Page Six FHE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 21, 1976 P eSix fl-fE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 21, 1976 Happenings. .. All week long COMMERCIAL CINEMA The Missouri Breaks - (The Movies, Briarwood) -A r t h u r Penn's eagerly-awaited Western featuring the dream team of Brando and Nicholson. Public- ity aside, any Penn usually con- tains something worthwhile in it, and this one should be no excep- tion. Lies My Father Told Me - (Michigan) - Weepy, schmalzy nostalgia tale about the travails of a Jewish family in the 1920's in Montreal, focusing on the re- lationship between a small boy and his aging grandfather. Di- rector Jan Kadar has to his cre- dit tw-, of the finest films ever made (Tie Shop on Main Street and Adrift), but this time he's undercut by a cliche-ridden script, some blatant ham act- ing and one of the most obtrus- ive musical soundtracks this side of Sound of Music. I'm as big a sucker for tear-jerkers as the next viewer, but this entry is made of plastic.* One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - (The Movies, Briar- wood) - The first film in over forty years to sweep all t h e major Oscr-s, but for all i t s accolades, sill just not as good as it should l've been. Cuc- koo's Nest is technicaly superb and splendidly acted, but direc- tor Mrlas Forman displays a consisten' insensitivity and mockingness toward his charac- ters that does much to under- mine the saivation theme of Ken Kesey's novel.' - , The Exorcist -- (State)-Care- fully re-examined, The Exorcist seems a reasonably compelling film minus the hysterical public- ity accompanying its initial re- lease two years ago, but t h e picture still falls considerably short of greatness. Director Wil- lian Friedkin's decision to film the Blatty novel in a realistic msde without any chain-rattling scare-film cliches seemed sound in theory but proves out of kilter with the finished product. Blat- ty's horrifics seemed frighten- ing when left to the imagination, but when transposed literally to the scssen, the roaring obscen- ities, green vomit and other shock effects serve to detract from, rather than add to the suspense. The film cries out for the shadowy, phantamagoric style of a Polanski or a Scor- cese; given the risky aesthetic nature of the story, Friedkin's visual graphics just don't have the requirements of invention or taste needed to make The Exor- cist a film classic"*** All the President's Men - (The Movies, Briarwood) -This splendid film from the W o od- stein bestseler proves less a chronicle of Nixon's downfall than a day-to-day stidy of the highs and lows of newspaper re- porting - a thorough, precise and remarkably absorbing look at the painstaking detective work that just may have pre- served us as a nation.*" Hedda - (Fifth Forum) - A faithful if somewhat reduced cinemazation of the f a m o u s play, dominated by Glenda Jackson's fascinating cerebral interpretation of Ibsen's demon- ic heroine."' Friday CINEMA No Man of Her Own - (Cin- ema Guild, Arch. Aud., 7:30 & 9:35) - Clark Gable and Carole Lombard make their lone on- screen teamup in this rather ne- gligible 1932 comedy" The Adventures of Robin Hood - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 3, 7 & 9) - A splashy, exciting '30's version of the hero of Sher- wood Forest. The studio predic- tibly tacked on the usual happy ending, and the Sheriff of Not- tingham has for some reason been eliminated from the p r o- ceedings entirely; but E r r oI Flynn makes a wonderfully dashing Robin and director Mi- chael Curtiz knows how to keep the action moving briskly throughout. Fun for all.*** The Confession - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 4, 7 only) - An absolutely wrenching drama by Costa Garvas (Z), about the efforts of interrogators to force a Czechslovakian Communist of- ficial (Yves Montand) to recant his sins during the Czech purge of the late 1940's. Brutally unre- lenting and certainly rough for audiences totake, but nonethe- less the best pick of the week.**** The Conformist - (Ann Ar- bor Film Co-op, MLB 4, 9:30 only) - A young Italian joins Mussolini's secret police in or- der to gain a feeling of emo- tional solidity in an increasingly unstable society. A controversial' film plotwise, but director Ber- nardo Bertolucci's directorial talents are so awesome t h a t they totally envelop any thema- tic shortcomings that may exist. A perverse and brilliant film.