Arts & EntertainmentFyHG Friday,FMaym28,r1976 Pae Film tells of radicals' tragic life Editorial note: The film 'Un- derground' will be playing May 28 and 29 at the old Architecture Auditorium, under the sonsor- ship of Cioema Guild. The tol- lowing isa r eview of a dogu- mentary which, regardless of quality, is nonetheless of social importance. We have added his- torical contest to clarify the mood of the times with which the movie deals. By CARA PRIESKORN "A GROUP OF Hollywood's left - wing crackpots a r e planning to do a propaganda puff piece film on criminals. The ring leader is the notorious Emile de Antonio, the maker of a number of pseudo-documen- tary left-wing propaganda films, including one smearing the late Senator Joseph McCarthy and another supporting the Commu- nist aggressors in Vietnam." Representative Larry McDon- ald (D-Georgia) is referring to the new documentary Under- ground. The criminals in ques- tion are five members of the Weatherpeople, an off-shoot of the SDS. The "crackpot" film- makers include Emile de An- tonio (Rush to Judgement, In the Year of the Pig, Millhouse: A White Comedy), Mary Lamp- son (America Is Hard to See, Attica, Painter's Painting), and Haskell Wexler (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, In the Heat of the Night, American Graffiti, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest). backgrounds and their first sub- versive activities. Most could name a specific time or rally when they got their 'calling.' At some point they knew the decision had to be made and they made it. DOHRN RECALLS watching the Army-McCarthy hearings on television and the feeling that something was wrong. It was not until eight years later that she took part in her first dem- onstration (anti-HUAC). These activities led her to join the SIBS, where she was elected to one of its national offices. Through that position she was able to meet with both the Vietnamese and the Cubans. It was this experience in par- ticular that she attributes to making her a "full-time revolu- tionary." Kathy Boudin was raised in a leftist family and also considers her experience with the Cubans her first taste of revolution. She was in Havana in January of 1961, where thousands of Cu- bans had bathered to celebrate the Cuban revolution, which celebration culminated with a large parade that lasted nearly seven hours. The parade fin- ished with a display of military strength, including guns, tanks, and missiles. Boudin suddenly realized that she was cheering for something she did not be- lieve in. A Cuban friend noticed 'The documentary amounts to a series of dia- logues between the fugitives and the filmmak- ers. The purpose of the film was to delve into the backgrounds of these people and then ex- amine the underground as it exists today.' could begin, a 'safe house' had to be found. It is a house that looks completely normal: books on the shelves, sheets on the beds and dishes in the cup- boards. After this was accom- plished, everyone moved in for three days of intensive filming. THE ACTUAL filming was an even larger problem. There were only three camerapersons and only three days in which to shoot the film. However, the main problem was concealing the faces of the Weatherpeople. Two techniques were employed; the first was shooting through a scrim, a heavy gauze-like material that allows silhouettes to be seen without revealing any identifying features. The scrim provided the pro- tection needed, but built a bar- rier between the filmmakers and the Weatherpeople. No one felt comfortable in the situation and likened the scrim to a bar- rier that needed to be over- come, like racism or Vietnam. The other technique used was to face the camera into a mir- ror so one only sees the back of the person talking. I doubt that this gave away anyone's identity, but I have seen more stoic - looking filmmakers and camera equipment than I ever want to see again. It was obvious that 90 min- utes of fuzzy silhouettes, backs, hands and hair would be in- credibly 'dull, even with the dialogue. To remedy this, fre- quent footage of old newsreels were inserted, pertaining to the events being discussed. This proved to be the most effective part of the film, and was even poignant at times. NEWSREELS went back as far as the 1930's with labor strikes in Chicago and Flint. The more recent ones included a Vietnam veteran's p r o t e s t against the war on the steps of the Capitol. One cannot watch clips that took place less than five years ago and not cringe a bit at the apathy seen on the campuses of today. Remember the GEO strike? The first day of shooting did not go as well as everyone had hoped. Though the scrim bar- rier had been removed, there was still the security obstacle. Filming into the mirror re- quired the participants to sit in odd and uncomfortable posi- tions. The filmmakers were apart from them; communica- tion was strained, but they had reached a point where they were able to admit it. The free and honest dialogues de An- tonio wanted were not hap- pening. Wexler, however asked the question that brought everyone together. How do you handle fear. Fear, an emotion common to everyone-but it takes on a much greater meaning when one is a fugitive. JONES ADMITTED that they all felt it, but in an underground situation you learn to control it and try to channel it in other directions. Jones s a y s that "everytime I see a policeman, I have this rush of adrenalin. I remind myself who I am, what my name is, what my various numbers are, where I'm going, where I've been. Everyday I wake up and wonder how many times I'm going to be nervous today, 'cause it happens every day." For the Weatherpeople free- dom means you know that they do not know. Yet they feel it was a choice to go underground. The Weath- erpeople see it as an offensive ploy. A strong underground is key to a successful revolution. They also wanted to show that the underground is not as op- pressive as it sounds. They do not spend their lives hiding in dank basements. They move freely in public places and some even hold regular jobs. To prove their point, they took the filmmakers to an unemploy- ment office where several of them proceeded to talk to wel- fare recipients about social rev- olution. They' repeated these actions at a local hospital where striking doctors were picketing. HOWEVER, IT may have been at this rally that the FBI first learned of the film's pro- duction. On the roof of the hos- pital was a rotating video tape camera scanning the crowd. The chances are good that they were photographed t h e r e by the LAPD. By the time the police realized who they had filmed, and turned the footage over to the FBI, de Antonio's film was already processed and out of the lab. Though t h e Weatherpeople claim they made the choice to go underground, it is interesting to note that everyone made