Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Candidates prepare for last act GEO chart Thursday, May 20, 1976 s 'U' with (Oontinued rom Page 5 maries in Oregon, Idaho and Nevada because of the popular- ity of Church in his home state and neighboring Oregon, and the popularity of Brown in both California and Nevada. He added, however, that he has beaten favorite sons be- fore. He predicted an uphill battle in California. hut said he will put a full effort into the state's primary. He also predicted that Udall would be saving his resources and efforts for a major push in one or two delegate-rich pri- mary states. FOR ROTH the Renublican and Democratic contestants, the prospect now is that no entry will have majority command before convention time. That points to battles and bargains A in New York and Kansas City l before the nominees are finally chosen.1 Ford, buoyed by landslide vic- tories in his home Michigan primary and in Maryland, goes west on Saturday to campaign in California. He's appearing in Oregon and Nevada, too, where there are primaries next Tues- day. But the real target in Rea- gan's California. "California is eminently win- nable," said Peter Kaye, spokesman for the Ford 'cain- paign. "Given the volatility 3 of the electorate and given theI good news of Tuesday, we can, take it." "WE NEED California to win a first ballot victory," he said. Mayor Pete Wilson of San Die- go, who heads the Ford cam- FAST paign in Southern California, said Reagan probably is ahead by a small margin now. He said Republicans there a r e torn between allegiance to Rea- gan, twice elected their gover- nor, and support for the incum- bent President. Wilson forecast a Ford victory in the winner- take-all contest for 167 Repub- lican delegates. The latest California Poll, conducted between May 6 and May 8, shows Reagan leading Ford 49 per cent to 39 per cent. "I think the California pri- mary is very important," Rea- gan said. "I am reasonably optimistic." Ford will be campaigning there before the June 8 ballot- ing. Kaye said that depends on decisions still to be made about the allocation of scarce cam- paign money. MdOVI affirI (continued from themselves while th new data to be comp mester after anothe The administration missioned to investig underutilization of and women by sort University departmi ability pool which co individuals who mee eligibility requireme ployment, accordin "Memorandum of7 ing." When Forsyth ind the probe showed s ments defining the pool as only those w olied for jobs, rath those qualified who itive CAN SAVE YOUA FISTFULLOF DOLLARSON A GREAT SUMMER VA CATION. Page r; have applied, the union bargain- ey wait for ers reacted with displeasure. iled one se- DAN TSANG of GEO pointed r. out that the administration had a was com- never mentioned application as ate possible criterion for availability. He and minorities other GEO negotiators charged veying each that this new policy was dis- ent's avail- criminatory, and moreover, was insists of all evidence of an administrative ef- t the unit's fort to "fudge the figures." nts for em- "You're allowing, in your pro- g to the gram, departments to net out Understand- peole from their availability pool to mate you look good," licated that asserted Tsang. ome depart- By reducing the number in the availability pool, the percentane of minori- ho have ap- ties and women hired anpears er than all higher than it would if the nool might not was defined according to the -- "Memorandum of Understand- ing." "THIS STUFF thev're talking about-fudging the data-is all nonsense as far as I'm concern- ed," Forsyth commented after the session. "In terms of how we're doing things in posting (hiring prac- tices) it's nothing new to them ... I'm willing to categorically state that they knew. We told them in the past that we were going to do that." GEO also discussed at yes- terday's meeting a measure in their proposed contract calling for the active recruitment of minority graduate students. The goal is to bring minority rep- resentation up to its proper level in proportion to national figures. Allen said, "If we're talking about the year 2500 to reach this goal, well that's one thing, but we're interested in doing it much sooner. Recruitment is a faster route." THlE administration bargain- ers dlid not respond specifially to that demand. After the meetng Gt presi- dent Doug Moran characterized the University's attitude on in- cluding affirmative action in the new contract: "If it's not in the contract, that means there's no way to enforce it. . . . They know if we have it in a contract we're going to push." "THEY'LL be dragged kick- ing and screaming into affir- mative action," he predicted. Asked why the administration would not put the affirmative action clause in the contract, Forsyth said that hiring prac- tices don't involve the labor or- ganization. He went on to predict, "That will be a point of contention throughout bargaining and I think we made that clear to- day." ME AN W H ILE, the GEO team is stilt awaitingta counterproposal from the ad- ministration. Forsyth calculates, "I think we can probably have our coun- terproposals anytime from ten days to two weeks" from the time of the last GEO proposal clarification session (which could be as early as next Tuesday). When the University position is finally known, GEO negotia- tors expect to be more able to assess the probability of the two sides reaching a contract settlement before the strike deadline set for October 5. Midwest's Lrest Seletin .11 European Charters Conodin and U.S. from $259 CALL 769-1776 ot t6 Ptl Aces 4AiV~~ a 9lrpr Before June 1, buy a one-or two-month Greyhound Ameripass at pre-summer savings. 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