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June 12, 1976 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1976-06-12

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Sattrdoy, June 2, 1976M


Page Three

GOP runners vier9
4- .
for Mo. delegates '';

SifRiNGFIELD, Mo. GA0 - President
cord began delegate courting at the
tate GOP convention here yesterday
several hours before challenger Ronald
Tea'e was scheduled to arrive to make
his pitcb.
At stake in Missouri are 19 at-large
nationel cowenion delegates who will
be picked by 1,400 Republicans at the
state convention today.
EVEN BEFORE Ford's arrival, skir-
mishes had broien out between support-
ers of the Peident and Reaban over
,he .rdentiat of several hundred state
-onvenion deegates.
The former California governor and
the President were to meet privately
,nd separately with selected groups of
state delegates. Reagan was scheduled
to address the convention today.
Ford was accompanied on Air Force
One by Sen. oward Baker of Tennes-
see John Towe of Texas and Robert
tXe of Kansas.
AT THE Srngfield airport before a
welcoming crowd of 300 sprinkled with
nredomianty ,pro-Reagan signs. Ford
r iterted hi man campaign theme:
Midnight madness
Four youths who staged their own de-
molition derby in Queens early this
morning were arrested and charged
with the d.strution of 20 cars worth
The boys two aged 16 and two 14,
scaled a wall at the National Car Rental
yard on Ditmars Boulevard in the Flush-
ing section about 1:30 a m.
Police said that at about that time
they received cals from area residents
who complained about crashing noises
cming from the National yard. Upon
investigation poice said, they found
+he boys croshi-ig the cars into each
Te two oldes' boys Neil Cuar and Mi-
hael Dakuo, both of Flushing, were
charged witi criminal mischief, unau-
thorized use of an automobile and reck-
less "-dangerment.
The two younger boys, also of Flush-
ing, were chaged with juvenile delin-
Happenings ...
.ithstart a h hiking a swimming
Iith the outig ctub Meet at 1:30 at the
north entrance of Rackham . .. at 7:30
and 9-15 in MLL And. 4, the July 4 Coa-
lition is p-nsoring two film presenta-
fions. They are entitled the "Battle of
Aigiers" and the "Salt of the Earth" re-
srectively . . . and there will be a free
film showing o "Bare Foot Doctor".
This is a Chinese film that has never
been shown in A2. It is showing in the
Ilenderson Rm. of the Michigan League
t 9:00 . . Stday, the People's Bicen-
tennial Commission is having a rum-
mnge c-ale starting at 11:00 a.m. on the
corner of Oakland and Monroe . .
Weather or not
Skies will be partly cloudy today as
things will cool down (?) a bit. The high
tenserature will be in the mid 80's, and
t ight's low will be around 60. There is
a slight chasc of rain. The weekend
Outlook calls foi sunny skies, swimming
and; picnics it will be hot, hot, hot.

tm lis 22-month administration has
pr-i ded peace and prosperity and re-
stored trust ic 1he White House.
For: said h would do his wooing
"tslkic'g affirmatively" about his re-
rord. He iimmsedjately began talking to
state convento'i delegates where Ford
and Reagan forces begAn skirmishing
early ir the day.
For d suporters filed a credentials
challenge alleging that 395 state conven-
tin ielegates, most of them supporting
Reairn, were elected improperly.
'llT s IS dirty trick," said fortster
Rep. Thoma, (urtis (R-Mo.) the man
expeced tr fend the slate of Missouri
delegites fi the former California gov-
Curtis told aiews conference the
charges were "wholly lacking in merit"
and "niotivated by the desire of the
lord c:amp vt' ubtain an unfair political
advantrge"'or Reagan.
"l-rd people i Missouri worked hard
ever these legates before challenging
them." C rtis said Ile contended the
:ote "oeventio delegates were chal-
es fte thyr 5r sotuld[l not be swayed
do Ford.
IVff 1,439 str1te convention delegates
; rtise - - kcitoh eti the remainder of Mis-
souri s 9-nember delegation to the Re-
public-n Nationsl Convention in Kansas
City. Of the 30 selected so far, 15 are
for tod, 12, for Reagan and three un-
Miss.iri's 19 delegates are among
279 delegaes around the country who
tirl be chosen before the Aug. 16 na-
tional convention. Ford now has 959 to
Reagons 868,, rid 1,130 are needed for
the nomination.
Iii Missouri, Gene McNary, the St.
louis County sueevisor and a Ford sup-
porter, filed the challenge against the
-95 Reagan 'state convention delegates.
That challenge will have to be consid-
ered ii the state credentials committee
before the telegates can be seated for
the convention starting Saturday morn-
TII. CHILCNGE of Reagan dele-
gates listed a vlriety of charges, includ-
ing failure to publicize advance notice
of meetings at which the contested dele-
gates were selected, failure to observe
the onic-man, one-vote principle and al-
lowing those "other than of the Repub-
lican faith" to participate.
The committee must also consider a
rhallenge s de by Reagan forces
- gainst 60 Ford supporters to the state

