Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, June 10, 1975 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, June 10, 1976 Ray not lone guman in Ki ng death, lawyersays MEMPIS, Tenn. ' - One represent a man for six years of James Earl Ray's attorneys when you feel he's holding said yevterday he is convinced back,' the lawyer said. his client was not acting a one LIVINGSTON discussed his in the 19%8 slaying of )r. Mar- long-felt opinions about the c se tin Luther King Jr. as he disclosed that Ray hzad Rohert Livingston said Ray's petitioned the appeals court to only hope for freedom fr >m a relieve him and Lesar of furth- 99-year prison sentence is to er duties. tell all and hope for executive Ray's petition did not itdi- clemency. rate he was upset at his at- "I'M CONVINCED he's cov- torneys. ering up for someone," Living- "Both attorneys have repre- ston said in a telephone Inter- sented petitioner Ray without view. "If he's withholding in- fee for the past six years in formation - and I think he what petitioner believes a com- is - he might have hope of mendable manner," Ray wrote executive clemency from the from his prison cell at Nash- governor of this state if he ville. made a clean breast of what "And while there is still a he knows ... I think there are possibility of relief ... it is of those who have not been brought such in percentages that peti- to justice." tioner does not intend to birden Livingston and Washington at- said attorneys with the appeal torney James Lesar have rep- and the resulting time and ex- resented Ray for six years in penses although the petitioner an attempt to win him a full does intend asking the high trial on murder charges in con- court pro se for self to re- nection with the King assassina- view the record." tion. LIVINGSTON said those state- But the courts have refused ments indicated Ray intended to grant Ray's petition to with- to proceed without an attorney draw his 1969 guilty plea. The to seek Supreme Court review Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Ap- of the case. peals recently refused to con- But the criminal lawyer said sider the case. he thought further appeals to the "IT'S BEEN SO difficult to courts would be fruitless. FBI investigates Hays' .. WASHINGTON £4' - The FBI is investigating an allegation that Rep. Wayne Hays (D-Ohio) used public funds to buy paint- ings, antiques and oriental rugs during trips abroad, a Justice Department source said vester- day. A Hays spokesman said the objects were bought with his own money, not with tax- payers' funds. The source said the investi- gation is in a very preliminary stage, and that prosecutors do not yet have any reason to be- lieve that it is true, or not true. Meanwhile, the House agreed to turn over to a federal grand jury the payroll records of four House committee employes, in- cluding those of Hays' former mistress, Elizabeth Ray. The grand jury is investigating whether Hays misused public funds in hiring Miss Ray and possibly others. Also yesterday, the House re- vealed that the same federal grand jury had subpoenaed pay- roll records of four staff mem- bers of former Rep. James Hast- ings (R-N.Y.), covering a period from September 1969 to March 31 of this year. The House voted to turn over the Hastings mate- rial at the same time it voted on the Hays subpoenas. It was the first indication of an official probe of aHstings' staff. A Justice Department sou,'ce said the Hastings investigation is entirely separate from that of Hays, "and does not involve girls." Hays' spokesman Carol Clatw- son confirmed that Hays has a collection of oil paintings, an- tiques and rugs at his Ohio farm and in his congressional office. She said Hays had bought the items with personal funds aver a period of 20 or 30 years, and she denied flatly that any gov- ernmental money was usad. "He has receipts and can- celled checks for all items that were purchased," she said, ad- ding that FBI investigators had not yet asked to see the re- ceipts and checks. She said she did not know spending the purchase price or pres '." value of the items, but sid "We're not talking about i lions of dollars." The Justice Depar';mert source would not say wno had accused Hays of using govern- ment funds for the