Page Thirt( Friday, June 11, 1976-- THE AMICHIGAN DAILY eer Friday, June 11, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page ThIrt: 60 wi// l __ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 p.m. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original num- ber of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requir- ing pre-payment. i.e., no refunds. information regarding content of classified ads cannot be dis- closed prior to publication. Ad- vertisers names may never be revealed. Number of lines in advertise- ment is determined by total number of words-5 words/line. "Help Wanted" ads cannot dis- criminate on the basis of sex, color, creed or national origin to any extent (i.e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-nf- charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. a (Continued from Page 12) BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING-reasonable rates. IBMS r- lectric. 765-2256 after 11 a.m, 27J817 Typing-transcribing o'nite $1-pg. 25 yrs exper. 1-928-6687 cJ611 NEED A responsible caretaker for your car while you're away this summer? - Make money in your absence?-Will pay rent, maintain, and insure. Call Rick 769-0417 or 994-5114. 14J611 I AM a full-time, free lance typist with considerable experience typing books, dissertations, papers. I type over 100 wpm., perfect accuracy guaranteed. Base rate 70c per page. IBM Correcting Selectric. Call Bill, 665-016. cJtc NEW SERVICE Experienced, Error-Free, Guaranteed Manuscript, Dissertation, S p e e c h Typewriting. Editing. Academic/Pro- fessional. IBM Selectrics. Reason- able Rates. Copying. Pick-up and Delivery. Personalized. Confidential. Telephone Dictation and Notary Services. STEPHENS PROFESSIONAL TYPEWRI TINO SERVICE P.O. Box 181 Ypsilanti Ma. Ms. Stephens 434-1984 75615 BANDS FOR weddings and parties. Don. 761-9431 or 995-2659. cJtc Typing, Copying. Binding Editing, Keypunching Notary Service The Secretariat Dissertation Specialists 812 S. State Street 10 a.m-10 p.m. 994-3594 cJtc ROOMMATES FALL.--2 M/F roommates needed for huge bedroom in 3 BR bi-level apt. near campus. Call 994-4341 after 5. dY612 ROOMMATES NEEDED for Septem- ber. Own room In 3-bedroom furn- ished modern apartment (close to campus). Call 668-7834 evenings. 00Y616 WANTED TO RENT PROFESSORSI On sabbatical this year? Responsible teacher saving for PhD. will care for your home In exchange for free rent this summer or fall until June, 1977. Excellent references. Enjoy plants and ani- mals. 665-8024. , 37L617 BIKES AND SCOOTERS JEUNET 10-SPEED, 23 lbs. Excel- lent condition. 761-0953. 34616 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Black German Shepherd pup- py wearing blue neckerchief in S. University area. Wed. 995-9177. 35A612 FOUND: ten week old puppy in the Arb. Coffee colored with green eyes. Call and identify further. 763-6339. dA611 LOST-If anyone has found a light brown leather wallet, please call Ann Marie at 764-0552. I desperately need my identification. dA PERSONAL FIREWORKS! Buy direct. We ship throughout the U.S. Send for free price list to- day. Purchasers must be 18 yrs. or older. Enclose copy of required Michigan State permits upon pur- chase. Ace Fireworks, Box 221, Con- neaut, Ohio 44030, Manufacturer, Importer, Wholesaler, Distributor. cFtc HEY PARSLEY- How long do you think that you can run that body down, huh? The Other Side dF611 IT'S HOT and it's muggy, but the game here still gets played. Billiards at the Union. cF612 MESSAGES FROM THE MANAGER The mail has started to come again along with some words of advice, inspiration and sheer lunacy. The latter was the most prevalent. Un- fortunately for my devoted readers (cough) I'm not able to reprint any of the weirdness that I received simply because I would have no idea how to go about it. For once in my life I am writeless; that's some- thing like speechless, I suppose. Now down to the nitty gritty, as this column seems to be a personal forum for my boredom I will con- tinue to babble on in relative bliss. NO applause please, just throw money. One thing I must say, it's such a good feeling knowing that I am making a lasting contribution to society through the pages of the classifieds. And if you believe that one I'll tell you the one about the Blind Pig and its master . Debbie, c/o Box 21. OUR PLACE is cool and so are the games. Pinball, Bowling and Bil- liards at The Union, s'612 YOUNG, single, female taxidermist looking for companionship. Prefer- ably a fox. No stuffed shirts, please. Must be animal lover (dead or alive). No turkeys need apply. Write Box 23. 