Friday, June 4, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Friday, June 4, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine (Continued from Page 8) BUSINESS SERVICES 10c-line: TABLES - GRAPHS - etc. 25-yrs.-exper. 1-928-6687. eJ604 PROFESSIONAL TYPING-term pa- pers, tleses. Pica type. Amy. 99t5- 9647. 88J615 ORGAN and PIANO LESSONS by .Young, veesatilie teacher. Call Sharl before 9 a.m., after 9 p.m. 401-1087. 62J607 IY AM a full-time, rree lance typist with. considerable esperience typing books, dissertations, papees. I type aver 100 wpm., perfect accuracy guacanteed. Base rate 70t per page. IBM Corecting Selectric, Call Sill, 665-0166. cJtc TYPING - rasonabie cates. IBM Selectric. 769-2110 after 11 am. 27J817 Typing, Copying Binding Editing, Keypunching Notaey Service The Seccetariat Dissertatin Specialists 911 S. State Stret 10 a-lO p.m. 994-35t4 cJto NEW SERVICE Experienced, Ercar-Free, Guacanteed Manuscript, Dissertation, S p ee ch Typewriting. Editing, Acndrmic/Pca- ressional, IBM Selectrlcs. Reason- atle Rates. Copying. Pick-tip and Delivery. Personalized. ConfidcnsioL. Telephone Dictation sod Notary Services. STEPHENS PROFESSIONAL TYPEWRITING SERVICE P.O. Boa ill Ypsianti, Mt. Stepheas 434-1904 75,1015 BARDS FOR weddings and parties. Don, 701-0431 or 995-2658. cJtc MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS CLA.SSICAL end Sire1 Guitaca, New and uted. 005-7341, 4299241. xtc LOST AND FOUND LOST: Gold disckeychoan ith in1- tialy BED. Sixckysi lesc cali 66- 7001. 86A608 ILOST: Block Neucupathology slide boi (with 40 sibdes) with nome, 0. Mulligan, thercon. If founcd, col 000- 0377 oc colcct 616-795-3781, Reword. 55A602 lOST -If anyonec has fo Ind a light bcown leather wallet, please call Ann~ Maric at 704-0552. 1 drespecately needl my itenificaition. dA PERSONAL SUBLET 1sicglerocom in bgho~ use, Jolt-August witS possib.clefill op. tio. NearBncs Park, Church cald Oaklland. Ccli 95-541persitenritly. dF606 PERSONAL STUDOY GROUP FORMING: Grad studerots or undergrds-inter- ested in reading text/articles about cell biology, and/or human psysiola- gy and meeting once or twice a week foe discussions? If so, col David at 905-3400, after 7 p.m. 89F619 ALL THE turn-ons are at the Un- ion. Pinball, Bowling and Billiards. cF605 MESSAGeES FROM THE MANAGER Today I received a reply that will became a classic is its time. Me- thinks I must print it verbatum so ai not to drstroy is beauty: Dear Debbie, Ernst Geosbeck once said, "Take away a mntdoodler and his cheeks will foil dawn." I inter- pret this to iena that if the price of a chicken gain much hightr, we'll all be in Chicamnawgua BE- FORE nloon! Well, you can't buya watch with a poker on your head, eiher--o kcep sip the buimper, Berry. Thanks Berry, it's encouragement like that that keeps me movin' on! Debbie c/s Boa 51. ARE PEOPLE important to you? Consider taking your meals at FRIENDS INTERNATIONAL CO-OP. Good food and good people. 701-7435. 59F64 BOARD EXAM TUTORING : enroll- mets now bring accepted for S. N. Kapion Tutoring Couse to prepoce foe the MOATS, DAT, LSAT, and Not. Dent. Boards. Col 13131 354- 0005. locally, 662-3149. cP'tc LEARN Italic Randwriing-rapid, legible, beautiful-in 0 weeks. Tars- day nights, 7-9:30. Jose I-July 17. Tuitioa $15. Call BacbaraTanen- baum, 663-0379. 76F608 Welcome Bark TOM MILLER take a shower, yous smell worse than Luttmon) FEMiALE VOCALIST wonted to- complete trio. Jazz, pop oriented. Experience preferred. 701-3044. 66F605 GRIENT AL FEMAL.E housekeeper for traveliag rxecutive. Nerd depend- aisle persons tsr 3 or 4 hours per week--excellent rmusn eration plua other gratuities. Wriie Gaily, Boo221. GRAD ASSISTANTS- It ysu arc op- listed to OG's Agency Shop Fee (or to the idea at GEG in general) Othcre isoachanice that aclass action suit ha e storied againut it. If intec- ested, write SOUR to CKE., 554 ThocmpsnSireet. (Psych. Dept.). 