purchases, but said, "We do have an aeit- gation and we are inveseigat- ing." The source said :he otie gation did not come from Mi, Ray. Mrs. Clawson said Hays was pleased with his primary elec- tion win in Tuesday's hallorng in Ohio. "Our figures show lie got in excess of 60 per cent f the vote. In the face of all t±e adverse publicity he's received in the last two or tnree weeks, he's very gratified that ha wo, -" Television viewing tonight ..the insulation of the future uhere. P o ~ dBy now almost everyone knows about Fortrel Polarguard, the incredible continuous filament polyester fiber. The advantages of Polarguard (safe and protective insulation, maintenance of loft when wet, tough and easy to fake care of, resilient, lightweight, compressible, odorless, mildewproof, non- allergenic, etc.) are rapidly changing old notions about what's belt to put between your body and the cold, wind and wet outside. The Snow Lion Snow Fox, is the best summer bog around. 5" loft, 2 lbs., 14 oz. weight. Temperature rating of 25'. Price $49.50 Come in and talk to our experienced sales staff to help make the right selection for your needs. We have complete lines of both Down and Polar- guard sleeping bags. JEANS AND CORDUROY SALE STILL IN PROGRESS - PolarGuard iBVO UAC - BANKAMERIaRI 330 S. STATE ST. (NICKELS ARtCADE 76 1-6207 M-s 9:30-5;30 FRIDAY 'TIL 8:00 600 7 11 13 NEWS 9BEVERLY HILLBILLIES 20 CISCO KID-Western - 50 BEADY BUNCH-Comedy 62 I SP'Y--Adveature 6:30 4 13 NBC NEWS- John Chancellor 9 NEWS 7:00 2 CuSNEWS-Walter Cronkite 4 BOWLING'FOR DOLLARS 7 ABC NEWS-Harry Reasoner 11 BRADY BUNCH-Comedy 13 HOGAN'S HEROES- Comedy 7:30 2 TREASURE HUNT-Game 4 DON ADAMS' SCREEN TEST--Game 7 MATCH GAME PM 9 ROOM 222 8:00 2 11 WALTONS 4 13 MAC DAVIS-Variety 7 24 WELCOME BACK, N------- S The jlaIS a7 difference!! 00 iPREPAWERE : yss et McAT er35 years of experience !and success ! : DAT smai classes r Voluminous home S GRE study materialsf !A G Courses that are f !f D constantly updated f ! S OCA Tape facilities for CATreviews of class CATME BUSn: mater is ! Make-ups for ! EF G missed lessons NAT L MED 8DS 1 NAT' . DENT S ! wrlloi or tralt 0 1945 Pauline Blvd. Ann Arbor 48103 0 ! 6241494 ! " " ! ! ! ! EDUCATIONAL CENTER ! !!! rances n aoUs Ctes 0! KOTTER,Comedy 9 MUSIC MAKERS 50 MERV GRIFFIN 56 DETROIT BLACK NEWS 62 MOVIE-Western BW 8:30 7 24 BARNEY MILLER 9 TOMMY COMMON'S MUSICAL WORLD 20 WRESTING. 30 LOWELL THOMAS REMEMBERS-Documentary 56 INNER CITY FREEWAY 9:00 2 11 HAWAII FIVE-0-. Crime Drama 4 13 MOVIE-Drama "Winner Take An1" 7 24 STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO--Crime Drama 56 RACHEL, LA CUBANA- Opera 10:00 2 IRONSIDE-Crime Drama 7 HARRY O - Crime Drama 9 AMERICA-Documentary 11 BARNABY JONES- Crime Drama 62 PTL CLUB-Religion 10:30 20 MANNA-Religion 56 JOURNEY THROUGH EDEN-Travel 11:00 2 4 7 11 13 24 NEWS 9 CBC NEWS-Lloyd Robert- 11:30 2 MARY HARTMAN, MARY HARTMAN-Serial - Mae is sending the night with the Hartmans 4 13 JOHNNY CARSON 7 24 MANNIX--Crime Drama 9 NEWS 11 MOVIE-Adventure "The Last Grenade" 12:00 2 MOVIF--Comedy BW "Cluny Brown" 9 MOVIE-Drama "The Chalk Garden" 62 NEWS 12:40 7 MAGICIAN-Drama 1:00 4 TOMORROW-Tom n ci er 1NEWS 1:25 11 NEWS 1:50 7 NEWS 2:00 2 MOVIE-Drams "'The Starfighteres" THE MICHIGAN DAILY Vol'ome LXXXVI, No. 26-s Thursday, June 10, 1976 is edilted and managed by stud:f is at the Universityoft Michigan tNes phone 764-052. Second class pi ie paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 4510. published d a it y Tuesday throuch Sunday morning during the Unier- sity year at 420 Maynard Street, nn Arbor, Michigan 4109 SubscriP=ion rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes- trs ; $13 by mail outside An Arbor. Suammer session published Tues- day t h r o u ghSaturday morni, Subsciption rot-es: 66 5t in Ann Arbor; $7.70 by mail outside An Arbor. NORTH CUT CANOE LIVERY and SALES i ^ PAmRmo Scenic CANOE HIGIsSTRIPS 27 KE 100 EXIT DOWN the 'Cut' S0North Cut Canoe Liverv ST1 NE & Sales, Higgins Lake 1'R LE County Road 1O-ONear em l Hiusins Lake South State PRESERVE hn LAKEcDrk. P' fick-ups at 12 mile aRfoGE bridae or at 24 Miie r7 toS Houahton Lake exit. The Cut is 24 miles of un- C spoiled wilderness scen- LK -Phone: 517-821-9521 "HAVE YOU DISCOVERED THE CUT?"