Tuesday, June 8, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Supreme Court WASHINGTON (,'P)-Employes that a law or other official act, and others seeking to prove without regard to whether it re- charges of racial discrimination flects a racially discriminatory were handed a setback by the purpose, is unconstitutional sole- supreme Court yesterday. ly because it has a racially dis- The court ruled 7 to 2 that aproprtionate impact. which "bear more heavily "The sc h o o desegregation an one race than another" are cases have also adhered to the no: necesarrily unconstitutional basic equal protection principal f1, that reason. that the invidious quality of a JUSTICE Byron White said law claimed to be racially dis- f(r the court that the Supreme criminatory must ultimately be C urt's previous rulings in cases traced to a racially discrimi- in lving jury selection and con- natory purpose," he said. gressional apportionment had "That there are both pre- :; embraced the proposition dominantly black and predomi- Did regional bias mar Olmpic cage selection?0 (Continued from Page 16) part in the selection. "in choosing the Pan-Am team a year ago wx had universal representation. This year the pre-dominance s eastern seaboard by far. The whole North Carolina staff was there including the assistants and John Lotz of Florida, who was an assistant at North Carolina. There was an awful strong in- flnce from one area." Unlike Smith, who had a vote in the selection process, his ,isi tants did not. However they served in an advisory capacity ts the selection committee. The only member of the actual selec- i committee with ties to the Big Ten is Bill Hoskett, former (i1 Sate basketball star and member of the 1968 Olympic squad. It's a downright shame that Green has been kept off of the mpic Team for what appears to be merely political reasons. You can bet the Soviet Union will have the best players it pa ,ibly can on its team-regardless whether they are from the U, sine, Latvia or Siberia. gives race bias ruling nantly white schools in a com- shall voted to hear arguments -Agreed to hear arguments munity is not alone violative of rather than deciding the case next fall or winter on state laws the equal protection clause" of with no hearing. restricting the sale and adver- the Constitution, White said. -Ruled 7-2 that federal in- tisement of contraceptives, dis- SPECIFICALLY, White re- stallations are exempt from tributing political convention jetted arguments of blacks that state regulations requiring per- delegates without adhering to they suffer unconstitutional dis- mits to discharge polluting ma- the one-man, one-vote rule and crimination because they fail terials into the air and water. permitting seizure of debtors' four times as often as whites in -U p h e I d unanimously the property without an immediate taking a test for police recruits right of the federal government hearing. in the District of Columbia. to regulate ground water pump- IN THE racial case, the court Although the case dealt with ing which it said was threaten- held that mere proof of dis- employment discrimination, the ing the survival of the Devil's criminatory impact "does not greatest inpact of the decision Hole pupfish, a rare species of trigger the rule that racial may be in other areas such as wildlife in a Nevada pond. classifications are . . . justifi- housing and schools. -Ruled unanimously that a able only by the weightiest of Barry Goldstein of the NAACP city may make payroll savings considerations." Legal Defense Fund in New and United Fund deductions The justices said they dis- York said he assumed most em- from employes' paychecks and agreed with a number of fed- ployment discrimination cases yet constitutionally refuse to de- eral circuit courts which have will be brought under Title VII duct union dues. "held in several contexts, in- of the Civil Rights Act, under -Held unanimously that the cluding public employment, that which proof of discriminatory Federal Power Commission, in the substantially disproportion- impact is enoughy. considering proposed wholesale ate racial impact of a statute "IN T H E nonemployment rate increases, may not refuse or official practice, standing fields I would have to take a to take into account their pos- alone and without regard to look at it-but I am worried by sible anticompetitive impact on discriminatory p u r p o s e, suf- it," Goldstein said.rirae. fices ." The two dissenters, Justices William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall, did not discuss the constitutional issue but said the mprove your T Sound 200 D.C. police test should have been invalidated u n d e r Title We wilt connect your TV audio to your stereo v11. system. They said the court's decision * Enjoy your TV audio through your stereo "has the potential of significant- speakers, not just the small speaker in your ly weakening statutory safe- TV, guards against discrimination in 0 Adjust TV tone and volume from your stereo. employment." 0 Get the full, multi-speaker effects of a movie IN OTHER actions, the court: house. -upheld without a hearing a $1uUT. lower court's decision that resi- Only -Call O UN-1-393 0595 dent aliens may be barred from jury duty. Brennan and Mar- 3 3 t l i V k C t E P C .r..._. U w Pa., e so, . Wear Sim I R 4 Y' ,INr I T I IftA% tv7" E Liberty SAM'7.ir636 663-8611 . n. . , , { .. ,. - r b -i . A ,.. a r