The Michigan Daily
Vol LXXXVI, No. 25-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 9, 1976 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Carter tr ounces
Brown, Reagan win
big in California
fly The Associated Press
Democrat Jimmy Carter won an
Ohio landslide last night and gain-
ed added delegates while trailing
in California and New Jersey. Car-
ter said he had made some rivals
and party leaders into believers in
his drive for the Democratic presi-
dential nomination.
Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr.
want among them. He opened a
un tway lead in the California pri-
m a and said he didn't consider
C er' nomination inevitable,
iad teagan took command at
:it California, opening a wide lead
esident Ford in that winner-take-
H octest for 167 Republican nominat-
ia ma'S. Reagan was gaining 60 per
Ga the GOI vote there.
'art .oeutered with a sweeping vic-
tiio, and his nominally uncon-
n i svp rters won in New Jersey.
H hse atates, Ford was ahead for
Samvina' i votes. And both Repub-
. at claimed they were pleased
S H !tcone.
Ato wan the Democratic presidet-
aerence vote in New Jersey, gain-
' (0 per cent of the ballots, but that
ta 5i:n no delegates.
It separate delegate competition
there, ie was trailing an uncommit-
ted slate studded with supporters of
Brown and Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey.
California belonged to Brown, as early
returns swept him far ahead of Carter
and the Democratic field, with 57 per
cent of the vote. Ohio was Carter's
showcase. tIe was gaining 54 per cent
(f the vote, and led for 117 delegates.
9' inocrats:
Uimnnnmitfed: 46 delegates.
Carter: 35 delegates.
lo rd delegates: 59.
tegan delegates: 0.
ith the day's final numbers still to
be calculated, Carter was ahead for 222
delegates. That would put his nation-
wide total at 1,129 of the 1,505 it wil
take to win the romination.
On the Republican side, Reagan led
far 13 dele'ates, Ford and his uncom-
mitited allies for 150. That would put the
nationwide totals at 954 for Ford, 865 for
Reagan, with 1,130 delegates the magic
number for nomination.
See CARTER, Page 10
DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL candidate Jimmy Carter, winner in
night's Ohio primary, greets supports in Atlanta.
Clerical factions clash
A controversial election in the University clericals'
union UAW local 2401 has sparked acrimonious accusa-
tions and animosity as two factions wage struggle for
Taking place this week, the election pits Clericals
for a Democratic Union (CDU) against Unity Caucus,
iith all union elective posts to be filled.
CDU, VICTORS in the contested January ,elections,
hopes to retain control of the union in the face of a
determined challenge from Unity.
The present elections stem from an appeal filed with
the UAW international by a union group including some
prominent Unity Caucus members. The appeal concerns
"procedural problems" in the January competition.
The UAW international upheld the appeal, overturned
the results of the previous election, and scheduled this
week's elections.
According to Unity presidential candidate and mem-
ber of the appealing group Debbie Moorehead, the
reason for the complaint was improper certification of
election results.
MOOREHEAD maintained that CDU failed to have
the union's election committee certify the results.
"Certification is to be done by the election commit-
tee," Moorehead said, "but it was people who were at
that particular meeting after the election who certified
the results."
Moorehead also pointed to a particular trustee race
as indicative of what happened in January. She said
no candidate gained a formal majority in that race,
yet the entire election was certified even though no
run-off had been held to ascertain a clear winner in
the trustee race.
Moorehead also said the appeal was made because
there was "great confusion (among union members) in
terms of who was eligible to vote and who wasn't" in
the January elections.
SUSAN SUSSELMAN, signer of the appeal and Unity
financial secretary-treasurer candidate, echoed Moore-
head's charges indicting CDU's conduct in the January
elections, adding some allegations of her own.
"The election committee was being intimidated by
one of the factions," she asserted. "They were pre-
vented from enforcing rules they were charged with
upholding." Susselman did not elaborate on the alleged
intimidation, but she did name the faction mentioned
as "the opposition."
Susselman also indicated that there was some con-
fusion over eligibility. She charged CDU with influenc-
ing probable pro-CDU unionists to vote while discour-
aging union members with anti-CDU sentiments.
CDU PRESIDENT Carolyn Weeks vehemently denied
Moorehead's and Susselman's allegations and shot off
some salvos in return.
"They are lying through their teeth," Weeks charged.
"They'll say anything to get back into power."
Weeks went on to term Unity Caucus a "puppet" of
the UAW international, which she claims wanted to
muscle into control over Local 2001.
See POWER, Page 10