SThe Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 27-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 11, 1976 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages
State may hike Uaid
The appropriations committees of both state legisla-
tive houses have recommended generous school aid bills r"
that stand a fairly good chance of escaping a veto by
Governor Milliken.
But here in Ann Arbor, University officials claim
that the increase, should it come, would be "insignifi-
cant" to the average student, and would not result in a
lowering of tuition rates.i
THE BILL proposed by the Senate Appropriations Committee
would provide a statewide education budget of $1.5 billion, ex-
ceeding Milliken's guidelines by $56 million. The House Coi-
mittee's bill, for a slightly lower amount, tops the governor's
recommendation by about '16 million.
The House Committee also approved a budget for the Uni-
,ersity of $110.7 million, an increase of $4.1 million over last
Sen. Jack Faxon (D-Detroii), who wrote and sponsored the
Senate bill, has hopes about its passage even though the governor
has repeatedly vowed to v-o any spending increases in the coin-
in' year.
"I DON'T think he'll seto the bill," said Faxon. "He hasn't
begun to feel the wrath ... that'll come when he starts to tam-
per with the education of twc million Michigan children. He'll
pipe a different tune whner thet happens."
Faxon's bill contains a notel "weighted funding" plan which 1 s
increases spending in grades 1-3 and 10-12, thought to be the criti-
cal years in a child's education.
The senator was venomous in his condemnation of Milliken's
policies. "I think his budget is woefully inadequate," he declared. P Photo
"I can't be a party to any attempt to divest the schools of their Raindrops eep n
responsibility to provide basic education to the people of this
state." KIM FISHER of Lancaster, Pa, has found her own way of coping with the blistering heat.
See 'U', Page 2 Just take out the 'ole watering can and pour on the cool.
Boo stores pick David's remains
It was a battle of the bookstores at the bankruptcy auctio
held for David's Books yesterday afternoon at the Union Ballroom,
as several Ann Arbor bookstores scrambled to cash in on the
bargain prices.
Border's, Logos, Charing Cross and the Uiversity Cellar spent
the larger part of the afternoon amiably bidding against each
other, and the Cellar apparently walked away with the lion's
share of the books.
Though all the bookstore representatives claimed the competi-
tion was negligible, more often than not, the final bidding on any
ione purchase involved only bookstore people.
Said the Cellar's Richard Gordon, "I don't feel we are in
competition, we're all looking for different kinds of books."
Peter Birkerts of Charing Cross bookstore agreed. "Everyhbody's
interested in different kinds of stuff," he said.
55 All the representatives, along with most of the other book-hunt-
ers at the auction, had cased out the forty-odd bookcases filled with
old paperbacks and hard-backs, picking out the shelves containing
ooks of interest.
The auction itself was done in a rather unorthodox fashion that
required a 20-minute instructional spiel at he beginning just for
explanation's sake.
Biding was to be done "by the shelf", the smallest possible
purchase being a whole shelf of books, ranging anywhere from
50 to 90 books. Auctioneers Lloyd Braun and Jerry Helmer went
from. bookcase to bookcase, and the highest bidder at any parti-
cular bookcase received the right to choose all the shelves desired.
The highest bidder on the next round got his choice of the shelves
left over, and so on, until all the shelves had been sold.
The proceedings were dominated by two auctoneers whose pro
Daily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER digious vocal abilities drew comments and stares from the as-
Wih, Wegotta'$35hobids$50shoobydoo$75" auctioneer Jerry Helmer presided over David Kozu- sembled book-hunters.
hei's (formerly of David's Books) final sale, a bankrupcy auction in the Union Ballroom yesterday. See HECTIC, Page 14