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June 12, 1976 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1976-06-12

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Page Twelve


Saturday, June 12, 1976

Tigers sneak past Angels

F-rom Wire Srvice Reports
DETROIT - Ron LeFlore scored from second on a single by
Alex Johnson and a throwing error by second baseman Jerry Remy
with two outs in the ninth inning last night to give the De-
troit Tigers a 4-3 ti,!ory over the California Angels behind the fifth,
consecutive roite-going performince of rookie Mark Fidrych.
LEFLORE beat w- an ioield single with one out and took
second on wild pDikofl attenmp by losing pitcher Paul Hartzell.
Pedro Garcia groonied ot and let-lore held at second. Alex
Johnson hit a booncer over the big at second which Remy back-
handed. LeFlore atreads had rounded third when Remy threw
wild to first.
Fidrych went alt the way for Detroit for the fifth time in
five career starts to raise his record o 4-1 before a crowd of
FIDRYCH outdueled Nolan Ryan and Hartzell, who relieved
Ryan to open the sixti. Iartzell's record fell to 0-2.
Ryan, who had von only one of his last seven decisions, started
for the Angelo but lasted only five innings, giving up the first three
Detroit runs.
THE TIGERS scored twice in the fourth inning, which was de-
layed 51 minutes by two rainstorms, on hits by Rusty Staub and
Ben Oglivie after newlt-acquired Pedro Garcia was safe at first
when the third strike got away from catcher Andy Etchebarren.
Cubs clobber
CHICAGO - George Mitterwald rapped out four singles and
drove in two runs to lead the Chicago Cubs to an 8-3 victory
over the losiston Astros.
MITTERIWALD SINGLED and scored the Cubs' first run in the
second inning, singled and drove in a run in the Cubs' four run
fifth and singled in a run in the seventh when the Cubs wrapped up
the game with three more runs.
Bill Bonham, 5-3, gained the victory although he needed help
from Paul Reuschel in the seventh inning, while Mike Cosgrove,
who blanked the Cubs 1-0 in Houston last Friday, suffered his
fourth loss against two triumphs.
Cleveland cleans up
CLEVELAND - Player - Manager Frank Robinson hit a two-
out, two-run pinch home run it the 13th inning last night to give
Xbse Cleveland Indians a come-from-behind 5-4 victory over the
Chicago White Sox.
CHICAGO HAD scored a rue in tho. top of the 13th off winner
Jih Kern, 5-2, on an infield single by Bill Stein.
But the Indians came back when Larvell Blanks led off with a
single - his fourth hit of the night - and one out later, Robinson
hit his first homer of the season,
The blast off loser Terry Fsrster, 1.3, was the 584th of Rob-
inson's 21-year career.
Kern, the third Clevelind pitcher of 'be night, went the final
1 2-3 innings in relief of Dave LaRoche.
THE INDIANS scored tv-ice in the first inning against Chicago
starter Ken Brett. Blanks tripled to center and George Hendrick
drove him home with a ttco-out single.
Hendrick moved to third on a Rico Cirty single and scored on
Buddy Bell's single.

Eastern Michigan's Ted Dason slides head first to the plate past University of Maine catcher
Mark 4rmstrong in last night's opener of the College World Series. EMIt downed the Blackbears
3-2 to start their venture for the title on a winning note

S eeerQB Gilliam
to sign with Saints?
By The Associated Press missed several quarterback
NEW ORLEANS - The New meetings without excuse.
Orleans Saints are trying to
pick up Pittsburgh quarterback "We feel that Gilliam is a
Joe Gilliam from the National pretty valuable commodity,"
Football League waiver list, but said Hulmes. "He's demon-
officials say the prospect still is strated that he can take a
uncertain. team down into the end zone."
The Steelers reportedly p u t Gilliam reportedly declined
Gilliam on the waiver list last comment except to say he is
week after efforts to trade him "waiting to see what will hap-
failed. Gilliam reportedly h a d pen."

Major League
w L Pet. GM
New York 1 2t t .60 -
Cleseland 04 200.471 7
Boston 23 27 460 7a>
Baltimore 24 09 .45
Detroit 2052tS.45t
Milwaukee 20 28 .417 9%
Knsas City 34 19 .642 --
Texas 30 21 .588 3
Chicato 0 23 .540 51
Minnesota 00 05 .519 t6%
Oakland 26 30 .464 9 t
Califorenia 23 35 .397 13%
Yesterday's Results
New York 7, Texas 5
Kansas City 4, Baltimore 0
Milwaukee 4, Oakland 2
Cleveland 5, Chicago 4, 13 inn.
Detroit 4, California 3
Minesota 10, Boston 4
Today's Games
Chicago (Brett 3-0) at Cleveland
(Waits 0-1).
California )Ross 3-7) at Detroit
(Ruhle 4-2).
Boston (Tiant 7-3) at SMinnesott
(Hughes 2-6).
taltimore (Alexander 3-'?) at Kan
sas City (Busby 2-i).
Texas (Briles 5-2) at New ork
(Pagan 1-0), n.
oakland (Mitchell 1-3) at Milwau,
kee (Travers 7-2), n.
W I. Pct. G1
Pli delicphia 35. 15 .712 -
'ittsbnrglh 30 25 .545 8-
Ne, York 27 31 .466 13
Chicago 24 31 .436 14'
S(. Louis 23 32 .418 1 '
3lfontreai 15 29 .396 16
Cincinnati 36 20 .643
Ls Angeles 32 25 .561 4%
San Diego 2 9 25 .537 6
Hout fon 'N 30 .492 81t
Atlanta 3? 33 .407 13
San Francisco ? 35 .386 14V2
Yesterday's Results
Chicago 8,. Houston 3
Pittsburgh 6, Atlanta 2
Cincinnati 8, St. louis 7
Philadelphia 4, San Diego ?
Montreal at Los Angeles, i
New Yo k at San Francisco. n
Today's Games
Houston (Andukar 2-2) at Chitiago
(Burris 2-7)
New York (Swan 2-6) at San Fran-
cisco (D'Acquisto 0-2)
St. Louis (Falcone 3-5) at Cincin-
nati (Billingham 5-3), twi.
Pittsburgh (Kison 4-4) at Atlanta
(Morton 0-5), n
Phltadelphia(Reed 5-I) or (Under-
wood 2-I) at San Diets (Freisleben

Faster than a speeding baseball is Houston Astro third baseman Enos Cabell. Cabell put on his Superman act in the fifth inning of
yesterday's game with Chicago. Despite all his efforts, Cabell could have used the real Superman's flying powers as the ball
sailed past him for a single by the Cub's Bill Madlock.

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