16F612 SKILLED tennis player seeking playing partners or anyone want- ing lessons. Jim. 763-6558, after 5. 31F612 cFtc BITCH, YOU CRAZY! Will be back) June 18, 19, 25, 26, 27 Support your local feminist theatre. PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS Through Beh a v ins Modification. Weight Control National, 994-0019. cFtC PERSONAL FRIENDS LAKE COMMUNITY. 80 acre wildlife preserve near Chelsea: swimming. canoe i ng, picnicing,, camping. Membership $50 per adult. Brochure from Bloods. 2005 Penn- craft, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48103. 48F630 GEO MEMBERSHIP MEETING: 7:30 Tuesday, June i5. Rackham Amphi- theatre. Bargaining-Review and dis- cussion of Administration Counter- proposals--and other issues. 23F615 ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING Offset Printing, Xerox copies Xerox reductions, photostats, half tones, typesetting and much more. STUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOME 214 S. 4th Ave. 994-4664 cF0102 TA's/RA's/SA's-What did the ori- ginal American revolutionaries do when faced with the choice between non-representation, and collective action against oppression? Like George III, the University Admin- istration wants to determine your economic future, whether you like it or not. Interested in continuing the revolution this fall? Send name, address, dept. phone no. to GEO/ YES, 514 E. William, Ann Arbor, 48108, or phone 995-0221. 98F628 PERSONAL PERILS OF AML Closer and closer comes the dastard- ly Monsieur Kraemer to AML. Still sobbing, she is unaware of his presence. He lunges out, enclasps his strong hand around our pony- tailed heroine's sleek, pretty throat. What will she do? How will she es- cape? The cards are dealt. LINDA A whirled-famous noose caster at only 21! Happy Birthday with love, J . 40F611 PROFESSIONAL Ha are p odu to, a complete atock on display. U Stylists at the Union. cF612 Happy Birthday Fuzz! Noodles are wet, Snake charmers blow, You'll go in in style Suckin' his toe. 36F612 STUDY GROUP FORMING: Grad students or undergrads-inter- ested in reading text/articles about cell biology and/or human psysolo- gy and meeting once or twice a week for discussions? If so, call David at 995-3406, after 7 p.m. 89F619 PREGNANT? Need help? Call Prob- lem Pregnancy Help, 769-7283. 400 S. Division. Free pregnancy tests. PERSONAL COPYING CLOSEST TO CAMPUS Hooks, slassnotes, papers, resumes- Dissertation quality. low prices. Every day-evening. From 2%2c per copy. 211 S. State (near Glno's). 662-3969. cFte HEART CENTER! SCHOOL OF AS- TROLOGY. Instructors: Michael and Margaret Erlewine. Teaching since 1967. Classes, Natal Charte. Retail Textbooks, Readings, Certificatian 663-6677.68F515 Lifework ponsors a WEEKEND WORKSHOP CAMPOUT for MEN. Interpetsonal group & campout. June 18, 19. 20 sliding scale fee Contact Richard Kempter, 995-0088 & leave a messae or Michael Andes 662-2801. 19F612 BOARD EXAM TUTORING-Enrall- ments now being accepted for S.H Kaplan Tutoring Courses to prepare for the MCATS, DAT, LSAT, and Nat. Dent. Boards. Call (313) 354- 0085: locally, 662-3149. cFte ICE CREAM- CARAMEL CORN CASTLE Now Open 11-11 E. Liberty, 2 blocks east of State Chili dogs and sandwiches, tol Not open Sundays cF618 DIRECT PURCHASING volume sell- ing and marginal profits assure yon that your diamond will be an in- vestment at Austin DiamOnd, 120 S. University, 663-7151. eFti We have a complete prophylactil department. The Village Apothe- cary, 1112 S. University. eFts C 4 F 1 4 t 1 1 E ___ 1 a ... missing out on some of the DAILIES because of delivery mistakes ? OR. disagree with a bill we sent you for THE DAI[Y? WE'D LIKE TO TRY TO STRAIGHT- EN OUT THAT PROBLEM, BUT WE CAN'T IF YOU DON'T LET US KNOW ABOUT IT. Monday thru Friday, 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. CIRCULATION Efg i dJtgj f j a i 764-0558 DEPARTMENT I RC Summer Theater presents: "The North Beach Gang . Friday & Saturday Evening at 8 :0 0 U& 10 :30 P .M . East Quad Auditorium-$1 .25 A i m