with a 50c purchase. At the Union Sta- sian restaua nt lacated in Itae Mich- lgan Union. 89M618 WILL PAY 120 to pick tsp 3 bnxes fram Durhamt, N.C. Call 701-0776 after 11 pat. 59M19 DAYCAMP: TWO SESSIONS: June 20th Ia Jusly 9th and Jasly 12 Ia Jully 23. Spontared by the Jewish Cammnlnitly Cuncnil. Call 115-3337. 54M619 USED CARS 1100 VW BUG-Body goad, enine excellent. $501. 33 MP.G. Call 668- 1211 peristrntly. 88N619 VW, '66, goad shape. $400. 662-3763. j 92N623 MGB-GT 1167, reonditioned engine, warranty. Practical, fun. FM. 114- 5514. Body excerllent. $1201. 610119 PERSONAL SPRING TERM EXERCISE HOUR- 5:30-6:301evary Turn, and Thurs., May 11-June 22. Meet at WINES FIELD band practice area. Cot: 13.25 per person fnr the term; pay at Calisesua, 5th at Hi111, 09F622 WHERE MARGINAL PRICES buy quality diaatonds--Austin Diamond, 1201 1. Univrrsity, 113-7151. apit PERSONAL MIESSAGE PROM THE MARAGER As osf late I was gettinsg dlscasur- agedwith thaelarkafre pone ,to iycy olunn Inregards Ia earlier m~ail das, best today I received a letter camplimlentin~g the Daily and its writers, so things are laaking alp. Specflcally, a prafesao wot t coplimntnIPhil Rokovay and Kens Par11.15a' cverage f the Udall capaign. I na'car whaleheartedly, and I'm happy ta see 1ha5 ather repeted memabersnf thr som- munity do, too. Thank yaoufor writing. Debbie, ca a Bat 21. dF WE PARTICIPAT in the Bluer Shield prerscription program. Village Apotheecary, 1112 5. University. r~te TENNIS PLAYING. aspiring Doctor treks companinnship, a hat chat. Somneane an the ball who doesnt play gamesn. Write Baa 19. 62F622 FIREWORKS! Buy direct. We chip thrassghosit thr U.S. Send fsr free price list tc- day. Purchasers must be 11 yes. cc alder. Enclose copy of required Michigan State peratits upon pur- chase. Ace Pireworks, Ban 221, Can- neaut, Ohio 44030, Manufacturer, Imparter, Wholesaler, Distributor. cFtc ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING Offtet Printing, Xerox capies Xerox reductions, photostats, half tones, typesetting end much mare. STUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOME 2t4 5. 4th Ate. 114-4164 eF0il0 PERSONAL I 'F ih 10FNeli I t I ialciLSmS It is this siNel Sltlssii I. 094-olb- lrt ',.tiiis t Ileip, 719-7313. 400 S. Giilo-sa[i1.en Ilccynaatcy tests. IA. U.N S- tWha+ liteu the oai- /11: 5 fissefisaii aeairilstiitiieli da alheni Cs 'l aitli thr clailse Srlsvernl sis-re sssslt:tilas, slnd esllecllse atisi' s;"i1't -I ss eyrcts;ln Like Dears ar 111. the University Admin- i~lcal wi O1lllto10delersalie yaour e ono5:,fisiire. olsehec p:ealike 15 or not Interested is cantlmnlg as'relaloisthis tall? Scud nsamue ailalr-. dept. phose in. sa GEO/ YES .5.i4 E. WilliaumAnn Arbor, 48100,,.r c lhoneir995-0221. 1P0388 BITCH, YOU CRAZY! Will be buck! Jiiiir10, 19, 25. 20, 23 Siipposrt yaourloalfemunis~t hetste STUDY GROUP FORMINGO: Grad studens or undergrads-isnlee- etted in reading less/articles about aell biology end/or human psysiolo- gy and ateeting once oe twice a week for disocuslsis? If so, call David at 995-340, aftr 7 p.m. 89F619 HEART CENTER SCHOOL OF AS- TROLOGY. Instrutctors: Micheel andi Maegarect Erlewine. Teaching since 1017. Classes, Natal Charte, Reteil Textbooks, Re'adintgs, Certification 663-6677. OF515 FRIENDS ILAKE COMMUNITY. 80 acre wildlife preserve cne Chelsea: swimming, ocannoei ng, picnicing, camping. Menmbership $50 per adult. Brochstre fran-_ Bloods. Il0S Penn- craft, Ann Arbor, Mich. 41103. 419030 COPYING CLOSEST TO CAMPUS Banks, classnotes, papers, resumes- Dissertation quality, low prices. Every day-etening. From 2lI2a per copv. 211 S. State (near Gino's). 662-3969. c~te i i the insulation of tefuture is here. PolarG uar dl By now almost everyone knows about Fortrel Polarguard, the incredible # continuous filament polyester fiber. The advantages of Polarguard (safe and ! protective insulation, maintenance of loft when wet,.,tough and easy to take care of, resilient, lightweight, compressible, odorless, mildewproof, non- ollergenic, etc.) are rapidly changing old notions about what's best to put between your body and the cold, wind and wet outside, The Snow Lion Snow Fox, is the best summer bog oround. 5" loft, 2 lbs.,1 4 oz. weight. Temperoture rating of 25'. Price $49,50 Come in and talk to our experienced sales staff to help make the right selection for your needs. We have complete lines of both Down and Polar- guard sleeping bags.C 4^ I PlarG uard®8 WUAC 330 S. STATE ST. (NICKELS ARCADE)BNKMR j 761-6207 M-S 9:30-5:30 FRIDAY 'TI! 8:00 k:1 E 55555 4 t C OP5c Discount on Admission U with Student I. 0. UD HOURS: Fri. & Sat.: 8 p.m.-2 am. U WEEKILY HOURS: 9 p.m.-2 am. U 516 E. Liberty 994-5350 L1 I1 O' O' B' I