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May 22, 1976 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1976-05-22

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-Page Twelve


Saturdoy, May 22, 1976

Tigers drop fifth straight
By The Associated Press land. Briles, 4-1, allowed two runs
B A L T I M O R E - Doug The Tigers, have lost five on three hits in the first three
an n t e o d De ancescontinued to sparkle straight. innings before settling dwn to
U U I as a replacement for veteran * * break a four-game Texas losing
third baseman Brooks Robin son Expos garroted streak.
Friday night, blasting a grand Mike Hargrove brought the
slam homer in the first inning MONTREAL-Wayne Garrett's Rangers from behind with a
second in regio als to lead the Baltimore Orioles to two-run double in the ninth in- two-run homer in the third
an 8-5 victory over the Detroit ning lifted the New York Mets inning after Lenny Randle
Tigers last night. to a 4-3 victory over the Mon- singled, erasing a 2-1 Angel
Spcia To The Daly Despite another poor per- treal Expos last night. lead. It was the third homer
formance by Jim Palmer, The Mets trailed 3-2 when of the year for Hargrove, who
After one day of AIAW regional tournament play inae i e Jerry Grote drew a leadoff later had to leave the game
Columbus, the Michigan women's tennis team and the MSU who was chased n the second walk off starter Steve Rogers, after being struck in the head
Spartans share second place with 21 points each. inning after yielding three bringing in Dale Murray from with a pitch from reliever
Third seeded Barb Selden defeated SueCsipkay of runs the Orioles scored their the bullpen. Bud Harrelson Paul Hartzell.
Southern Illinois, 6-2, 6-2, in the first round. Next, Selden eighth triumph in nine games singled before e o e Torre
bombed Oberlin's Katy Steinhaus 6-1, 6-0 to advance to the DeCinces, who played 10- Phillips and Garrett delivered
quarterfinals. Selden is the lone singles representative from games at second base while the game-winning hit. s C O R ES
Michigan. Bobby Grich was ill and Skip Lockwood, the third New
Melinda Fertig and Missy Pollick went to extremes switched to third base Mon- York pitcher, improved his rec- National League
in beating the Kalamazoo entry in a tiebreaker, 7-6, and day when the slumping 39. ord to 2-1 with the victory while New York National g
folowed with a 6-0 whitewash. year-old Robinson was bench- Murray fell to 0-3. Chicagt 5, Pittsburgh 4
Fertigand Pollick were upended in the second round by ed, has gone 12-for-29 in his hAtlantdphia ,St . saLoist
Fertig Atlanta at San Francisco, laie
Miami of Ohio, 6-4, 6-1. In the consolation round the Michigan last eight games. Briles brilliant Cincinnati at San Diego, late
women swept two from Oberlin. The grand slam came on a 3- ARLINGTON - Nelson Briles ioaston at Ls Angeles, late
Val Tinsley and Nancy Doerer defeated the Oberlin duo 2 pitch from loser Ray Bare, 2- held California to one hit after Milwaukee 4, Cleveland 3
6-3, 2-6, 6-3, to send them into the consolation round against 4, capping a rally that pro- the third inning as the Texas Baltimore s, Detroit 5
duced six unearned runs follow- Rangers beat the Angels 5-2 Txasg , Calioria
Fertig-Polick. ing two-out error by Detroit last night before a record crowd Chiao ts, Oaklands
ig b Kansas City 5, Minnesota 1
second baseman Gary Suther- 40,854. New York t, Boston 5, 12 inn.
We've cut the ribbon, now
you "cut the rug." Danc-
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the Jackson Road Log-
ging Company. A wild
and woody disco. With food. Cheap food. But
great food.Get your fill at our sawmill.-In Spring
a young man's fancy turns. So this Spring turn
GRAND your young fancies to the Jackson Road Log-
OPENING ging Company Lumber on in. And do a lumber
MON.,, MAY 24 number on your body.

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