*" The Killing of a Chinese Book- ie - (Cinema II, Ang. Aud. A, 7:30 & 9:45) - Ann Arbor pre- miere of John Cassavetes' new film,starring Ben Gazzara. Saturday CINEMA Little Women - (Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud., 7:30 & 9:35) -- Fine George Cukor film of the Alcott novel, starring Kath- erine Hepburn. *** The Killing of a Chinese Bookie - (Cinema II,- Ang. Aud. A, 7:30 & 9:45) - See Friday Cinema. Sunday CINEMA Tabu - (Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud., 8 only) - Early adven- ture film whose mechanical sharks pre-dated Jaws by forty- five years. Admission is FREE. Monday CINEMA Gentleman Jim & Captain Blood -- (Ann Arbor Film Co- op, Ang. Aud. A, Jim at 7, Blood at 9) - Arguably, Errol Flynn's two most enjoyable films - the former dealing with the life of former Heavy- weight Champion James Cor- bett, the latter chronicling the exploits of doctor - pirate Pet- er Blood. The Corbett film is a thoroughly fanciful, freewheel- ing interpretation of the box- er's career that stands in joy- ous contrast to the dull rever- ence that has characterized al- most every other filmed sports biography; Captain Blood marker Flynn's screen debut and remains the quint-essential swashbuckler, immortalized by Flynn's volcanic performance as the dashing outlaw-hero of the high seas. Certainly a stu- pendous double bill.**** Tuesday CINEMA The Earrings of Madame de- (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, 7 only) - Max Ophuls' film of aristocratic love, un- seen by this writer. The Killing of Sister George - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, 9 only) - Robert Al- drich's adaptation of the stage play about the slow decline of an aging lesbian TV perform- er (Baryl Reid), and her re- lationship to her lover and apartment mate (Susannah York). One of the first studies of gayness on film, but Aldrich tends to play it too much for its sensationalist aspects, in the process obscuring a pretty good plotline: *** Scenes From a Marriage - (People's Bicentennial Com- mission, MLB, 7 $ 10) - Ing- mar Bergman's intimate - and to my mind icy - exploration of various stages of a disin- tegrating marriage, and its af- tereffects. Intricately woven and phenominally performed by Liv Ulman and Erland Joseph- son, but characterized by a kind of detached sterility that makes it difficult to get overly involv- ed in it's characters difficul- ties. *** Wednesday CINEMA The Long Goodbye - Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, 7 & 9) - The most recent film depiction of the Raymond Chandler detective genre, with Elliott Gould surprisingly effec- tive as Philip Marlowe. If the viewer can avoid physio-psycho disorientation from director Robert Altman's annoying pe- petual motion camera technique, this will prove a most enjoy- able flick, Scenes From a Marriage - (People's Bicentennial Commis- sion, MLB, 7 & 10) - See Tues- day Cinema. Thursday CINEMA Monterey Pop - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, 7, 8:45 $ 10:30) - The first Rock documentary from the first of the Great Festivals, circa 1967. A little crude and small-scale in con- trast to the technical wizardry of its gargantuan successors, but a glorious nostalgia trip through the likes of Jimmy, Janis, The Airplane and other saints of the Age of Peace and Love. *** USING NATURE'S OWN METHOD B R O W N S V I L L E, Tex (P) - The warm, dry climate of this Gulf Coast area is being used to create a wastewater treatment plant that employs solar evaporation to achieve absolute zero - discharge. This totally eliminates pollution from the process waters used in making chemicals. The new environmental pro- tection system, according to Union Carbide's plant manager, Bill McManus, is like ature's own method for handling wastes. The process water is collected and pumped into an evaporation pond, where the liquid.waste materials are oxi- dized to harmless carbon diox- ide. The hot climate evaporates the water from the pond, and with the help of aerating pumps to speed the process, leaves only minute quantities of solids behind. The filly Top Flight won all seven of her races as a two- year-old in 1931. She earned $219,000 that year. S STYLING is the way to go. U-M Stylists at the UNION DAVE, HAROLD & CHET LEVIS FROM SA 1S STORE SAM'S STORE 207 E. LIBERTY 663-8611