Jackson State Prison as school 1/>r aN/h>or. 5e /M rada/d 1//>is on/h get you t f10r7 /l, f',P ,rr/i' (:ollege of litera- an ex-con, Purr, Sin srand I/ir A rts as a journal- a formerI itn ialjor, i dirr/or of Project Com- ing emplo .nsni/ 'i liima/i' Projer. She has also coming th be(,; a fflfor at Jar/son Prison. This is Accordi the la, / of /to ar/icles. roffers itsW rials, spea By SU'SAN HILDEBRANDT BGS degr 75 Jackson The average Jackson State Prison prisonersr inmate reads and writes far below a each in th sixth grade level and, if enrolled in and human the in.stitstion's educational program, is a major ar probably learning to distinguish vowel BGS requi sounds and understand elementary phon- INMAT James McBride, presently preparing with WSU a 65-page thesis for Wayne State Uni- depang versity, is an exception. He, too, is a are taking Jackson inmate but, unlike his fellow pri- soners, McBride spends the hours within his dingy cell walls reading counseling "A texts apolicable to the Bachelor of Gen- . eral Studies (BGS) degree he will re- five ceive from WSU next month. enoug McBRIDE IS NOT a student sent to does, Jackson on a drug charge and complet- ing his education from behind bars, but he s u a serious offender who entered Jackson on it. more than six years ago with only a high school diploma. A native of Flint, McBride believes he's fortunate to have completed high oraluexam school, let alone go on to college, while evaluate s most of Jackson's residents have not Jim Br finished eighth grade. WSU pro "Yea, I'm sort of an educational suc- time ip ' * ~is don cess " he said. "But I came from the oing streets where it wasn't easy, and I know fits." that I've got to get a degree to achieve While something., theory go CONSEQUENTLY, McBride enrolled its lmple in Jackson Community College shortly says stem after arriving at prison and earned de- imposed b grees in General Studies and Business. SINCE' In the process, he obtained the 62 credits and outdat necessary to partake in the WSU pro- study mati gram, originated by an ex-convict al- usually tat most two years ago. arrive. Th "A junior college degree is good to hampers have for the experience, but it won't causes cot so far, particularly if you're ," said McBride, alluding to prisoner's difficulty in obtain- yment and housing and over- e prison stigma. ng to McBride, Wayne State Jackson students course mate- kers and films related to the ee, for which approximately n residents are studying. The must complete 36 credit hours e physical and social sciences nities, and submit a thesis in rea of study to satisfy Wayne's rement. ES ATTEND evening classes personnel about twice a week, on the number of courses they . Instructors use written and "The prison administration isn't too concerned and then the Wayne State coordinator comes in here and tells us one thing and then it's a different story," he said. "The program is worthwhile and the coordinator good, but because of a lot of circumstances, it's unorgan- ized. They tell us this, they tell us that - it's a hassle, but better than no pro- gram." McBride praised the program's inno- vation, but feels it should be strengthened and made more serviceable to the pri- soners. "WE NEED MORE degree options," he declared, his dark eyes filled with intensity. "A General Studies degree doesn't do much; you can't go very far with it, but just having a degree is guy comes in here (Jackson Prison) for four or years and should be able to read and write well gh to get a decent job, or he shouldn't leave. If he he'll then have two problems-he's an ex-con and neducated. He'd do better to stay here and work "--Jackson inmate James McBride "Being an ex-con, I'll be more undler standing than the guy who's never baeer in prison and doesn't know how terrible it is. I sure won't try to work hers though. After seeing how this place runs, I couldn't fit in with the administratsy and guards who are very uneducate and try to guide us." McBride has also contemplated work ing with juveniles, "where you can se some progress and help them befor they wind up here." McBRIDE IS EXTREMELY adama in stressing the difficulties ex-convict confront and feels that they should no be released without a high school eds cation. A guy comes in here for four or fiv years and should be able to read any write well enough to get a decent job or he shouldn't leave. If he does, be' then have two problems - he's an con and he's uneducated. He'd do be ter to stay here and work on it. "A degree's not important In berty but out there, it's the only anwe especially for us," he added. IT IS TOO EARLY to predict jo or graduate school possibilities, accor ing to Bray, but he has great hop' for his students' futures. McBride would like to see more pr gramming, like that of Wayne Stat instituted in Jackson. "Despite the problems, it's really good thing and worth it. You learn whole lot and the program at Wayr State can't be much harder than it here," he chuckled. "I'd like to s another school, like the University Michigan or Michigan State, come i here to compare them with Wayne, ar to make it better for us all." Until then, McBride is optimistic abs his own future. "I'll have a good a vantage in my selected field, becau I'll be an ex-con,- and they're lookin for us to fill this type of position," j concluded. 1' a 1 5 k r r t b t r s, papers and conferences to tudents' performances. ay, present coordinator of the gram, who has never spent rison, believes the program fine and gives positive bene- McBride finds the program od, he sees several faults in mentation, most of which he from administrative restraints y the prison. THE Jackson library is small ted, according to McBride, all erials are brought in by WSU, king as long as two weeks to is process, McBride contends, the students' progress and nfusion and frustration. necessary." Little chance exists for expanding de- gree possibilities, according to Bray. "It's a self-contained program, and it would be very difficult to duplicate any degree program offered anywhere. "We have to bring everything out there, and because of the logistics, it's improbable and nearly impossible," he explained. McBride plans to pursue a Master's degree in social work when "back on the streets," so that he will more fully qualify for employment, and wants to help others adversely involved in the prison system. "MY MAIN AMBITION is to become a parole officer," said McBride, who himself will appear before the parole board in November. The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Thursday, May 27, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Hays' fling: Our money? NOT SINCE FANNE FOXE leaped into the Tidal Basin after a night out with Wilbur Mills has the story of a public official's private life been emblazoned across the nation's newspages. This time, we hear of the ex- ploits of Ohio Congressman Wayne Hays, the powerful chairman of the House Administration Committee, who allegedly kept on the public payroll at $14,000 a secre- tary whose skills were more noticeable in the bedroom than behind the typewriter. Although the Congressman, a veteran of 28 years in the House, continues to deny the hiring of the woman for her sexual favors, we find it difficult to believe him. Hays has already lied once, denying he ever had an affair with the woman, but reversed that story in a speech before the House last Tuesday. That he had an affair, however, is not as disturbing as the possibility of enjoying it at the taxpayers' expense. With stories continuing to contradict one another as to the nature of the woman's duties while on the payroll, coupled with her own incessant contentions of secre- tarial incompetence, some facts remain obscured and hidden from the public. The Justice Department has already intervened. We hope it will investigate thoroughly this embarrassing incident, and determine whether or not Rep. Hays in- deed tapped a healthy sum from the American people solely for his sexual satisfaction. . ., 'r a, "..ivr: .s. ... ..x . ..a- ":t,. ..:.a %<:. "" " c''Y." "::'"w ,;:r. :,n WOULD YOU ADVISE YOUNG I MOST CERTAINLY WOULD NOT! r PEOPLE TO GO INTO POLITICS, MAINLY BECAUSE OF THIS MR AGNEW? HANGUPTHE PRESS HASI 3t:- {;.j", -f F Q :;;: :.1 + L' $fi{ :ati :pp: .. x Ii .-;.; ;]O; i f 1Q@'R HANGUP? WHAT HANGUP? CORRUPTION IN HIGH PLACES! i se iit 4 .--,, rTHE sna.WAUKEEu JOURNAL rafWx M". W " , ,i . +T s. « < , ' If,