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June 10, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-06-10

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The Michigan Daily

VoL LXXXVI, No. 26-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 10, 1976

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Carter gains
backing of
former rivals

DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL contender Frank Church stands outside his
suburban Washington home yesterday after announcing his plans to remain in
the race.
Church clings to candidacy

sp~eeia To The Daily
BETIESDA, Md. -Frank Church re-
fused to withdraw completely from con-
tention for the Democratic presidential
nomination yesterday morning, saying he
will delay a final decision until after the
dust has settled from Jimmy Carter's
battle for convention delegates.
"We need to wait a few days to see if
uncommitted delegates or those pledged
to defeated candidates are going to now
move toward the frontrunner in suffi-
cient numbers to assure him a first bal-
lot victory" at next month's nominating
convention in New York City, said the
Idaho senator.
BUT CHURCH noted it was "likely"
that uncommitted delegates would sup-
port the Georgia governor, and said he
would not actively attempt to deny Car-
ter the nomination.
Church made his announcement yes-

terday before Senator Henry Jackson,
Alabama Governor George Wallace, and
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley pledged
their support for Carter.
Church, who some observers believe
has been jockeying for the vice-presi-
dential slot, said he knew of "no major
differences" between himself and Carter
which would prevent him from accept'
ing an offer to be included on the Carter
BUT BEFORE accepting such an offer,
Church said, he would want to discuss
foreign policy with Carter and also de-
termine "what role Governor Carter
plans for his vice-president to play."
The senator, speaking from the wooded
backyard of his suburban Maryland
home, said "I could have done very
well" in the presidential primaries had
he formally entered the race earlier.
Church delayed his official announcement
of candidacy this year until after the

fly e Associated Press
Jimmy Carter's bandwagon be-
came an express toward the Dem-
ocratic presidential nom-
ination yesterday as defeated riv-
als signed aboard. Carter said they
were delivering more than enough
votes to guarantee him top spot on
the ticket.
But Gov. Edmund Brown of
California wasn't among them. He
vowed to continue his campaign
for the White House, saying "I
don't think the process should pre-
maturely come to a close."
CARTER WAS closing in on a nomi-
nating majority. He needed 379 more
delegates to reach the 1,305 that would
assure his nomination.
New found allies like Sen. Henry Jack-
son of Washington and Gov. George Wal-
lace of Alabama had more than that in
their columns.
Wallace asked his delegates to sup-
port Carter and Jackson indicated he
wiil do so next week. .
MAYOR Richard Daley of Chicago
pledged Carter his own convention vote
-and a substantial number of Illinois
delegates are sure to follow his lead.
Sen. Adlai Stevenson III of Illinois re-
leased his 86 favorite son delegates.
Sen. Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota
said Carter was "virtually certain" to
become the nominee. Humphrey said he
would not authorize any presidential
campaign activity in his own behalf, al-
though he didn't quite quit.

REP. MORRIS Udall of Arizona said
he would end his effort to recruit Demo-
cratic delegates, but would not with-
drtw, release the delegates he already
hts, or endorse Carter.
:en. Frank Church of Idaho said he
vw'uld wait a while before deciding what
to do about his candidacy, then talked
about the possibility of vice presidential
nomination on a Carter ticket..
Florida Gov. Reuben Askew switched
his support from Jackson to Carter, say-
ing "it is important to close ranks."
THE MOVEMENT toward Carter
came with surprising speed after he won
218 of the S40 Democratic delegates
awarded in Tuesday's final balloting of
the long primary election season.
Carter won Ohio in a landslide, but
Brown trounced him in California and
an uncommitted slate of Brown and
Humphrey supporters beat him three
to one in New Jersey delegate competi-
Nonetheless, the primary wind-up put
Carter's delegates commitments at
1,126, and if his new supporters would
deliver their delegates, he had more
than enough for first ballot victory.
-Wallace asked his 168 delegates to
swing to Carter.
-Jackson s'opped short of releasing
his 248 delegates, but said he would be
talking with them and would make a
recommendation next week. "I hope all
the candidates .. . will join in a united
appeal to get behind Gov. Carter, who
See WALLACE, Page 7

Ford predicts first ballot victory

WASHINGTON ' ) - President Ford predicted yes-
terday he will win a first-ballot nomination but said he
wants to do it by a sizeable vote and will try to woo
uncommitted convention delegates by telling hem he
is electable and can help other Republicans win on
his coattails.
lord told reperters at a news conference in the
White House Rose Garden that the Republican primar-
ies, which ended Tuesday, were rough competition.
But he doubted they did much damage to GOP efforts
atainst the Democratic choice, who he acknowledged
looks like Jimmy Carter.
THE PRESIDENT said he is pleased to see his
etpublican challenger, Ronald Reagan, indicate he has
traditionally supported his party's nominee and will
an. Ford interpreted that to mean Reagan will line
Up behind him if he is nominated.
"I would say It's been a tough contest," Ford said.
"Competition has been rough. We expected to win
When we started out; we think we'll win in Kansas
City, We've had some disappointments, but we've done

well in Ohio and New Jersey."
Ford and Reagan go to Springfield, Mo., tomorrow
to make personal pitches on the eve of the selection
of 19 at-large delegates in Missouri's Republican con-
vention. Reagan, former governor of California, spent
yesterday at his home in Pacific Palisades, Calif.
LOOKING AhEAD to the Republican national con-
vention at Kansas City in August, the President said
every state is vitally important to his nomination ef-
fort. "We want all of the delegates from all of the
states that we can possibly get," Ford said.
"I am electa'le," he said. "I can bring in more
members of the Congress and state legislators . . .
The delegates want to pick a winner who can help
elect more members of the House and Senate and
more state legislators."
Expressing confidence in his efforts to win uncom-
mitted delegates, Ford declared flatly: "I'll just say
we are going to win on the first ballot.
"I ALWAYS prepare for the worst and the best will
take care of itself," he said. "Winning by 1,131 dele-

gates is good, buc I'd like to win by more than that
on the first ballot."
Ford said "the polls as a whole indicate that I
am electable." He conceded "we have an occa-
sional poll that shows a dip here, a dip there." But if
one takes the consensus of all polls," the President
said, "it proves beyond any doubt that I am elect-
In reply to a question he said he has no plans to
reinstate his earned-clemency program for Vietnam
era draft dodgers and deserters who have fled the
HE DESCRIBED his goals if he is elected in No-
vember as being along the lines of what he sees as his
administration's achievements in his 22 months in the
White House so far.
He ticked off maintaining peace, increasing pros-
perity and restoring confidence and trust in the presi-
dency. But Ford gave no specifics and declined to do
"We'll get into details of programs, but that is pre-
mature at the present time," Ford said.

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