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June 03, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-06-03

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 21-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 3, 1976

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Reagan might aid Rhodesia

Woulc commit U.S.
troops 1if necessary
SACRAMENTO, Calif. OP) - Ronald Reagan said yesterday
that if he is elected president he might send American troops to
Rhodesia to preserve the peace if the Rhodesian government asked
for help.
But the former California governor said he doesn't believe an
actual commitment of American troops would be necessary to
preserve the peace during a transition of power to the black ma-
jority in the white-ruled African nation.
REAGAN ALSO outlined a platform opposing school busing
and flatly rejected any possibility of accepting a vice presidential
nomination if President Ford defeats him for . the Republican
nomination for president.
Reagan said in a question-and-answer session with the Sacra-
mento Press Club that he believes the United States should have
taken a more active role in preventing bloodshed in Rhodesia,
and that perhaps the U. S. still could play a peacekeeping role
"Whether it would be enough to have simply a show of
strength, or whether you have to go in with occupation forces or
not, I don't know," Reagan said.
BUT HE SAID he would be willing to send American troops
"if the government there said that a token show . . . is neces-
Asked if he would go beyond sending a token force to Rho-
desia, Reagan replied, "I don't think you'd have to."
But, he added, "If we had made such an arrangement, such
a pledge, I certainly would.
"I DO NOT believe this would be out of line with the policy
we followed in several other areas, and the policy that we fol-
lowed in the Middle East. And certainly it never involved us in
war in the Middle East, nor do I believe it would involve us in
war there in Rhodesia," Reagan said.
Reagan said Tuesday in Visalia that he believes Americans
should "offer our services to mediate and help arrive at a set-
tlement . . . and see that there's no bloodshed and violence while
the transition is made" to majority rule in Rhodesia.
But Reagan's press secretary, Jim Lake, said Reagan's Visa-
lia remarks referred only to diplomatic moves, not troops.
In a speech before the Sacramento question-and-answer ses-
sion, Reagan outlined his most detailed position to date on bus-
"As President, I would propose to Congress legislation . . .
that would eliminate forced busing," he said.
"SHOULD THAT prove inadequate, then I would propose a
constitutional amendment as follows: No state nor the federal
government shall refuse admission to a public institution to any
person, otherwise qualified, solely on account of race, color, ethnic
origin, sex or creed."
Reagan previously said he would support an antibusing con-
stitutional amendment as a last resort, and repeatedly has de-
scribed busing as "a social experiment that has failed, with our
children as guinea pigs."

Dail Photo by SCOTT ECCKER
Sunny daze
Ford pans busing bl

WASHIIINGTON (Mt-President Ford said yester-
day his administration is drawing up antibusing
legislation that would try to keep federal courts
from regulating entire school districts to correct
isolated instances of segregation.
"The proposed legislation seeks to limit the
authority of the local district courts to remedy-
ing the precise problem and not to become a
school board in every case," Ford said.
FORD ADDED he had received assurances that
his legislative proposal would not permit isolated
pockets of segregation to exist.
Ford, who spoke with reporters from New

Jersey news media, explained the rationale be-
hind his approach.
"There have been some cases where the local
district court has found violations of constitu-
tional rights. The court has then gone in and
taken over the whole school district rather than
try to remedy the limited area where there was
segregation within a school district," the Presi-
dent said in an East Room briefing.
THE DRAFT legislation is the latest adminis-
tration attempt to limit the use of busing to end
school segregation.
See FORD, Page 6

Candidates confuse public

NEW YORK (4-Economic problems and crime top
the list of Americans' concerns in this election year,
but an Associated Press poll found that more than half
the people are confused about where the contenders
stand on major issues.
However, this inability to match candidates and
issues may not be crucial to the campaign results:
The overwhelming majority of those interviewed said
the personal qualities of the candidate, not his stands
o the issues, are more important in deciding whom
to support.
THE POLL, taken for The AP by the Roper Organi-
zation of New York in the second week of May, dem-
onstrates that even after 3 months of primary cam-
paigning and intensive media coverage of the candi-
dates the people still don't know where the candidates

On each of five major issues-abortion, government
'guaranteed jobs, welfare, military spending and break-
ing up the oil companies-an average of half the people
said they didn't know what their chosen candidate
And of those who claimed to know their candidate's
position, the supporters of Rep. Morris Udall and
Ronald Reagan-and to a lesser extent, Sen. Henry
Jackson-were right more often than wrong in picking
the candidate's stand.
JIMMY CARTER'S supporters were the most likely
to name the wrong stand for their candidate on four
issues. Most did say correctly that he supports govern-
ment guaranteed jobs. But supporters of all the Demo-
cratic contenders listed in the survey said correctly

that their candidate supports such a program.
President Ford's supporters correctly named his
stand on three issues-for increased military spending,
against an amendment banning abortion- and against
breaking up the big oil companies. Most mistakenly
said he favors transferring welfare back to the states.
And as many of his supporters were wrong as were
right in naming his position on government guaranteed
jobs. He'opposes such a bill.
Those who named noncandidate Sen. Hubert Hum-
phrey as their choice for president correctly picked
his stand on twoofthe five issues, were wrong on one
and split on the others.
TILE INTERVIEWS for The AP Poll were made be-
tween May 8 and May 15, the same week California
See POLL, Page 6

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