the choice simultaneously on March 6, 1970, the day of the explosion in a Greenwich Village town- house that killed three mem- bers of their organization. De Antonio saw this as an impor- tant part of the film, and the making of the Weather Under- ground. The Weatherpeople did not agree with him, but con- sented to talk about the inci- dent. They feel that they are not a terrorist or an adventurist or- ganization. Their bombings are symbolic and they do not bomb to hurt people. Their targets are given prior warnings. The worst of their bombing seemed to be that one in Greenwich Village where some dynamite accidently ekploded, killing their own. was much tougher fifteen years ago. They see themselves as com- munists, but they see a dis- covery of self through society, rather than a submergance of individuality. They regard the doctrines of Mao and his an- alogy of dreams and work. If one has dreams, one can and will work. If people have work, they will have dreams. Thse ironic thing aibouit this film is the controversy it has aroused in Washington and Hot- lywood. Wexler, Lanipson, and de Antonio were all issued sub- poenas to testify before the grand jury, and to bring with them "any and all motion pic ture film, including all nega- tives, working copies and prints, and all sound tracks and soutid recordings made in connection wit hthe filming of such motion pictures, concerning a group known as the Weathermen or Weather Underground." All three filmmakers flatly refused to cooperate. THIS CASE has pointed up several questionable legal prac- tices. The "grand jury" has long been associated w i t h legal abuses and now they want to use it as a vehicle to gather intelligence information. Wexler stated that this was in viola- tion of the First Amendment. He told one reporter, "What the government is demanding is our notes. It's as if, as you leave here, someone says, 'Give me those little pieces of paper you're writing on. I want them to study what kind of an article you're going to write or what kind of film you're going to make.' " Hollywood did not take the matter of the subpoenas light- ly. Film producer Burt Sch- neider and the Southern Cali- fornia ACLU circulated a state- ment in defense of filmmakers and de Antonio in particular: "We support the right of the people to make a film about any subject, and specifically the right of these people to make a film about the Weather Under- ground Organization, and we In spite of the grand jury and the FBI, Underground has been -released. It will be screened Friday and Saturday night in Ann Arbor. All proceeds of the film will be going to groups designated by the Weatherpeo- ple. THE FILM is a documentary about the u n d e r g r o u n d in America. Bernardine D o h r n, Billy Ayers, Kathy Boudin, Jeff Jones, and Cathy Wilkerson, all members of the Weatherpeople participated in the film. The documentary a m o u n t s to , a series of dialogues between the fugitives and the filmmakers. The purpose of the film was to delve into the backgrounds of these people and then examine the underground as it exists today. Why did these people become "professional revolutionaries"? How do they cope with fear? What are the actual workings of the underground? Racism was the catalyst to most of their revolutionary ac- tivities. The race riots of the early sixties and the later anti- war demonstrations b r o u g h t their actions to a head. Most wei members of the SDS until the movement began to falter in late 1969. -It was then that a more radical branch formed it- self into what is now the Weath- erpeople. The group is credited with 25 armed actions to date, ctne of the latest being, in Sep- tember of 1975, a bombing on the second annivarsary of the military takeover of Chile. De Antonio asked each of the now-fugitive radicals about their her distress and pointed out that it was the U.S. that made such displays necessary. Days later, the Bay of Pigs incident occurred. The name "Weatherpeople" has always been associated with fear and destruction. People imagine its members to be crazed, irrational terrorists and it was de Antonio's intention to prove otherwise. He wanted to show them as reformers, and though using questionable tac- tics, they have r a t i o n a l l y thought out their actions. DE ANTONIO first became enchanted with the idea of mak- ing a film on the underground when he read a copy of the Weatherpeople's book Prairie Fire. The book is an attempted explanation of America as they see it. De Antonio stated, "I had always been impressed with the tender loving care with which their bombings were ex- ecuted. No one was ever hurt and they were all directed against the symbols of oppres- sion and authority." He had to use an intermedi- ary to reach the Weatherpeople, who agreed to cooperate on the project, in hopes of reaching a large number of people with their message. De Antonio had control of the filmatic content, but the Weatherpeople had con- trol- of security. Obviously making a docu- mentary film with and about fugitives involves some risks, on both sides. Elaborate pre- cautions were taken in setting up the initial meeting with the underground. B e f o r e filming 'Wexler, Lampson, and de Antonio were all issuled subpoenas to testify before the grand jury, and to bring with them "any and all mo- tion picture film ... concerning a group known as the Weathermen or the Weather Under- ground."' That accident is over and they are looking to the future. They all remember March 6, but they are not letting it deter them from their goals. WHAT ARE their goals? They want social revolution and feel it will not come passively. They are fighting the U.S. gov- ernment and plan to do it with their methods -- violence. The Weatherpeople do not agree that everything is happening too fast, too soon and too violently. Dohrn claims that that is said of everything. The Weatherpeople see the revolution coming, and see pro- gress being made. They feel the victory of the Vietnamese people was their victory as well. Not as much progress has been made with racism. They con- cede that it is tough to be a black, in today's society, but it deplore the efforts of the FBI and the grand jury to prevent them from completing their work." This statement was signed by such commercial notables as Warren Beatty, Harry Bela- fonte, Peter Bogdanovich, Mel Brooks, Sally Fields, Elia Ka- zan, Shirley MacLaine, Jack Nicholson, Arthur Penn and Jon Voight. Remnd you of the blacklist- ing of the 50's? Painfully so. Fortunately for all, the sub- poenas were dropped. This documentary, as film, is not great, but its making con- stitutes a significant act. For the present, the filmmakers have successfully upheld their rights under the First Amend- ment. They defeated the grand jury when it tried to use them for gathering intelligence infor- See UNDERGROUND, Page 5