Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, May 6, 1976 t sw I i-'' FOR RENT TWO *3EORO)P~fOM 1 lr_ i 1101 ,+}ttp neollbl. e foe 5stnt rll-o lettii-"..Rot nego.ti lobl ('Call 994- ?17 '99C:SOY R2OOMS 9 65 lao, r~~r:- lr R5'oti 0. Old 10010 aO;ttootis 'No oa" r. 761-173 :4. O0rC5u0 A VERY QO.1FIIsr pt ; t o tno in 930 churIh89C51 - BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S S TO"R E LEVI'S DENIMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Pre-Washed LEVI'S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs SPRING IS HERE Short Sleeve T-Shirts from $2.59 New Western Shirts hove arrived Tank Tops from $1.98 30 different Truckers Hats Long Sleeve Sweatshirts, 2/$7.00 207 E. Liberty 663-861 1 FOR RENT 'IWO SI.E ROOMS for Moo toi p iloale homo fa fr ooimiac o011y. $63 Ittlogoodp011'llofirigcator No cotokitig;1326Oli0 a 6 8C5O.096 EF1,T CIIENCY !SR 1.:10011 O ajt $150, or ioiohd iriia,,ol-l1cdDownt 11 r i.76 1 -173s4 00050 SM AT.LL11HO: O $3:00.0Downt0wn. Float 'do 111 phoneout100 fa1i1 co~tttiolt, 06 7 76-1734. 06C001 Ro(0NM (OPEN iiioll 00110101100hoos Fall-11 110 Moo,\lrlidoh, 76'±-95115. 00300 EV11C1iNCY, ALSO ROOMS, down- tomi. old boos', hite hen 066 bth ofl f thll. No coto -Alw totlll touse, $:300. sutale for 3. Plooo', do not cal a oulto tal fr1 1 t lty.Ph 761-1734.0 106 ONE BDRM. FURNISHED APTS. $1 55/MO. Other Types Availoble at. Reduced Rates. Starting $60/MO. HEATED SWIMMING POOL 3 MIN. WALK FROM DIAG WEEKLY HOUSEKEEPING 2-4 MO. SUMMER LEASES CALL 761-2680 CCtC 4000 WASHTENAW Itteao Carplenter Rd.1--3 room nttfutrntsltd boasement apartmttto~lr 1 or 2. 701-0907. 95C508 SEMI-FURNISHED HOUSE for rent/ sale. Coil 761-4103 hbese 7-9 p.m., 770511 FOR RENT 8 mo. Fall/Winter Lease FURNISHED APTS. Hooted Switttiont Pool Weekly Housekeepitng 3otlitowalkttodia, Coll 761 -2680 SP'ACIOUS tbvotbetiroooa, furnished opt iRoo too 4, ctoputs treaoovil abte ow60035-ll0omer0rate. *00/so. Ilti t lttlOOFil0101101. CaltI6605- 6303 evefltilto or 663-4950. 930519 FOR FALL - Modern touroished 2 bdrot opt. SUPERLATIVE location: 911 Oalanttd. 4 people:$800/peroon/ moo BEAUTIFUL. 761-8055 days. 790512 ROOMMATES IWO WORING grodtote ohek3d prsotohaeouse.$105/m0.011- cluldes utilities. 004-3101 reenings. West side. Imotediate. 198Y512 WANTED TO RENT WANTED - TWO sinogle rootms to 00use o patmeno~t to sulblet flot Mayopn011; 1in0ca0pus0a000; kitchen facilitiotsItoeded. Call Susan or Antn Marto a1 764-0552, or 993-9540. dL508 MISCELLANEOUS ARE PEOPLE IMPORTANT TO YOU? If y1o11c01r00about tsharing with therts~, consider tahiogg70010 meals0a01Fr110110ItertnaOtional CO- OPERATIVE. Call Carol/Tomo, 761- 7435. 85M509 ------USED CARS 1973 FORD Van Econolitne, 15,000 mileso. P0owe0 steriog, broakes, $3100, eocellent conlditiotn. Call 994-6615 ofler 5. 04N512 0970 FIAT 124, 4 OR. $300. 