Tuesday, June 15, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Women: Making gains at 'U' (Continued from Page 1) "I sense a great progress of awareness not only because women are more assertive," says Jean Campbell, Director of the Center for the Continuing Education of Women (CEW), "but there are more women in the work force, greater expec- tations for smaller families, and an increased emphasis on self- fulfillment." This exciting upheaval of ac- cepted norms first overwhelmed the women in the early 70's who ,tepped up the feminist move- msent. They were like adoles- cents (male or female) facing their first love affair. While they had learned manyorganiz- ing skills from their activism in he anti-war and civil rights movements of the late 60s, they were overcome with new feel- ings and ideas, and unsure of how to put them into action. Claire Jeannette, Executive Director of the Women's As- sembly and former Women's Advocate, sees three fairly dis- tinct groups of women in Arn Arbor in 1970, although each group faced the same problems and issues. One category was comprised of pragmatists who were concerned with employe- oriented problems. These wo- men, such as members of PROBE, were concerned mainly with improving the work' situa- tion on campus and are now involved in such institutionalized groups as the Affirmative Action Office, the Commission for Women and clerical unions. THE SECOND category, the liberal and intellectual aca- demians, focused on problems within the departments. These women today, primarily grad- iate students, are instrumental in the Women's Studies Pro- gram. The third, the "gut feminists," were largely "purist" under- graduates who stressed service and counselling, and reached out beyond the University to the entire community of Ann Arbor. These women are currently in- volved in organizations such as the Women's Community School and the Free People's Clinic. At present, there are more organizations available for wo- men run by women in the Uni- versity community. Th e s e groups are both stronger and more viable than in the past. In several departments, women are forming their own commis- sions or caucuses to use as both support and grievance mechan- isms. In the larger community, a women's newspaper HERSELF and the Feminists' Credit Union are just two elements facilitat- ing women's economic indepen- dence. "WOMEN ARE learning to work together and trust one another," says University Re- gent Sarah Power. "They are taking pleasure in working co- gether. They are becoming less isolated and more able to take action." "The Commission for Wo- men," whose members are ap- pointed by the president of the University upon recommenda- tion of the Commission, has played an important role on campus as achannel for com- munication and a force for change. It has been instrumental in getting the file review and the changes in the University's nepotism policy and maternity leave policy. In addition, it has acted as a core group, sponsor- ing activities for women on c a m p u s including assertion training groups, women's health information days, special wo- men's programs during summer orientation and helping other women in units around campus in setting up commission in their own departments. The Commis- sion onerates with a number of committees which deal with problems in personnel, athletics, returning women students, se- curity and academics. "The Conmission is not a radi- cal organization; it is part af the University structures and acts as a watchdog advocate, ' states B a r b a r a Murphy, Assistant Chairwoman. "We need oo'side groups. We all have different information, power bases ,tnd points of view." "MORE WOMEN are calling the Commission about disrim- ination problems in their de- partments," explains Murphy. "People are asking what they can do about it. They are no longer submitting to disc.im- inatory behavior." The Cimmission works closely with Gail Resnik, the Women's Program Coordinator (previous- ly known as the Women's Ad- vocate). She provides ifforma- tion, referral, advocacy, pro- gram planning and consultation related to the interests and needs of women through the University. "I work with organizatio:s cnd individuals to enable them to use the University to the best of its potential," said Resrikt "I work to help women to or- ganize and create power sources to reach their goals." ELIZABETH. Davenport, Di- rector of Student Programs said, "Women are now more atle to ask for what they want, both legally and emotionally. They go after what is healthy for them. "Women are more able to make decisions about them- selves and men," she adds. For example she noted that "women students have better skills in how to chair a meeting. They now assume the responsibility with comfort." With women asserting their new positions, many men are also facing the need to qu:stion thir sexual roles. Many feel their sexist attitudes are no longer legitimate and so they are developing a greater sen- sitivity to women's issues and problems. "SOME MEN are not realizing that they are part of the prob- lem," explained Ed Egnatios, Field Sttdies Co-ordinator at the Residential College. "Others are facing the need' for a self image which is not macho, not based on political and economic roles. Their self-confidence, which has always been invested in mAle chauvinism is now decreasing," he adds. "They have no feminine mys- tique.Consequently, they are confused, excited and less sour- ketable " he remarked. "They don't know how to act, or what's going on." In 1966 University Natural Re- sources Professor Peter Sand- man,.might have been called a male chauvinist. He wrote Where the Girls Are, a dating guide to women's colleges. The book looked at women as a "scarce natural resource which Bsth men and women experi- a man seeks out like Itiush- rooms." "The book was explicitly sexist and demeaning of women," said Sandman, taking a retrospective look at his work. "It is an em- barrassment. I can't say some of the things now that I said then. To be sure, there are women all around me to set me straight." BUT UNIVERSITY President Robben Fleming explains that he, as well as men, in general, often discriminated against wo- men without realizing it in many instances. "It was part of our whole culture," he said. I didn't think much about it. Now, I am more conscious and sensitive." "It's funny, I have three child- ren-two daughters," Fleming said, "and I now see ways in which I discriminated, but didn't realize it as discrimination (then) and in fact it was." Men in general are more sen- sitive, but some men," he mus- ed, "are just insensitive, to other males as well." ence a greater sensitivity to the problems which woisen have faced, and continue to face. However, increased awareness about these problems is only a beginning. "We are in the process of a complex social revolution," .aays Regent Power. "Changing at- titudes are most important. We have more options and oppor- tunities to lead full lives. We must talk about our new needs and options. There is no turning back." Tomorrow: Is Affirmative Action Really Working? 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