Grass, city, and state By LARRY LEMPERT (Second of two parts) IN HIS OPINIONS upholding Ypsilanti's $5 pot law Washtenaw County Circuit Judge Pat- rick Conlin has ruled that there is room on the field of marijuana regulation for enforce- ment of city law. In effect he has said the local team can play ball in one corner of the field even though the state team is carrying on at the other end. The state Court of Appeals where the chal- lenge to Ypsi's ordinance is now pending is like- ly to reach a second problem. As a rule the local players who are sharing the field cannot obstruct the state game; they cannot interfere with state outfielders when fly balls land in the local corner. This is problem number two for the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti marijuana laws: do they conflict with state law? Conflicts come in various shapes and sizes. The traditional lore is that the city cannot per- mit what the state law prohibits nor can it pro- hibit what state law permits. The local mari- juana laws however fall into a gray area-like the state Controlled Substances Act they prohibit the activity but place differene penalties upon it. ASSISTANT COUNTY PROSECUTOR John Hen- sel responds that the Ypsi ordinance pro- hibits the activity only in a marginal sense. "Ypsilanti is not trying to prevent deter or punish delivery of mariquana" he has written, "but is rather pretending to do so" Taking the ordinance at its word, Conlin has ruled that "lesser penalties do not auto- matically create a fatal conflict." To an extent, Michigan cases support this view. In 1889, for example, the state Supreme Court upheld a Detroit ordinance that prohibited keep- ing a "house of ill fame." The ordinance pro- vided for a fine of up to $500 or imprison- aent up to 6 months until the fine was paid. A state law enacted in 1887 made the same offense a felony, with imprisonment up to 5 years. But in that case, the legislature had spe- cifically authorized Detroit to "prohibit, pre- vent, and suppress the keeping and leasing of houses of ill fame" and to provide for punish- ment with fines or imprisonment. The court ruled only that the subsequent enactment of a general state law with different penalties was not intended to repeal this specific, open-ended authorization. Hence, despite the difference in penalties, there was no conflict problem. Ypsilanti City Attorney Ronald Egnor stress- es that the Controlled Substances Act sets maxi- mum penalties -- fines and prison terms are stated in terms of "not more than" a given dollar amount or number of years. As long as there has been no preemption, a penalty of $5 is "cot more than" the specified maximum and is, Egnor argues, not conflicting. THE MORE SERIOUS conflict questions may be posed by the provisions in the local laws that city police officers can bring mari- juana complaints only to the city attorney. Under Michigan law, city police officers are players on both the state and local teams. In a memorandum to Ann Arbor City Council in July, 1974, then City Attorney Edwin Pear said that, under state law and the city charter, "it is a duty of police officers to enforce both state laws and city ordinances and charter pro- visions and to make complaints to the proper officials." Furthermore, Pear said, the $5 fine for vio. lating the charter amendment's provisions would apply to a police officer who brought a mari- juana complaint to a county prosecutor rather than the city attorney. This created a fatal conflict with the policy expressed by state law, Pear concluded, saying, ""The Ann Arbor mari- juana amendment provides that an officer may be guilty of a violation of the Charter if he does what is, under state law and the Charter itself, his statutory duty." Finally, the state constitution and the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution contains bans against double jeopardy - trying and punishing a person twice for the same criminal act. In the 1970 case of 'Waller vs. Florida,' the U.S. Supreme Court said that, once a defendant had been tried under a municipal ordinance, he could not be prosecuted for the same conduct under a state statute. According to Terrance Sandalow, a University of Michigan law professor who has co-authored a text on local government law, the 'Waller' decision is a troublesome precedent for those who would defend the local marijuana laws. "BUT FOR 'WALLER'," says Sandalow, "it might be possible to say that the exist- tence of the city ordinance does not interfere with enforcement of the state statute." After 'Waller', he says, the claim is difficult to make. Mailing in payment of the $5 penalty would in- sulate a person cited for selling marijuana from prosecution under the state law, even though "delivery" under the state statute could have brought a 4-year prison term. This is not to say that a decision against the Ypsilanti ordinance is certain. The court may see no conflict or, on the basis of 'Waller,' a total conflict. The court may find no room on the field for local marijuana regulation, or it may find ample room. It may uphold the en- tire ordinance, invalidate the entire ordinance, or uphold some parts of the ordinance while invalidating others. Indeed, the court may dispose of the issue once again on procedural grounds, leaving city officials, attorneys, and law prfessors to pon- der questions of preemption and conflict to their hearts' content. And of course, further appeal to the state Supreme Court is always a possibili- ty. Hansel, for one, has said he would appeal a ruling adverse to his position. As for marijuana penalties at the state level, the House of Representatives this spring killed a much-debated attempt to liberalize the law. The proposal would have reduced the penalty for possession of small amounts