763-6133. 5:30-6:30 p.m. 83N511 FOR SALE 10-SPEED FUJI, 20112, eooellent condition. 663-1846, 97B512 FOR SALE 1974 VW "Thtine"19500 mile an0 ofItops1.perfect 00 663-1046. SUBLET OWN ROOM/otoall house.0 OtrokAvailable May 16. Hont tt 0blo Fall 0110106. 994-0071. HAVE WE GOUT A PLACE FOR We d; To furnishedb bedroomt ore 0u 01111111g}1f ceti t some0n0.0FEMALE, fi Aul. They're in 0 00001Sons, 611000 people, to roll u0906 0o16. 995-4841 SUBRLET-May-Alug.,0w/Fallc 1-60011. Air. Netw furniture00L 6000r1IM Bldg. Very reaonalble Eveniogs 995-4935 00 971-6051. SUBLET-Onte room no two be apt. Througho Aug Rent nego 995-3193. SUBLET ONE RDRM. opt. Atug. Foil olption. $165 6001 995-5320 o420-7806. EFFICIENCY. Large 3-room, nishted,3blaocksfrooocampo May through.1 Aug. Rettneg ltte p.m., 995-9307. SUBLET SERVICE. We mainl itt of outr present tenantos'w moo Contact 110for further m~ationl. CAMPUS MANAGE; ISC., 333 E. HURON, 663-4101 SUPER SAVINGS on SUMMER SUBLET' I BR Apt. t ou0se0, great Ic 2 6.04. 1i,'bathos.10-1eve1,0mo 3 BR. 2 baiths.ltrge 10( CAMPUS RENTALS, I 665-8825 13375 .UNIVERSITY PERSONAL You COTTA 10011000030e0kn0w Open 8:30 aom. daily. SPRING TERM EXERCISE H 5:30-6:30 every Tueso. 000 7 Moy 11-June0 22. Met 00 1 FIELD bond pr0acc0000. $3.3/per peosoo for the terrn at Coliseum, 5tho at Hill. Pinball has arrived oa Union. Fourteen game chines. "THE LORDO LOVETR A CHEF GIVER" - (Bible). - Oppor 17010061 to glee five hoursa of typing, tiling, joournalism, ing, odvertising, shills to It LIGHT FELLOWSHIPS/cosmic sclousness (ILF/c). ILF/cc, religiouso, spiritual movement you "Luv Celebraton," "Kent 000ss000e, 6th Anniversary Men (Tuesday). Coil persistently, 6; 00 995-0079. The Vscount, V 1306 Geddes. PREGNANT. Reed help? Coal lin Pregna607 Help, 769-720 S. Division. Foee pr006060? PERSONAL IALI, THE ACTION is right heret Mon.-Sot. ond0 p.zn. Soundays. cF506 j FOR ACNE,da0dr91, wart, try otir 0d ii 0dpartment.VYllasge Aitotheeyt, 1112 S. Unileroity. cc BOWLING a1 the Union. Summer rates in effeot. 55c per game. Open s, bard 11 00..Sf0on-Sot., 1 p.m. Sutndays, edi010n0 cP506 06513 - HEART CENTER SCHOOL OF AS- TROLOGY. Instruotors: Miohland06 Mirgafret Erlewine. Teaching since. Bturns' 1967. C7:1--(. Natal Charts, Retoil 0006- Teotboohs, Readinso Certification 02U50 663-6677. 68F515 I YOU' FRIENDS LAKE COMMUNITY. 80 sement 0000 wildlife preserreneor Chelsea;: o0110h0t 6310303111, caoeinltg, picnicing, or May- oomping. Membershtp $50 per adult. oe 031110Brochore loom Bloods. 3005 Penn- d 1160, croft, Ass Arbor, Mich. 40103. 84F529 d5 SPORTS ENTRY deadlinle for Spring option, term Introoturolo ore an ollo1ws:0 Located Softball Moy 7, Volleyball nco-rc) e price. Moy 13, TentisMoy 14. 0011 June 75U508 14. Turtin11 entries 00 Colioeum, 5010 a1 Hill. Poe burther informtoton roll edroom 763-5195. 