39F602 WANT A free garae? Mpinabowling us the Uacuc GrOen 1 ii..cF6S3 UPESRtilii1Iam. stonight. Billiards, Pinball anoil Ruwiig at the Union, cF605 PERSONAL TA's,'RA's/SA's-What did the sri- ,,inal American rcvoluionacies do whcn faced with the choice between non-represntation, and collective action against oppremsion? Like George III, the University Admin- istratoln wants Is determine your economic future, whether you like it or nosI. Interested in cantinuing the revlution this fall? Send name, address, dept. phone no. to GEO/ YES, 514 E. William, Ann Arbor, 40108, or phone 995-0221,.09028 PREGNANT? Reed help? Call Prob- lem Pregnancy Hrlp, 709-7203, 400 S. Division. Free pregnancy tests. cFta HEART CENTER SCROOL OP AS- TROLOGY. Insacuctors: Michael and Margaret Eriewine. Teaching since 1967, Classes, Natal Charts, Retail Textbooks, Readings, Certification 663-0677. 009515 ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING Offset Printing, Xerox copies Xerox reductions, phatostats, half lanes, typesetting ad much more. STUDEN'T ACCOUNTS WELCOME 214 5. 4th Ave. 994-4004 aFOS02 COPYING CLOSEST TO CAMPUS Books, -ciassotes, papers, resumes- Dissertation quality, low prices. Every day-evening. Prom Vi c per copy. 211 S. Stote (near Ginos). 662-3969. cFte PERMANENT WEIGRT LOSS Through B enh a v 1 o r Modificaton. Wright Control National. 994-0019. eFte FRIENDS LAKE COMMUNITY. no acre wildlife preserve sear Chelsea: swimming, c asso e I n g, picnicing, ramping. Membership $50 per adult . Brochure from Bloods, 2005 Penn- craft, Ann Arbor, Mich. 40102. 48P030 Lifework uponsorsiao4WEEKEND WORKSH1OP/CAMPOUT for MEN. Interpersonal group & rampant. June 10, 10, 20 sliding scale fee, Cosact Richard Kemcpter, 995-0010 & coave a message cr Micihaei Anden 662-2001. 19F'612 WE ASK ihe right questios. GM Stylists a1 the Union. cF005 f PERSONAL DIRECT PURCHASING volsime sell- ing and miarginal profits assure you tint your diamond will he an is- vestmcent at Asustin Diaond, 1209 S. Uaiversity, 063-7151. c~tc ICE CREAM- CARAMEL CORN CASTLE Now Open 11-11 E. Liberty, 2 blocks east of State Chili dogs and ssndwiches, too! Not open Sundays eP6lO PERSONAL we hoav'ea omplweeprophylorctlo dli;{°rticra L'Our Villagle Apothe- racy , 111235Uols-ruit-y. c'tc .DON-]'SAY for . utorec's overhead vsa i':lc i ii rk-iiti.For the area's lowre tt irici's iid fillcatqualities po 'W,- iii in eo'tagriiesit ring, ,hco;p .A i tlci MDfiossd, 1209 S. Unt- s erais, 663-7050. ce'to TYAGIt JI cucu~wic l:iiisiiltte will ihald a 3e6 tian ii lu-htui,7:00 i), the Yriesia \ftceslaghasse, 1410 SHill Stree. Adisi.siusfre. Info call (i63-0884. 82F U04 READ arid USE DAILY C~LASSI FI EDS VALUABLE COUPON* On Purchase of Any TWO *Mr. Tony's SUBS or SANDWICHES . OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 10Oth , StMate & William . 1327 S. University, FAST"f.EEDELIVERY! Gofr663-=0511 GodfrPickup or FREE DELIVERY at 1327 S. Uni. Good foe Dine-in or Pickup atStatoe and Willimi Greek Festival 7:30$& 10: 30p.cn5. GREEK FOOD Sunday BAKE SALE 11i s i dnightcs. : 00,lSiS7:00O& 100)p. r, 9n ..teNsngk..', Evening. Admission. S. ichoa iGrerk Orthcadox OCum 0147:V MinSictrt LYJ nceto he Msicof Dins, 4& the Continrentals ' 1 THU RSDAYS-FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS A FUNNY TilING; r IIAPENED ON THE WAYToTHE ARUM 2 Hour Musical Comedy. Cast of 14. (CAFE [THEATRE ot I) INNER II IIAlIE (showonly}(-. 1)ic~eI3 it howl * Admiss in$4.5603.501(studiens) S"mle DiUneryetnnTheatre Packages * Cockta i SericeccAuvaiable BeforeShowt (To r Chuosen he Evenitg Yea 'Artive atd Doting Ittermisson /18.45 Sutnytucus.Seafood t& Sal ta * In-Tte-Round Seatcng Assigned ithe AllPrices- and FrenchinGout Soupor New Girder of Phone Rceevations ReceicedtInlclude EnOtgland CloamCChuwdcr * Curain Tlimces: Thursday-8:15 ?Hourow u $ 6935 Southern Fricd CSicke *Please Speccty "Cafe Theatre Gnly' Unliimited $11-00 Briled Filet oi Floutder Almocdia When Phoning in Reservation 'Seafood &0 $1 Paimoees ast ohce - .4 iS ita Br 011 45 Chicket & Ribs AMN AJBOR INN AlsAvailable *ini Hsron & 4th Livye Maiie Lobster-Alaslian Kicg Crab t ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN -S hrid't m p te iyi RESERX ATIONS-769-9500. J Plase Specify"Dlinner and Theatre' Res-