Saturday, June 5, 1 976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Saturday, June 5, 191b THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Page Seven e Indy 500 car radio while "Woodstock" streamed from another - the festi- vities of that event and this one seemed similar. One married couple in tennis shoes and windbreakers sat, almost hid- den, on the teeming corner of Georgetown and 1Ath. They said they were from Scottsdale, Arizona, and they'd come to the Speedway the night before the race every year. "Wouldn't miss it for the world," said the man. "This is all an integral part of the race. It's almost like it's programmed for you. The sirens go by, the helicopters . . . We used to walk up and down but we got tired of it and then we realized that we could sit right here and let every- thing go by. And we've seen every- thing go by." t TALL MISCREANT, in an "Indy 500 '76" t-shirt perhaps 19, strolled the length of Georgetown Ave. past the creeping cars. At ev- ery window he lunged, screaming at the top of his beer-soaked lungs at the shocked passengers. A hundred cars he must have nassed, shrieking and wagcing his tongue at people. Why did he do it? "I'm fucked up, man. What can I say?" That seemed to be enough ex- planation; this was Indy and people were doing exactly what they pleas- ed, doing things as crazy as risking fiery, horrible death on an asphalt oval, trying to get around it faster than 32 other fools. All the drive of Indianapolis and the racing world, the speed and courage that brings these masses to the Speedway on Memorial Day Weekend, seems to be embodied in the person of one A. J. Fovt. No driv- er is as popular, none seem to cap- ture the attention of the fans as does Foyt, who has won at Indiana- polis three times and is almost al- tim those missiles around the track were what these fans would never be, aut on this night they could shout ad drink and swear. This and the text day's deadly driving are part f the same entity. huge block of hard-eyed teen- tgers formed a long gauntlet along he street, pressing close to cars as hey crawled forward. They would ang on the windows, grab the car y the rear, hoist it off the ground, hen drop it suddenly when the driv- r gunned the engine. The rubber hrieked, burning on the hot pave- Rutherford, the winner (top); Foyt, the runner-up (bottom) The Saturday Magazine LS~ r/Y t r ~r ~l ri~rrl Irr ~~~ r anxiety and calm that characterizes, a professional about to risk his life for a great deal of money. The long pit wall is lined with the thirty-three machines (they are almost always called "machines" rather than. "cars") but only Foyt's draws a crowd. He sits between a couple of leathery cronies who whisper inau- dibly into his ear and make him laugh. He drinks in the attention but stays remote from the fans who crave his smile and recognition. Foyt's bronze head is like his body thick, solid, like a stone cube with edges smoothed by the ferocious acceleration of the race track. It is hard to tell where he gazes behind those impenetrable sunglasses, but his occasional distant, grave looks are softened by the easy smile that reveals a trim line of perfect teeth. His jutting chin sticks out like a bully's, but his quick grins to the fans who holler out his initials are grudgingly kind. IOYT'S RIGHT HAND grabs two fingers of his left, squeezes them, lets them romp, then grabs them again. His smiles, except to friends and the members of the crew who stand nearby, are frozen and automatic. His recognition of his worshippers appears to be mere rou- tine, something that he learned was part of the game a long time- ago. A Barbie Doll of a young woman, with long, meticulously waved hair and a snow-white jumpsuit prances up and asks to pose with him for a pic- ture; he acquiesces, with a brawny hand planted around her shoulders, showing a broad set of teeth as the camera clicks, then sits down im- mediately without a further glance or word in her direction. Bang, bang, bang - he slips people memories, then forgets them. One assumed he was nervous as his hands continued to fiddle; the nar- rowest track in racing with thirty- two over - competitive fiends charg- ing down his tall awaited him. When Pat Vidan would wave the green flag twenty feet above his head as he passed beneath the starter's stand a scant hour later, none of the tension would matter any more - transformed into the competitive rage that has made Foyt the demon- ic darling of racing and Indiana- polis. It was an irregular race, halted af- ter only 255 miles had been chalked up on the spedometers of the hungry race-car engines-but it didn't seem to matter. The anticipation o'- he night before, the starting line "'ak of excitement had already been achieved, and the rest was denoue- ment. While officials desnerately tried to dry the track when it seem- ed the rain might abate. the fans sat patiently, hardly seeming to mind the fact that the cars had stopped. The festival had come off as usual, with beer and cars resplendent. A.J. had only come in second, but he would have another chance next year and the year after. The fans as well, would be back. Jim To'bin is (hr Daily's co-director of f/se 'dilorial page. zeit as stench and smoke rose and he car surged forward - all to the lasty approval of the gauntlet. "They love that, don't they?" niled a helmeted cop with an 18- ach steel flashlight in his hand. He rinnned widely, partly in amusement f the childish antics, partly because e seemed to love the screaming ires a little bit himself. The night appeared charmed. Waying drunks atop campers teet- red at the edge as they drove by but ever fell. Rushing ambulances and alice cars, on their way to some nseen accident or crisis, barely issed the adventurers who danced layfully in front of them. "Ram- n' Gamblin' Man" blared from one ways the favorite to win it an un- precedented fourth. GAZING AFTER FOYT'S car on the morning of the race, a tall man in a Firestone jacket next to me by the pit shook his head. "He's an ar- rogant dude, man. He's too much into himself and his money. But he is a driver, alright." An hour and a half before speed- way owner Tony Hulman tells him to "Start your engines," Foyt perches himself on the pit wall looking for all the world like some big-time gam- bler at a rodeo in his native Texas. From the bright-red leather-studded cowboy boots to the dark, dark blue sunglasses which hide his eyes, Foyt shows the curious combination of