to $100 or 90 days in jail, or both. Meanwhile, the local laws continue to be enforced. More than 400 offenders have felt the kiss of Ann Arbor's pot law since it was enacted two years ago. Despite the misgivings of former City Attorney Pear as to the limitations on po- lice discretion, police are complying with the terms of the marijuana amendment, according to Deputy Police Chief Harold Olson and Act- ing City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw. The same is true in Ypsilanti, says Engor. In fact, he adds, because marijuana enforce- ment is not high on Ypsi's priority list, in- validation of the ordinance "wouldn't make a hill of beans of difference to the city." As for the "college student with a joint," Egnor says, "we weren't prosecuting him anyway." As city attorney for several of those years, Lax was confronted with the same legal ques- tions that are now Ybeing litigated. "It's no worse than living with an uncertain economy," he says, "or the weather - that's life." Larry Temert, a former Daily associate man- aging editor, is a University law student The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Friday, June 11, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Spitz, Jahn, Dahnmniller for Board of Education THE DAILY ENDORSES Edward Spitz, Harvey Jah and Kathleen Dannemler for the three ca Board of Education seats in Monday's election. Out eight candidates for the vacancies, these seem to p sent the best prospects for a continuation of Ann A bor's fine public school trcscition. Because of a recent cut-off in state aid, concern ov budget and curriculum priorities has expanded conside ably, and it is important that budget restrictions not used as an excuse to cut back on progressive education trends, The two current members running for reelectit Terry Martin and Paul Weinhold, and a newcomer, s phen Liu have shown themselves to be of the "read writing, and 'rithmetic" school, a position which see out of touch with the needs of the modern public sch student. We recognize the need for basic learnings and fundamental curriculum, but to carry such fund mentalism too far is to stifle creativity and narrow s dents' horizons. On the other hand, candidate Robert Tulloch goes far to the opposite extreme. He maintains the need totally open classrooms throughout the school syste ignoring the fact that many students fare poorly in su an unstructured atmosphere. Such extreme advoc makes for alienation on the board where a spirit of co promise and cooperations is most practical. Ellen Blue, is apparently basing her candidacy large part on the fact that the school system refu her a teaching position--scant justification for a wor while campaign. Also her position on discipline is so what disturbing; she told a Daily reporter that she discipline in city schools as relatively lenient beca "You can't swat them (the students)." Jahn, an Adrian College instructor who comm to work from Ann Arbor every day because he wants children "to grow up in a richly diverse environme proposes to create alternative education sections in e school. This position is fair to all students, where loch's and the RepublicIns' are fair only to some. Spitz would brine to the board not only a comT ment to progressive education but a fine background financial matters. An instructor at Eastern Michi University, he holds a PhD in economics. If elected, plans to seek more parental and student involvement board affairs. Kathleen Dannemiller proposes much the same gressive policies as Spitz and Jahn. A job accountab analyst for University Vice President for Student Se Henry Johnson, she has an impressive background personnel matters; in board proceedings dealing employes, such background would be welcome. We urge support of these three candidates on day. Summer Business Staff BETH FRIEDMAN ......................... ...... .. .Business PETE PETERSEN ................................ Advertising cr KATHY MULHERN ......D..................... Display Advertising CASSIE ST. CLAIR ........... ....................... Circulation DEBBIE DREYFUBSs................. ,.. ....Clssiied BET TAFR . ........................... Bead NANCY BOon.....................t isaty AdertsngAt~t DAN BLUGERMAN.......... OLLIE KIESEL......... DON SIMPSON ........ Summer Sports Staff BIL STIEG........ tICH LERNER.......Execut ve sp ENID GOLDMAN BOB....LE............... HANK WHITNEY ..........................-~ TODAY'S STAFF: News: Ann Marie Lipinski, Jenny Miller, Mike Norto Ken Parsigian, Tim Schick, Mike Yellin Editorial: Jim Tobin Arts Jeff Selbst Photo technician: Scott Eccker Mailbox: The July 4th Coalition To The Daily: This year being the bicenten- nial, we ought to reflect on the state of our nation, Unemployment is declared at a "low" point at 7.3 per cent; percentages are fine, but in hu- man lives that means at least 15 million people out of work. Meanwhile, day care funding is vetoed, school budgets cut, hos- pitals are closed - and, as usual, corporate profits soar. In preparation for the peoples' re- sistance, Congress juggles and maneuvers with the repressive S-1 Bill, and the FBI/CIA com- plex continues its police-state tactics' In response to this repression, the National July 4th Coalition, a coalition of over 100 national groups, has called for a mass demonstration and p e a c e f u l march in Philadelphia on July 4th. The subsequent mobilization of local coalitions includes or- ganizations which struggle day to day in their respective com- munities. This is not simply a one-shot deal where one organ- ization calls for one demonstra- tion, nor is it a sectarian group; it is a democratic and broad- based unification of all those whose daily lives are part of the struggle for a truly democratic society. -Irene Brody, Co-coordinator