Lost in Levittown: The class By SARA RIMER LEVITTOWN, PA. - This town's pretty mach the way I left it four years ago when I started school in Ann Arbor. A little greener, now that the trees have grown some, but the house nest door stilt looks like the one next to it, which looks like the one next to it, and so on down the line. There's a fresh crop of lit- tle kids on my street. Skate- boards are back, and they're screeching the wheels down Spicebush Road just like we did. And some of those kids that were little and cute when I lived at home have grown up and grown bored enough to become the newest punks. Take that red-haired ten-year-old - the angel boy type adults love to coo at - whose picture is in our photo album. The shot shows him sucking on a lollipop and grinding his hips inside a hula hoop as a bright thatch of hair falls over his blue eyes. Now that he's 14, the adults have given up cooing and are calling the police on him in- stead these days. Seems he gets his kicks from rolling parked VWs into the road and husting streetlamps. LEVITTOWN, for all its charming street names Sil- verhell, Fieldstone, Red Rov- ing, Juniper - can he dreary. 0i u r neighborhood, Snowball Gate, has its lovely street names _ - Spinythorn, Seckle- pear, Scarlet Oak, you got it, they all start with "S". What it doesn't have are parks, nearby libraries, hoskstores, nor more than a single thea- tre within walking distance. Sn-mwhvbll Gate has a parking lot where teenagers from all over get down in their cars with the headlights turned off. Sri when ss)me of the kids get bored and their parents don't send them off to sammer camp or to tennis lessons, they start busting streetlamps and rolling cars. The cops don't seem to mind. There has been one recent change on our street: a racially mixed couple has moved in across the street from us. That makes Spicebush Road's first black and maybe the fourth or fifth to move into a neigh- borhood of about 800 families. People still report. "Did you know that a black family has moved in on the drive?" as if it's news four years after it happened. While they try to tell you they think it's great - progress, you know - what they're really saying is, "How odd that THEY want to live among us whites." A lot of people still don't answer the door when someone black comes walking up the driveway. They watch their visitor t h r o u g h closed curtains i n s t e a d, telling themselves, "You never know who it could be." And they never will know, either. It's to all this dreariness that some of this spring's graduates are returning. The class of '72 took off running four Septem- hers ago to figure out what they wanted to do with their lives and now they're coming home to this town of 75,000 with their 1A degrees to think about the problem some more. A LOT OF the cool people _- athletes, cheerleaders, and the like were considered "cool" - used to hang at G uiseppe's, a tacky pizza place where a good looking girl could meet a jock. Guiseppe's is still there, but it's lost its clientele to the new bar next door that's just as tacky but that bears a name otrageously pretentious f o r Levittown. Truffles, they call it. Nearby are a Seven Eleven, a Thom McAnn's, a Dairy Qbeen, the Ble Fountain Din- er - _ and now Truffles. The graduates are coming back to Truffles to drink. Now that most of the jocks have quit playing football, their guts are spilling over their belts like the foam slobbering down their mttgs of beer. Those graduates that come back don't talk much about their plans. Nor do they talk much about their college ex- periences; they went away to get their degrees and to get out of Levittown. Coming back is really not cool at all. Conversation eventually gets around to Levittown: nothing to do here, they complain, as if they'd forgotten. But where be- fore they complained and then went back to school, now they complain and they stay. Much of the class of '72 has come The graduates are claiming the same jobs they held dur- ing summers between terms. There was Linda, still hostess- ing at The Rusty Scupper Inn in nearby Princeton, New Jer- sey last week. She's been there on breaks from Penn State University each time I've been on one from Michigan. Now that she's graduated, she's back at The Scupper. The place looks like an airy, wooden- beamed beach house colored by brilliant, Marimeko print pil- lows and hung everywhere with plants. Just one catch: instead of looking out on the water, it looks out on the parking lot. The waitresses are mostly lean, long - haired, and terribly pret- ty. They are also mostly col- lege - educated and waiting, 'The class of '72 took off running four Sep- tembers ago to figure out what they wanted to do with their lives,, and now they're com- ing home to this town of 75,000 with their BA degrees to think about the problem some more." of '76 IT WAS TOO much of what we'd already heard hundreds of times when the waitress in- troduced herself and then, in the chummy style of some pseudo-young chic restaurants, gave us the rundown on her life native of a Boston suburb, Amherst graduate, came to The Scupper with friends because she couldn't find anything else to do. She had hand-tooled sil- ver and gold jewelry, some of it studded with turquoise and coral, up and down her arms, around her neck, and on her fingers, and it was hard to feel too sorry for her. It appeared that Mom and Dad in the Bos- ton suburb were taking good care of her while she looked around. But she must have touched a chord somewhere; we left a big tip. She was a good example of those wealthier graduates it Levittown who don't have In worry much. They're home now for a few weeks to unwind, bt thenathere's srael, Europne, back to school maybe with their parents paying tuition agai ur ..I' h nwh No hurry - t's the onen wvh are back waitressing or work- ing construction to pay the bills who could get stuck. They all wanted to do better than Lenvit- town. Just the same, they tell each other over drinks at Truf- fles, you had to get the de- gree. Didn't you? A close friend, who graduat- ed from college ten years ago and talks about going back for his PhD, put it this way in a graduation card: "I spentt grad- uation day saying, 'Four sears wasted! I' ater, I found that everyone else had, too. Bult would you tell your kid nst to go to college?" 'ssra B sssssrs on/ss /o s S af R/i s D a d / d u rin g 1 9 7 5 , ' 1i ltat([ frnt /1w Univoril1 Ya May 1. Shei/ n /ne tsin Isr s- 'l-ss s for a fsss isvs 1 f />(gisssis' ass is,,'55rns/s/ sss / l'/;ilssdsl/slssa Ille/in. back this summer to wait. For graduate school, marriage . . . the lottery, perhaps? THERE ARE those in the class of '72 who never left Levittown. Some high school couples stayed together, got married, often wound up liv- ing in Levittown's squat, mod- ern apartments and working at the shopping malls or the din- ers. Those who left for college could look down at the ones who stayed - who settled - sasugly confident that they were getting out and moving on to a better life. And now they're scared when they run into those same couples at the sup- ersmarket or the movies. The line that was once drawn so strong between them is wear- ing thin. like Linda, for something better to come along. Meanwhile, they serve big drinks and quiche to Princeton's young sophisti- cates. Linda stopped briefly to ex- plain just what she was wait- ing for. A new mall had open- ed: "It's got Bamberger's, Wanamaker's, all the good stores; I think I can get a sales job," she said, as if that's all she really wanted. What about her old friend Adele, what was she doing? Adele had just graduated from Penn State with a degree in advertising, Linda said. No job though; she's taking a group of kids across the coun- try this summer. Then she doesn't know what she'll do, Linda added. The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Thursday, May 20, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 (AN A PENNY PINCHING, boyish-looking former Jesuit seminary student turned governor of the nation's largest state find happiness as a novice on the presi- dential trail? Jerry Brown, resident guru of the California state- house, whose staff limousine is an unpresumptious Ply- mouth and who shuns the governor's mansion for a Sac- ramento bachelor pad, has proven that such a mini- miracle is possible. Brown, who trounced Jimmy Carter in Maryland's "beauty contest" Tuesday, must now be considered an important factor in the waning days of the campaign. Although he did not win any delegates - he filed too late in Maryland -- Brown proved that his fresh, new personality and "less is better" doctrine can woo votes. More important, Brown appears set to garner a sizeable block of delegates in his home state of California on June 8, and his recent spurt of momentum can spell a mea- sure of success in the other two primaries he has en- tered: Nevada and the high stakes New Jersey race. On the personal level, Brown's national recognition should soar at a time when he is still years away from his political prime. But it is clear that Brown will enter July's convention with a potent number of delegates, enough to have an impact on an all-out Democratic scramble. "1"SSSSSTi, JERRY... IBACKrl.I ()YOUR iMI NlIAT." -, r * - ~E