Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILAr Saturdoy, May 22, 1976 kk Goqdp c ~o1 wMt'-1 I Uncontroacted Classified Rates WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 add. 0-10 1 15 2 30 3.05 380 4,55 5.30 .75 11 15 1 40 280 3,70 460 550 640 .90 16 20 1 65 3 30 4.35 5.40 6.45 750 1.05 21.25 1.90 3 80 5.00 620 7.40 8.60 1.20 26 30 2.15 4 30 5 65 7.00 8.35 9,70 1.35 31 35 2 40 4,80 630 780 9.30 1080 1.50 36 40 2 65 5 30 6.95 860 1025 11.90 1.65 41-4 5 2 90 5 80 7.60 940 1 120 1300 1,80 46-50 315 630 825 10.20 1215 1410 1.95 INCHC~ES 1 315 6 30 8 25 10 20 12.15 1410 1.95 2 565 1130 14 75 1820 21.65 25.10 3 45 3 815 16 30 21 25 26.20 31.1S 3610 4 95 4 10 65 21 30 2790 34.20 40 65 4710 6 45 5 1315 2630 3440 42.20 5015 5810 8.95 N.8 Each oiroun of character., counts as one word. Hvphenoted words acer 5 choracters count as two words t this includes telepho'ne numbers) 10 lines eouols 1 inch 5 aords oer line FOR RENIT ROOM tn spacious apt. 094-0505 toornilag. oaler 0 p m~ :23C522 FO>R SEP']FT3I R Forohi } d, lnrege stuidiuo alsrlosent lit Psu,,Postr home 1_ 195 ilcldec Woilltlco RNO pets, cnchi cr0 soker- '. Peeer rad todealt, moselerigd ople 665-9010. 700520 FALL, M1At E s ittolc to 0Epere-o- edeootcrtlsrte l as'l~ eretesllin toe rs.6001-7071 700522 IDEAL TWO brsiesow ifoe oartits, garfdetwe'. or otth(kor lotetis Oar mntle frrm'oto tottpoo:0 ceses. Pets allowed. r, oll ler5Sp.m_ 094-3140. 76C522 E NORMOUt'S ROOM sei arziumpus- Fttr! tlttcd allottll o !>!.mediotelyr. Fall oplIoci. 905-0102' 740525 SUMMNER HOOM toe trot, Jtvttr1I Sept. 1. 7023-0020. 020526 FURNISHED 2 bdle, odstern apt.j near catmpus.Titotdloleceo!latCey. $140. 455-1407. 400525 LARGE ROOMS toe the tootoer at $50 pero rn,inoler home sat romplu C Cooltto sclsllre..665-5041. coCte 8 oo. Fall Winter Lease FURNISHED APTS. Startiag t 055 ma. Pleted Owl sootlag Pool Weekly tloticrkerplatl Oare block from camnit Ustrerolly Towers Call 701-2600, ectc FURNISIOO, omodern, 1 tedroom apt. for Ilse Pall. Cotottos loation. 663-3641. rcte FURNISHOEI) csate bedraon ,Is5 Alto furnished rOoo 4021-5705 or 402- 7320. 530002 SAM'S STORE LEVI'S DEN IMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Buttort Fly Pre-Washed LEVI'S CORDS Bell Botoms Stroight Logs SPRING IS HERE Short Sleeve T-Shirts from $2.59 New Western Shirts hove arrived Tank Tops from $1 .98 30 different Truckers - Hats Long Sleeve 207 E. Liberty 663-8611 FOR RENT OFFICES Motdero Ottlldlo,, tewly deortated, eateTair oleedd~tlon~,, centralre cei,,jm o rs, first floor space avoll- oblu, iladisi loffaticesor suites, 701-07006 diyo, 602-4155 eveaings. 210005 ONE BDRM. FURNISHED APTS. FOR SPRINO ,SUMOMER $155/mo. Otherr types availaoble at reducerdroses Starting $00/mo. Heoted Swmming Pool 3 min. walk row Diug Weekly Housekereping 2-4 me. Sumomer Leoses University Towers Coll 761-2680 ectc NOW RENTING FALL 1976 SANS SOUCI (aoeoos fram U-M Stadium) Furnished 1 & 2 bedroom apart- meots. Parking availablle. Buses to and Cotom apuseeyisbotur. Se tonagorat Apt.K-I or all: 994-3955 eOte BARGAIN CORNER SPRING FLEA MARKET and bake sole, Sat., May 22, 10-0, 1779 Harepst St. Near Packard ad Stadium. 67W522 SUBLET AVAILABLE June 1-Own room tn fursedrtwo-bedroottsmodernaopt. Westsider,nale walk to rcaps. $60. 662-3067. 830525 FURNISHED, modern, 2 bedroomo apt. foe spritt-osmmer. Camsspo1- cation. 900-0209. Rests negotioble, A/CC t1U527 SUBLET - Uwo bedroom int 10r00 houser aills go00 people. Kitohen facilities, excellentt locaton. $55. Linsda. 095-2310. 04U520 OWN ROOM in thIree beds-dossA/0 apt. Availaoble oow thtrough August. 