Page Tern THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, May 6, 1976 China faults USSR TOKYO I--('hia sid Wedne d'y the Soviet Ut ion "hs outstripped U.S. imperiali atin itt perniciousness and 1n1'tlable greed for exploitation and plitder of the Third World.' The offici nIioho new's agency said nin a Pekog hroadcas monitored herC th t oth superpowirs are eng" ged "it , hbitet ri alry fir the 'oarce of raw matertals and to rkte f;r theI cormodis I the third arid and doing their otmo, tto prcserve th old int)rn ti nat einnoi ordir. The UmI I State. it dtcir d, throagh tI tratt 'a tiona cim- p nie. tt Ind ''wirtd i! tatry in 't ititn ttnder it. con rt I has- ioplanted ittUttrot itotdcktag ttih to the Third Wtrld coonetrI . Butt h a at'tthy'-o'too ?I)? t t dI ' ''ri 'actax of tIle tird W irlid ' i .' ilsh ''iid The Soii't UIott it "'at1 1 1t't ipl erit coit " v''1 that 'hoodwink' and r hiIev expui d the deielopin iicountries in A ia, Afri" aad Iititn tmtria " hr ugh all kind (f 'aid' and s -called 'ioint''tck enter rie . . ' 'ctiualt trant natiinal t coo panies in disguise,' the broadta t dded. EURYTHMY, a New Art of Movement- Speech and Music Made Visible A lecture - demonstration by M A R G A R E T E PROSKAUER, Eurythmist from the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland assisted by Sheila Howard, Eurythmist, and Gerald Juhr, speaker PENDLETON ARTS CENTER Michigan Union FRIDAY, May 7, 1976, at 3 P.M. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. ADMISSION FREE Soonored hbythe Rudolt Steiner Ins itute of the Great Lakes Area EARN SOME CASH and meet people sell- ing Daily subscriptions. Pay is on a com- mission basis. Contact DAN at the Daily between 2-5 p.m. Wednesday and 9-5 Thursday, or call 764-0560 for more in- formation. Christian Phalangists and Palestinians join han ds to dramatize yesterday's ceasefire in war- torn Beirut. Cease-fi*re cIms Beirut (CvntitUfrO rout Page 3) lem streetfighter in the middle of the debris of war. "God willing one day we will sit together and eat together and drink together," he said. "If only the big shots will leave us alone." THE PLA, the regular mili- tary arm of the Palestine Lib- eration Organization (PLO) set up scores of sandbagged posi- tions to form a one hundred- yard-wide buffer zone along the two-mile front line separating BENEFIT CONCERT FATURING-- MARTIN BELL Gaitatist and Composer and Vocalist ursday- p.m. TICKETS $2.00 ST. CLARE EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2309 PACKARD ROAD Christian and Moslem neighbor- hoods in Beirut. The cease - fire was worked out by the Syrian - Lebanese - Palestinian truce committee to allow a session of parliament scheduled for Saturday to elect a replacement for President Suleiman Franjieh, a Christian. The leftist Moslem alliance made his departure, before his term expires in September, a major demand. Afterwards, they want discussions on re- forms in the Christian - domi- nated political system. THERE WAS growing specu- lation that the election may be delayed. It was originally sched- uled for last Saturday but was postponed at the last minute. The local press quoted Inter- ior Minister Camille Chamoun, a Christian, as saying he did not expect the session to take place until security improved. The leader of the right-wing Christian Phalange party, Pi- erre Gemayel, was quoted by the Phalange pirate radio as saying he may send a delega- tion to Syria to seek clarifica- tion about the deadlock in the presidential race. Only Maine raises more po- tatoes than Idaho. IN THE NATION THIS WEEK "For more than 100 years The Nation has stood for con- sistencv, honesty and idealism. It's roots run deep in the experience of America's poor and dispossessed. More than one generation of form workers have drawn encouragement and inspiration from its steadfast defense of the farm workers' cause. We believe in The Nation and in the high ideals it has always upheld. The Nation embodies what Ghandi taught: 'In a gentle way you can shake the world'" -CAESAR CHAVEZ Only in this week's Nation, "The Nation," 333 Sixth Ave., N.Y.C. 10014 SPECIAL RATES FOR STUDENTS I i EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION PROJECT OUTREACH M ASS ME E TING MAY 6-7:30 p.m. ANGELL, AUD. A 27 Community Settings Psych. 201 PARTICIPATE IN RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS WANTED FOR OPINION RESEARCH EARN $7 in 2 Hours Cali MHRC at 995-0160 (corrected number) FROM 9-5 WEEKDAYS