Presidents cited in King harrassment
W A S H I N G T O N (A) -
High officials in the Kennedy
and Johnson administrations
must share the blame for the
FBI's campaign to destroy Mar-
tin Luther King, a Senate in-
telligence committee staff re-
port said Wednesday.
It said there was no evidence
that anyone outside the FBI ap-
proved the campaign against
King, but it concluded that "of-
ficials responsible for supervis-
ing the FBI received indications
that such an effort . . . might
be taking place and failed to
take adequate steps to prevent
THE REPORT said evidence
showed that:
-Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy
was given a summary of infor-
mation obtained from bugs
placed in Kings hotel rooms;
-Alty. Gen. Nicholas Katzen-
bach and Asst. Atty. Gen.
Burke Marshall told President
Johnson that the FBI had offer-
ed to play tape recordings of
the bugs to reporters;
-The FBI offered to play the
tape recordings for Johnson
aide Walter Jenkins; and
-Johnson aide Bill Moyers
approved sending FBI reports
containing derogatory personal
information about King to other
government agencies.
"THE EVIDENCE reveals a
disturbing attitude of unconcern
by responsible officials and a
failure on their part to make
appropriate corrective mea-
sures," the report said.
One FBI memo quoted in the
report stated that Jenkins had
suggested leaking the hotel
tapes to the press. However, the
report added that in a sworn
interview "Jenkins expressly de-
nied" making such a 'sugges-
The 105-page study, which
contained few new disclosures
concerning the bureau's self-de-
scribed campaign "to complete-
ly discredit King as the leader
of the Negro people," was re-
leased as a supolementary vol-
ume to the intelligence panel's
final report made public last
A TOTAL of 13 supplemen-
tary volumes will be released
"in order that the American
public may fully know the ex-
tent of the crimes" committed
by U. S. intelligence agencies,
chairman Frank Church (D-
Idaho), said.
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King: bugged
Church made clear that re-
lease of the volumes was in-
tended to bolster the case of
senators calling for creation of
a new congressional panel to
monitor intelligence agencies.
The report suggested that
the FBI attack against King
was motivated both by a sus-
picion that Communists were
serving as advisers to the civil
rights leaders and by director
J. Edgar Hoover's personal
feeling that King was "no
THE STAFF said they had
found no evidence that any of
King's advisers "attempted to
exploit the civil rights move-
ment to carry out the plans of
the Communist Party."
According to the report, in
October, 1963, Atty. Gen. Ken-
nedy approved in writing the
installation of wiretaps in
King's home and in the New
York and Atlanta offices of the
Southern Christian Leadership
to determine the etaoint-O .
Conference (SCIC) in order
"Communist influence in the
racial situation."
Three months later the first
of 15 bugs was installed in
King's hotel room without Ken-
nedy's knowledge. according to
the report. An FBI memo stat-
ed tht-i the bugs were needed
to obtain information about the
private activities of King and'
his associates so that he could
be "completely discredited."
THE FBI'S effort to discred-
it King and the SCLC "involved
plans touching on virtually ev-
ery aspect of King's life" and
esenecontinued after his death,
the report said,
Evidence contained in the re-
port showed that the FBI cam-
paign included:
-Attempts to persuade offic-
ials at Marquette University
and Springfield College not to
grant King an honorary degree;
-Persuading Francis Cardi-
nal Spellman to make an un-
successful attempt to prevent
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a meeting between King and
the Pope;
-Attempting to persuade then
Vice President Iluniphrey and
New York Gov. Nelson lRocke-
feller not to participate in cere-
monies honoring King for hav-
inp wi the Nobel Peace 'rice;
- Falsely informing contribu-
tors tIi the SCLC that King was
stashing money away in a Swiss
bank account;
-Furnishing Atlanta Consti-
tution editor Ralph McGill with
derogatory information about
King as part of an effort to dis-
suade community leaders from
attending a banquet honoring
King; and
- A recommendation to brief
congressmen on King's life in
order to block passage of a bill
declaring the birthday of the
shin civil rights leader a na-
tioinal holiday.
Kennedy: OK'd bugs
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