0,65 or bet offer. SMust rerasisa- me dli t ely .Catll 995-3722 persisenstly. 900520 ONE 110DR0OM APT.-Near Hospi- tat atnd oaopus. Soblet Oly- May 20-Jusly 23 or portion thereof. Call Rob, 709-4711 or 709-0273. 250522 SO? 'OMEN SUBLET/Poll option. Mod- ernonoa bedroom duspex, fully fur- aslshed. A C. threblocks froos oos- It-tO. 995-2405, Tracy. 270522 AVAILABLE Junoe lt--Modern 1 o 2 bedroomo opt.. ole consd., swim- mings pool, tw%.o blocks trots oampus. 761-38l6.80U520 FANTASTIC ROOM - Jooe-Auostt, Moderoiaed old 3 bedroom noise. AC. fturn., porch, beautitul blck- yurd, prime location, reras oa;',ti- able. 995-3027. 730i520 AVAILABLE Juner 1 or 15-Aug-One bedroom apt., all ameaities, over- looking West Park. 5 min. to raw- puo. $100. CaBl Lorry, 603-0412 roe- ningsf or 704-2132 doya., 500526 TWO BEDRM. furnisbed, lommed. occupancy, vefy 01008 1o law quad & boo ad, parking 4& laundry, ALSO furnisbed 2-bedrnm. in older building downtown. 663-4101.-- cute SUBLET OWN.OOM to friendly hose two dloks from camops. 50. Call after 5, 0402991522 SUPER SAVINGS on SUMMER SUBLETS 2 0B1. 1.i bths. 11-leel ottdett yout coo see by calg CAMPUS RENTALS, LTD 665-8825 1335 . UNIVERSITY SUMMER SUBLET of motderts I bed- room pt $140. 063-341. cuo SUMMER TERM. Fie mitt to 01g. 520 Hill, No. 2. 95-8302. 20522 SIARTING Istne we have, a small Lut cy bsement room fothIat certainasomcstr-as no-stOo-stsg e-_ m~,in 0 retthbase wt tea- snably deoro t, uptndng dvl- ol.tHAwiotwould welcome our esot-tony and rear money. (Cheap rendt),.We're lectto camps. et. So cll us anl see whatou'vse been mision. 05-841. sUs SUBLET SERVICE. We mointaa liot of ottr preests teatslawshng to sblet their aprtmet for sum- mer Contact usssfoe further infor- mtion. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC., 337 E. URON, 663-4101 cUte BUINESS SERVICES BANDOFOR wddnsand p ts Dos. 761-431 or 95-259 Jt Typng CopyngBindtng Editing, Keypunchng Noary Sevcet The Secetriat Dssetaton Specialists 12 S. State Stret 10 am-tO p.m. 994-3594 Jtc TYPINDGRasoabl rates. IBM e- lectric. 769-2250 after 11 a.m 27317 NEW SERVICE Epereed Eor-Fre, Garatesled Mnuscrpt Dssrato, S pe ec h Typewritng. Editig, Academc/Pco- fesionaolIBM Seectic. Reon- able Rats. Copying. Pick-up ad Otlisery. Prsonaied. Css ld101. TeIephonesD0-tatto adolor Servies STEPHENS PROFESSIONAL TYPEWRITING SERVICE P.. Boo 11 Ypsilat, Mc. Ms. Stephenso 434-104 7J15 EXPERIENCED pofesioal typsth 0IBM self-correctng; carbo ribbon. Guaranteed accuracy. Reaonable ra tea,. Manuscripts. disertatons, term pper-t, resumes. Jim. 665-6000. 10-6. 4J52 IAM _a._.t.._l-te ._free 10cr typ ist with cosderble experece typing books, dimetatios, ppes. I type oer 10 wpm. perfect accracy guaranted. Bawe rte 70 pee page. IBM CorretingtsSelctc. Call 011, 665-0166. Jc WANTED TO RENT GRAD STUDENTS seekig S or 6 BEDROOM HOUSE string August or Sept. Evenings, 65-603. 7L52 ..... WG WOMEN NEED o-a rooms In houseor capt. ft aIlCall 995-972. 65L521 GLOER FEMAL E grdate studet notsmoker, need partially furnish- ed small house, apatment, or duple ont a 12-month basis for up to 3 yes hbeginning0Augsotl 15. No large aprtmntl bildigad nothng housng undegaduates. No room- mates. Near cmPITs preferred. A- SOLUT7E QUET ESSENTIAL. Plese write immediately to C. Spdy, 326 Hatrrion, M a reqouaeetIte, Mischgan, 40055, gving full particulars. 312522 REAL ESTATE NINTH HOLE GOLFER'S Delight- 3 bedrooms, fireptac. Low mat- tessance. County Club privileges. $44.00. Also ose acre buldng site sterby, $950. Robert H. Thonton Jr., P.C. Realtor. 