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May 27, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-05-27

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 17-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 27, 1976

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Hays faces possible probe

WASHINGTON (A') - The chairman of the House ethics com-
mittee declined on Wednesday to set a date for an investigation of
Rep. Wayne Hays,- who has admitted that he had relations with a
House Administration Committee staffer.
The woman, Elizabeth Ray, says she was paid a $14,000 a
year government salary and performed no chores except as
Hays' mistress. Hays said Tuesday she was hired to perform
clerical duties, and he asked for an ethics panel probe.
ETHICS committee Chairman John Flynt Jr., D- Ga., refused
Wednesday to state explicitly that he would seek a probe, but
hinted hearings would be held when he told reporters in Georgia:
"I don't think it would be appropriate for me to talk about
that in any form or fashion until we set the hearings and begin
them. I'm not going to say any more than that . . . because 12
of us will have to pass judgment."
The co-author of "The Happy Hooker," the memoirs of a
New York prostitute, said Wednesday that Ray asked him last
spring to help her write her memoirs, saying they "would make
'The Happy Hooker' look like kindergarten."
NOVELIST Robin Moore said the 33-year-old Ray wrote and
telephoned him last spring to discuss her story.
Hays, .meanwhile, submitted an official request for an ethics
committee investigation, and 28 House members also submitted
a written request to the committee for a probe.
Hays said he intended the letter to be a formal request for
"the opportunity to present the facts surrounding the allegations
made against me."
FLYNT REFUSED to state flatly that hearings would be held.
"I can't answer that," he said. "It's not appropriate to talk about
litigation that is pending in his court."
The Justice Department also is investigating the Hays' affair
to determine if public funds were misused.
Hays admitted in an emotional House speech Tuesday that
he had had a "personal relationship" with the 33-year-old woman.
But he said it had ended when he decided to remarry, following
his divorce earlier this year.
WILLIAM Crabbe, the 49-year-old mayor of Steubenville, Ohio,
who will run as an independent against tlays in next fall's general
See HOUSE, Page S
Church committee to
make report public

DalPv rotob v iSC TITECE
Soup's on
STRIKING THE POSE of a gourmet chef, Bradford Boltz of Psi Upsilon fraternity prepares to
cook the house dinner. The dinner, which appears to be checken, awaits its fate passively on the
grill in the foreground.
uture looks blackfor
Blues and Jazz Festival

If you've been leafing the pages of the Daily
looking eagerly for news of this summer's Ann
Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival, you might as well
get ready to face the bleak truth: there isn't
going to be one this year.
Though neither the festival organizer nor local
politicians are willing to make out the death
certificate, indications are fairly certain that the
event has failed to get off the drawing board.
"IT'S TRAGIC," said promoter Peter Andrews,
who has managed the Blues and Jazz Festival for
the last four years. "It's really tragic."
Doubt has hung dark and heavy over the pro-
pgsed festival ever since last month, when a
motion by City Council members Jamie Ken-
worthy (D-4th Ward) and Earl Greene (D-2nd
Ward), which would have set aside Gallup Park
as the concert sit . was defeated by the Council.
Mayor Pro Te Robert Henry (R-3rd Ward),
speaking for the month-old Republican majority,

called the Gallup Park site "totally unaccept-
able." The Republicans maintained they had
nothing against the festival itself and were
merely concerned about possible damage to the
Park, though Council member Roger Bertoia
(R-3rd Ward) made remarks about "people in
tents encroaching on the local neighborhoods."
ALTERNATE sites for the festival were sug-
gested and followed through. The most promis-
ing area, however-Marshall Park on Plymouth
Road at1 Dixboro-lay inside Ann Arbor Town-
ship, and the Township was utterly opposed to
sponsoring the event.
"They've got good control over land use out
there," said Kenworthy. "We aren't going to be
able to hold it at Marshall."
. Andrews was noticeably bitter about the turn
events have taken. "Nobody wants to take the
responsibiliy for this thing," he said. "Every-
body wants to have a festival, but nobody's willing
See FUTURE, Page 5

ate intelligence committee voted
yesterday to make public a re-
port that two senators said
could "raise more quesions than
answers" about the assassina-
tion of President Kennedy..
Sen. Richard Schweiker (R-
Pa.), who headed the commit-
tee's inventigation, said he ex-
pected the report would be
made public in "a week or
two" after the CIA and FBI
have had a chance to review it
for the possible disclosure of
sensitive intelligence secrets.
er (R-Tex.), one of two senators
who voted against release of the
report, indicated that it would
rekindle the controversy sur-
roundinghthe assassination with-
out any hope of settling it.
Schweiker said the 172-page
report would "raise some very
serious questions" about the re-
lationships of the CIA and FBI
to the Kennedy assassination.
But he agreed with Tower that
"we may raise more questions
than answers."
A c o m m i tit e e investigator
stressed that Schweiker's re-
marks - were not meant to sug-

gest there was any evidence
that either agency had been in-
volved in the assassination. The
investigator, Paul Wallach, said
the report would focus on the
performance of the intelligence
agencies before and after the
assassination and would go into
the question of Lee Iarvey Os-
wld's motive.
TOWER, WHO has been brief-
ed on the report, said "I don't
think the Warren Cotamission
was wrong about who pulled the
The commisison headed by
the late Chief Justice Earl War-
ren concluded in 1964 that Os-
wald was the sole assassin and
said it could find no evidence
that he was part of a foreign
Towerand Sen. Barry Gold-
water (R-Ariz.) voted against
releasing the report.
THE COMMITTEE -could still
decide not to release it if by
Friday a majority of the 1t
members raise objections to its
release. But Tower, noting that
eight members already have
voted to make it public, said "I
do not anticipate that will hap-

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