90F507 8OU5OO NEIL MILLER---Get in touch with your mount ifrends. Coil 303-449- Jutne- 9146. 70F506 -81U511 BUSINESS SERVICES vs.Mi Light Moving Co. g Cll Pittse all994-056. 7201500 03J512 xisin o NEW SERVICE intfor- Eperencd, EcelentManuscipt, IIIENT, Dtssertationl, S p 00010 h7ypewriting, o. ute Ac-ademil Prooesonal. Reaoonable Rlates. Immediote Delivery. Person- 011ze0. Conlftdential. Teleone Dicl- tationt and0Notary Sersioes Available. STEPHENS 5 PHOFESSIONAL TYPEWRITING SERVICE 10011111 P.O. Boo 181 Yps-ilanlti, Michigan deco Ms. Stephenslo434-1984 doacla._ 05J515 HELP WANTED LTD. PARTICIPATE is Hoseroch-Partio- pantSswanited for opinion reseroh. Earnt $7 tonOtto hours. Call MHRC at 995-0161 frott9-5 weekdcays. 0U1010 0H507 COUNSELORS - Jetwish 0a7 Camp. 995-2377.821H509 wht's NEW YORK BOOK PUBLISHER Untion, seekha ggrssive, ogatnizd sales cep. al0 t ol on existing acco0615 and [OUR- expand bulsisess in Michigan and Tus, Ohio. Hood 03000, 0000d60003110o0- WINES portunity. Salary plus expenseso No Coot- pulishitng experience necessary. Sale n 0 ay reperience helpful. Car required. 09F622 Submit resttme. 0a1a00 requirements. -Staoe typte of coo. Write Michigan } the Doily, 600 17 92H507 ma- WORK STUDY SCHOLAR-Library aost. full-tinte sutmmer for Tech- nical journol. $3.20 hr. Call S. cP506 Fedonok, 764-7220. 91H509 lunltY EARN EXTRA MONEY a webk THIS SUMMER phon- NNER- Voluoteer for the Poychologypai01 c000- 6subje001poo1. Coll 764-0350 between 0606n 9 ad 120a.ondl1-4 p.m 860051$ t Stote ULLTIME EMPLOYMENT -- Comn- norl"l' posy Ropretsetative selling Youth 93-2029 oriented 113-30) contemporary Ster- 00. 10, 1160 Siliver jewelr0y line. Travel 0OFsoo franchtise region. Coo and self-mol -. .-.- eotlo requiredt. Salary, commision Prooh- and a future Sereice established 3. 400 gift slores and 10outiques. National 106t6. organizton. Product eaoy to learn. cFlc Boa 45, Michigan D11l, 6911507 1 I' : li a NOW ON CAMPUS M ICIGANENSIAN '76 THE YEAR-IN-REVIEW Limited Supply Still Available - Pick Up Your Copy at Mich igonensian Office Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily For more information, call 764-0561 Spring Term ART CLASSES $20 for 7 TWO-HOUR SESSIONS Materials Not lncloded. BEGINNING Week of Moy 10 Stop by U-M Arts & Crafts Guild to register nsow Second Floor, Michiqan Union JEWELRY: Lee Curtin-Thursdav, 7-9 p.m. LEADED GLASS: IreneDabnio-Monday, 3-5 p.m. MACRAME: Sandra Mayer-Wedesday, 7-9 p.m. BATIK: Corol Shosak-Wednesday, 3-5 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHY: Mark Reesmn-Tonsdav, 3-5 p.m. SCULPTURE: Ralph Wolte--Monday, 7-9 a~m. WEAVING: Carol Frado-Tuesdav, 7-9 p.m. It's Not Too Late to Add: "WOMEN IN EDUCATION" Ed G598:01 M-W 7-9 p.m. Rm. 2232 SEB Facilitator: GILKA SAKS more info: 763-1244, 995-2206