76-550, 995-421, 475-2008, 971-542. 4352 MISCELLANEOUS ONORRECREATION, outdoor re- laaton. Mesica hammocks are the mst camorable way to do ay- tinlg: large sle for sale. Call Rich 5-0:20 or weeked, 994-622. 56M28 ROOMMATES ONE BOOM in 3-bedroom apt in beautiful old house, Grad woman preferred,. Available June. 1 tru next..year.$9/mntb., including utiliis, 761-510. 63Y25 -PHOTO SUPPLIES CANON 20 mm lent, 895- Vivitoe flash :u-171, $20; bath like nw 994-5502. 720525 HELP WANTED MALE YOUTH Grottp leaders aneed for tosag Juaea clubs beginning Fatlt. Jew Ish 'Zionaist backgouadre qutrd (.OontateBarb, 995-9856. 9IH5.6 WANTED -- BASS p1ayer a rgon ployer bhoplays bassto join5wrk- ing b ad403-0478. 08H51a MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS MARTIN SALE nowlinprogress Get :ou0 at adhsountprie .SeeDn, Apollo Musi Cete, 3230S. Ma. extc BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1072 BMW R1015,excetlent cads- slots 10900 iles.763-6026, M-F after 7 p to 87Z528 SPECIAL SALE Botte~clto ,Deltuxe 10-speed bOttcl $109.50. All Sport, 663-2233. 650616 1073 YAMAHA-175, 1500 moilet. WILL SELL. IMMEDIATELY. 995-3879. 375 2 LOST AND FOUND LOST-If anyotte htsounssd a light brown leathser wallet, please colt Ants Marse at 704-6552. I despetely aeed my itsliiations. dA ANSWER TO PREYIOUS PUI H A R PMT, A T A R V I ASEA REINE IM VIER EOLtc SP A F F U E N T S 0 C t E 0PT ERR0.R SPURIOUS 00NA URN NABOB PAT M A D M 0 E I S L I Al DI RADAR V CORDON REGIME GILES IN M O R A L R E A R M A M E A N Al V t D E 0 O T C1OE ANOOR SA ROSS LEASE A USED CARS OMO 1070 STKPVAN. Camper-party vehiyle. Usique interior. 973-9878. 896522 1070 VW - Dependable, inexpensive trasportation. New Oires. $1008 or best offer. Eves., 701-014, 26N52 '71 CHEVY VAN. 3-speed, 6 cylinder. Ideal foe camper. First $1200 takes 15. 66 5-2532, 59N522 USED MAIL_ JEEPS, 1560 Kaiser- jeetps. 1:,toa. Vehicles freshly paiat- ed. Inspection Monay through Fri- day 0 -2:20 pm. Halo post office gnorr. e,1170 14th S1., Detrait, MI, 40216. Telephone 226-6643 or 42. 18N523 0000D '68 DELTA 00. 2 door, gosod buy. Price segottable. Randy, E68- 7121. 55522 (Continued on Page Nine) III CROSSWORD PUZZLE [C 15978 LOS ANGELES TIMES ACROSS 65 Subject of Rim- 28 Theater signs 1 Certaio 0. L'a ski-Koroakov 29 Putt's 5Clean the deck piece destination 2 ho o 7Rbaant 3 l 4 of Sandwich 68 Melange 31 Heat unit, for 15 Fence of a sort 69$ Trick short 16 Flamboeau 70 Leaves off 34 Run-around 17 Jealous 71 Confederate 35 Rainbow 19 Ditcommode 72 Suffix with pun, 3$6 Pere 20 Salty one fun, etc. Indians 21 Convey 38 Prospector's goal 23 Hooter DOWN 40 Keep a date 24 Nursery sounds 1 Throws: Colloq. 41 Provider of an 26 Huch 2 Token importent service 28 Hischief: Colloq. 3 Linen fabric of 44 Peccadillos 31 Sibling, for short Spain 4$ Thresh 32 School near 4 Heavy hammer 49 Brazil'a neigh- Windsor Castle 5 Nannies hors Abbr, 33 Entrench oneself $ Route 50 Pacific's 37 Type of payment 7 Attention-getter discoverer 39 Overwhelm S Ugly customer 51 Caution lights 42 Links word 9 Over: Phrase 82 Gardener's need 43 Hake good- 10 Chaney 53 Honolulu 45 Shoot 11 Whether s alutetion 47 Show - 12 Facial expression 04 Picture of a sort 48 Baseball rally- killers 13 With reserve 58 Soothe 52 Fine wine 18 Not anybody 60 He contiguous 55 - up (cooperate) 22 Constellation 61 - majesty 563 Rubber tree 25 - under 62 Hambi 57 Harket optimist 27 What 64 Hatinee time: 59 Irreverent "quasi" Abbr. 63 Making all stops means $8 Israeli coin 1 2 3 4 $6 78 9 0 II 1 13 37 -28 29 -30 QsI 56 57 $ 58 9 1$0161 62