Lion hearted

Hays comes
Wayne Hays, central figure in Wash-
ington' spayroll sex-scandal, was in sat-
isfactory condition yesterday after
emerging from a coma induced by an
overdose of sleeping pills.
It was unclear whether the overdose
was taken accidentally because the stress
on Hays had impaired his judgment on
whether Hays had attempted suicide,
said Dr. Richard Phillips.
"Normally when someone contemplat-
es suicide they leave a note or give
some indication they're going to do it,"
said Phillips, Hays' personal physician.
"We've had no indication. To my
knowledge, there's been no suicide note.
This is an overdose of medication and
it could be accidental and it could be
on purpose," the doctor said.

out of coma
Phillips said the congressman may
have taken 5 to 10 times the normal
dosage of his sleeping pills.
He said a laboratory test at Presby-
terian Hospital in Pittsburgh was un-
able to determite the exact number of
pills Hays took. But the test definitely
showed that the pills were Dalmane,
a sleeping medication, and that no oth-
er drugs were involved.
"The test was unable to accurately
quantitate the level. But it showed that
it was a toxic level that we were fully
aware of," Phillips said.
Phillips said the normal level would
be one pill.
"I said maybe 10 times would do this,
maybe S if he were tired," the doctor
See HAYS, Page 5

Lebanese Christians vow to battle truce force

BEIRUT, Lebanon ('M - Lebanese
Christian leaders vowed yesterday to
fight a pan-Arab truce force, saying the
Arab League decision to send the force
here was "a declaration of an Islamic
war against Lebanon's Christians."
They said they supported Syria's mili-
tary intervention in Lebanon's civil war
"because it is based on nonsectarian con-
siderations and seeks to foster neighborly
and fraternal relations."
Beirut rattled with artillery and rocket
explosions as the Christians held their
summit conference. Witnesses reported
the Syrians were bringing in more troops
and shelling the positions of Moslem
leftists and Palestinian guerrillas,
Other Arab nations were trying to form
the truce force that was agreed upon at
an Arab League meeting earlier this
The Christian leaders threatened to pull
Lebanon out of the Arab League and

seek help from non-Arab foreign powers
to oppose the pan-Arab truce force.
"We shall declare a Christian general
mobilization to go to combat at the
moment the first non-Syrian Arab mili-
tary unit arrives in Lebanon under the
pretext of restoring peace in our coun-
try," said the Christian statement. It
was signed by President Suleiman Fran-
jieb, Interior Minister Camille Chamoun,
Phalange party leader Pierre Gemayel
and Msgr. Charbel Kassis,
They head the major Christian militias
in Lebanon's 14-month civil war that has,
developed into a military showdown
between Syria and Yasir Arafat's Pales-
tinian guerrillas. It is overshadowing the
original Moslem-Christian feud with the
Moslem majority demanding more poli-
tical and economic power from the dom-
inant Christians.
Israeli officials said they feared the

Pan-Arab force might result in Syrian
domination in Lebanon or bring extreme
anti-Israeli troops close to its border. A
Foreign Ministry source said Israel "may
intervene if events threaten Israel's se-
curity." le said Israel was "constantly
reviewing the situation."
The renewed battling between Syrians
and Palestinians touched off a flare-up
also between right-wing Lebanese Chris-
tians and their leftist Moslem opponents.
along the front line dividing Beirut and
the nearby mountains.
Security forces said an estimated 114
persons were killed and 175 were wound-
ed in a 24-hour period, most in mortar,
rocket and artillery exchanges.
Beirut was held under seige by the
Syrians. Bread, vegetables and fruit
were scarce. Prices for canned goods es-
calated. Electricity was shut off and
telephones worked only sporadically.

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