Page Twv THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesdoy, June 16, 197E Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, June 16, 1976 Angolans testify against brutal white mercnre Television viewing tonight LUANDA, Angola f') -- The Marxist government's first wit- ness yesterday pointed out "cowboy Callan", a British sub- ject, as a murderer who terror- ized his town, and then pointed to American Daniel Gearhart as the mercenary he saw "threatening an Angola sold- ier with death." Callan, in handcuffs, wore his habitual bored smirk as Fer- nando Baires singled himo at' among the 13 white mercenar- ies on trial. The American from Kensington, Md. seemed stun- ned and confused, ON. THE FIFTH day of the show trial of 13 white mer- cenaries the mostly black spectators murmured with ex- citement as the witness, who described himself as a driver, made the identification of the two white prisoners and testi- fied that the mercenary band robbed he bank in Sao Salva- dor and looted the town of trucks, tractors and other equipment. He said that Callan, a Cy- prus - born British citizen whose real name is Costas Georgiou, with a pistol on each hip, swaggered into a bar in the north Angolan town and yanked up the trousers of all the young Angolans drinking beer to determine whether they were deserters from the losing pro-West FNLA forces wear- ing uniforms, underneath. "lie kicked two lying on the floor to get them up," Baires testified, 'turned them against he wall and began beating them over the head with a hand grenadae." THE WITNESS said he later saw Callan, at a distance of 60 yards, fire his gun "and a man fell down. I knew he died be- cause his family went to the governor for the body to bury him." The witnesses said an old man told him of a valley at nearby Maquela with many bodies. "Because of the smell, I covered up my nose. There were 16 bodies there. I count- ed them: 14 whites and two blacks." Four mercenaries already told the court how Callan or- dered the massacre of 14 of his men who wanted out. The spectators murmured disapproval when the mulatto presiding judge lectured a black witness for giving a sarcastic answer to Cesner. Earlier the same witness said he thought he was "in a peo- ple's court not a Fascist court" when the prosecutor tried to cut down his propaganda spiel on the "happy dancing people who greeted the MPLA victory" over the mercenaries. Page 2 TV TONITE L4 5:00 2 7 11 13 NEWS 9 BEVERLY HILLBILLIES BW 20 CISCO KID 24 ABC NEWS-Harry Reasoner 6:30 4 13 NBC NEWS-John Chancellor 9 NEwS 11C cSNEWS-Walter Croakite 7:00 2 CBS NEWS-Walter Cronkite 4 BOWLING FOR DOLLARS --Game 7 ABC NEWS-Marry Reasoner 7:30 2 BOBBY VINTON-Variety 4 CANDID CAMERA 7 WILD KINGDOM 9 ROOM 222 11 NAME THAT TUNE- Game 20 STUMP THE STARS- Game 3:00 2 11 JACKSONS-Variety 4 13 MOVIE-Comedy 7 24 BIONIC WOMAN- Adventure 9 MARGARET IN MOSCOW 1:30 2 11 KELLY MONTIETH- Comedy 9:00 2 11 CANNON-Crime Drama 7 24 MOVIE-Comedy-Drama 9 ROBERT EYDEMAN- Documentary 9:30 4 CHICO ANOD THTE MAN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS 13 ORAL ROBERTS' WE THE PEOPLE 50 DINAH! 10:00 2 11 AMERICAN PARADE-Drama 4 HAWK-Crime Drama 62 PTL CLUB-Religion 10:30 20 THE ROCK--Religion 11:00 2 4 7 H1 13 24 NEWS 9 CBC NEWS-Lloyd Robert- son 11:30 2 MAR'Y HARTMANt, MARY HARTMAN-Serial Mary feels responsible for Leroy's death and wants to pay for the funeral. Mary: Louise Lamser. 4 13 JOHNNY CARSON 7 24 MOVIE--Drama "Murder or Mercy" 9 NEWS 11 MOVIE-Comedy "The Spirit is Willing" 50 MOVIE-Drama BW "Patterns" 56 ABC NEWS-Harry Reasoner 12:00 2 MOVIE-Comedy 9 MOVIR-Comedy 'Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?" 62 NEWS 1:00 4 TOMORROW-Tom Snyder 7 13 NEWS 1:25 11 NEWS 1:55 12MOVIE-Drama BW "Then There Were Three" 2:00 4 CLASSROOM 2:30 4 NEWS 3:25 2 NEWS The world's best selling book is the Bible, portions of which have been translated into 1,315 languages. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXVINo. 30-S wednesday, June 16, 1976 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan News phone 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Published d a i t y Tuesday through Sunday morning during the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard Street. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Subscription rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes- ters) ; $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6 50 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. FORCTEN CENTS YOU COULD SAVE A F:RIEND'S LIFE. THE HAZARDS OF BEING MALE The Mvth of Masculne Privileoe The University of Michan, in conjunction with Univ. Activi- ties Center (UAC) presents a one day workshop, Mouday, June 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 I.m. on The iazards of Tieing Male (designed for an audience of both sexes) with Dr. Serb Goldberg (professor of psy- chology, California State Unt- versity, Los Angeles; linical psyehologist in private prac- tice). Dr. Goldberg is co-author of Creative Aggression (with Dr. George Bach) andauthor of the popular book, The Haz- ards of Being Male. TOPICS include: feelings, the real male terror, impossible binds, wisdom of the phallus, destruction of the male body, the success trip, the lost art of buddyship, the male fantasy of the female, marriage: quiet by association, divorce; the penalties for leaving, and out of harness. COST: $20.00 (lunc not in- luded). For rgistratio o n- tact UAC, 703-1107. Dr. Goldberg is presenting a Personal Growth Weeksend tar couples Jsme 199a.m.-1i p.m., lunch and dinner in- lded) & 20 (9 a.m.-3 p.0., bruncbhanludead - $25.00 pet couple-tax deductible for pro- tessional services); and a Per- sonal Growth Day, June 23, for singles (9 a.m.-6 p.m., $35.00 per person, lsnch pro- vided. For Information and registration c o n t a c t Linda Keel, 742-5414 or Joyte Wat- son, 232-0012. Mr. Goldberg will be a guest of Borders Book Store from 4-5:30 Monday. A phone call. A simple, that theddrunk drivers responsible r" _ =N- _ " "_'" _ "_ " -3 ten-cent phone call for a cab could for killing young people are most DRUNK DRIVER, DEPT. Y* save your friend's life. often other young people. I BOX 2345 If your friend has been Take a minute. Spend a I ROCKVILE, MARYLAND 20852 1 drinking too much, he shouldn't dime. Calla cab.-That's all. If you I want to save a friend's life. be driving. can't do that, drive him yourself. Tell me what else I can do. The automobile crash is the. Or let him sleep on your couch. I My name is_ number one cause of death of people We're not asking you to be Addrss ,.... ...,, ,. your age. And the ironic thing is a doctor or a cop. Just a friend. City Stale zip....,...,. IF YOU LET A FRIEND DRIVE DRUNKYOU'RE NO FRIEND.- .B aAwMrmiMGTefee7Iya rxtlni.57giw*lnIrlwaelsx MTr' C ,TranaSaoauIU