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June 02, 1976 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1976-06-02

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Page Six


Wednesday, June 2, 1976

Suit challenges West Point honor code

NEW YORK IP) -- West
Point's cherished honor code
was challenged in federal court
yesterday only hours after the
U. S. Military Academy said
that the number of cadets who
cheated on homework has near-
ly doubled.
The suit said the honor code
is unconstitutional.
THE NUMBER formally ac-
cused, tantamount to a guilt
finding, now stands at 98, in-
cluding four who have resigned,
in what could be the worst
cheating scandal in West Point's
An officer-cadet internal re-
view panel returned the formal
allegations against 46 additional
juniors, an academy spokes-
man said.
The lawsuit, filed in U. S.
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District Court in Manhattan,
asks for a permanent injunc-
tion to ban the code and to
cease all trials and other means
of enforcement.
A WEST POINT spokesman
said academy officials had not
yet seen the complaint and
could not comment on it.
The suit also seeks reinstate-
ment of all "guilty" cadets, re-
jection of resignations submit-
ted by cadets in the current
scandal and restoration of
clean records for the accused.
It said the code is "detrimen-
tal to and impedes the fulfill-
ment of the mission of West
Point in that it is subjectively
invoked, unequally implement-
ed and enforced and creative of
divisiveness and discontent
among the cadets who are ex-
pressly required thereunder to
spy and inform upon their
THE SUIT was filed on be-
half of Cadet Timothy Ring-
good, 22, of Phoenix, who has
alleged there is widespread
cheating at the academy and,
as a result, has been accused
of tolerating cheating.
The code forbids toleration,
'saying, "A cadet will not lie,
cheat, or steal, nor tolerate
those who do."
Arguing that the code is ap-

plied unequally in violation of
the U. S. Constitution, the suit
was filed by the firm of Siller
& Galian, Sidney Siller, presi-
dent of the New York Criminal
and Civil Courts Bar Associa-
tion, said last week that the as-
sociation would hold ad hoc
hearings into the legal rights of
THE SUIT, for which class
action is sought, charges that
failure to apply the code equal-
BERKELEY, Calif (AP) - A
decade ago this university city
was barricaded during student
riots. Now a new controversy
barricades to keep traffic out
is splitting the community -
of residential neighborhoods.
Next Tuesday, voters make a
decision on ballot measure 0.
The initiative, which qualified
with 3,500 signatures, calls for
the elimination of the Berkeley
Traffic Management Plan, now
less than a year old.
THE PLAN-"an experiment,"
says one city official - calls
for hundreds of new stop signs,
a dozen traffic diverters, 11 new
traffic lights, 21 traffic circles
and 44 traffic diverters to re-

ly is "prevalent and is delib-
erately sanctioned" to "cover
up the true extent of the cadet
honor code violations so as to
perpetuate the illegal, illusory
and unworkable standard for
cadet behaviors."
The defendants were incom-
ing honor committee chairman,
Cadet Michael Ivy; outgoing
chairman, Cadet William An-
dersen; Army Secretary Mar-
tin R. Hoffman; Lt. Gen. Sid-
ney Berry, academy superin-

tendent ,and Brig. Gen. Walter
Ulmer, commandant.
In January 1975, the U. S.
Court of Appeals threw out a
suit by eight cadets who claim-
ed their constitutional rights
were violated by their epul-
sion in 1973 on charges ranging
from cheating to transporting
liquor on campus.
Cadets formally accused
have the option of resigning or
of appealing their cases to a
Board of Officers.

split on barrier plan

route automobile traffic from
narrow, tree-lined residential
streets to main arteries.
The most visible barricades
are concrete balls linked with
redwood bars used to block
streets. Drivers often enter a
street from the open end, then
are forced to make U-turns
when they find the other end
Supporters of the plan say
neighborhood streets are safer,
automobile traffic and accidents
have been reduced and public
transportation is being used by
more of the city's 118,000 resi-
BUT OPPONENTS brand it a
miserable flop. They say traffic
has merely been shuffled to
new areas and complain of de-
lays, confusion and actual dan-
ger when fire, police or medi-
cal vehicles are forced to take
longer routes to their destina-
"I think the present system
has a lot of problems," said
councilwoman Shirley Dean.
"But we anticipated that when
we passed it in July. It was an

"But I think the concept has
merit," she added. "If there are
certain things that don't work
they should be removed, but
this would just throw the baby
out with the bath water. It just
eliminates everything."
"THE CHAOS that was pre-
dicted has occurred," says Dr.
Robert Fink, co-chairman of
Citizens Against Barricades,
which is pushing the initiative.
"It hasn't stopped people from
driving their cars, it just pun-
ishes them for doing it."
One police sergeant recalled
$200 in damage to a patrol car
when it crashed over a barrier
in pursuit of a rapist. And Fire
Lt. Freenan Long says the bar-
riers affect their operation by
slowing response time and forc-
ing fire engines to use crowded
major streets.
Using diverters began 10 years
ago, says Herman Sinemus,
Berkeley's traffic engineer. "In
the late '60s many neighbor-
hoods wanted it and we felt
rather than do it piecemeal, let's
do it city wide."

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