The Michigan Daily Vol. LXXXVI, No. 29-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 15, 1976 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Udal I frees delegates NEW YORK (A) -- Jimmy Carter moved ever closer to the Democratic presidential nomination yesterday as Sen. Frank Church withdrew from the race and urged support of Carter while Rep. Morris Udall said "a vote for Jim- my Carter is a vote for party unity." Meanwhile, a third rival, Fred Harris of Oklahoma, has sent telegrams to 18 delegates he had won in four states and urged them to support the former Geor- gia governor, his campaign manager confirmed. CHURCH, (D-Idaho), said his dele- gates were "free agents" and urged them to vote for Carter, who is less than 200 delegates shy of the magic number of 1,505. The Associated Press count shows Church has 79 committed delegates, some of whom have not yet been named. By his own count Church has "something over 100." Udall, the Arizona congressman who commands 336 delegates, said his dele- gates "were free to vote for him or any- one they choose.." But he said he was not making a "blanket release." "I'm going to be guided by three principles. One is that I am not going to be part of any destructive bitter-end kind of anti-campaign because the name of the nominee is pretty well known at this point," Udall said. In Washington, a Democratic task force recommended that the party should support a publicly financed national See UDALL, Page 9 BULLETIN The results of the Ann Arbor School Board race are: First--Paul Weinhold Second-Terry Martin Third-Kathleen Dannemiller There were only three posts decided in this election. Doily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER A banner day IT DIDN'T TAKE the rockets' red glare to prove that the "World's Largest Flag" was still over the side of Detroit's I.L. Hudson Building yesterday. A Lilliputian crew of 55 hoisted the colossal banner, 235 feet long and 104 feet high, for the last time. After Flag Day It will be moved to he Smithsonian Institution, but to workers on the fifth floor, the stars and srtipes must seem to go on forever. Women: Making gains at 'U' By LAURIE YOUNG First in Five Part Series Five years ago a lone woman engineering student sat in her 9:00 a.m. lecture in a hall with standing room only, and found the neighboring seats empty. She was told by some that it was not ladylike to wear blue jeans, and by others that she mustn't wear a skirt to class. She must look like an engineer. Five years ago nurses were still subservient to doctors playing a role not unlike a wife in the home where the husband (doctor) takes care of the budget and the wife (nurse) dresses the children. FIVE YEARS AGO a woman professor's job was a lonely one. There were few women colleagues to be found and the "old boys" in the departments were less than comrades. Few support groups existed for women while committees throughout the University were dominated by men. Furthermore, women clericals wanted no association with "Women's Lib." They were afraid to post the bi-weekly Women's Information Network (WIN) bulletin for fear they would jeopardize their good standing with their male bosses. In 1970 the employe-oriented group PROBE filed a class action suit against the University of Michigan for sex discrimination with the Departnent of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW). As a result they drew much attention to women's problems on campus and brought a general awareness of the issues involved to the whole University Community. Certain organizations, such as the Commission for Women and the Affirmative Action Office, were set up to battle the sex discrimina- tion dilemma on campus. Today, women engineering students, whose numbers have grown from 96 undergraduates in 1971 to 316 in 1975 out of a total base of 3200, complain that there are not enough women students. Nurses have developed roles separate from doctors, based on mutual coopera- tion. They are more educated today than ever before and are more concerned with health education and research. Women professors have numerous support groups to choose from, some within their departments, others campus-wide. And the WIN bulletin is every- where now, while female clericals believe in equal pay for equal work. SINCE THE HEW investigation, the University has undergone a major file review of salaries practices, which resulted in an increase in salaries and an up- grade of job classifications of over 100 women em- ployes. 0 The University has implemented a job posting system, which helps to eliminate the problems of the "old boys" network. * The maternity leave policy was revised to allow women to use accumulated sick and vacation time in place of child-care leave. . Major medical insurance -eligibility was expanded to include all non-Union University employes. " The neoptism rule was abolished, and husbands and wives may now teach in the same department. Better grievance procedures have been set up to deal with sex discrimination. . And Title IX, a law which under the 1972 Educa- tional Act prohibits sex discrimination in any area of public education, is it the process of being imple- mented. But the most far reaching change at the University has been the increased awareness of sex roles. Both men and women are thinking more seriously about sexism in both their personal and professional lives. The women's movement and the counterculture revolution of the 60s have combined to encourage a re-examination of traditional roles and values. Men and women alike are discovering new alternatives which are now available to them. See WOMEN, Page 7