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May 19, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-05-19

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 11-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 19, 1976

Ten Cents

Sixteen Pages

ord, arter victors
Iii Klch gan pimaryV
s 3Udall loses state
by narrow margin
From Staff and Wire Reports
President Ford yesterday, in his home state's critical
primary, crushed the conservative challenge of Repub-
lican. Ronald Reagan, while "former Georgia Governor
Jimmy Carter fought off Arizona Congressman Morris
h s Udall for a slim victory in the Democratic primary.
Ford's victory came at a time when a Michigan loss
would have given Reagan's drive for the GOP nomina-
tion almost unstoppable momentum. The former Cali-
fornia governor had won five of the last six Republican
contests, and observers
- claimed that a Reagan win
in Ford country would have BULLETIN
P crippled the President's
faltering campaign. Here are the totals in Mich-
fatrn 'nresidential primary

UDALL, BECAUSE of his ex-
tensive campaign efforts in
Michigan, had said that this
primary represented his best
chance to defeat Carter one-on-
one. Despite his loss here,
Udall has vowed,, to ride the
race out until the July conven-
tion in New York City.
"We're going to the conven-
tion with the second highest
number of delegates," Udall
told cheering supporters in De-
troit last night. "We're going
all the way."
See FORD, Page 7

1±any prbuiulj 11u3
with 84 per cent of the states
6,331 precincts reportng:
Ford 65 per cent
Reagan 34 per cent
Uncommitted 1 per cent
Carter 44 per cent
Udall 42 per cent
Wallace 7 per cent
Uncommitted. 2 per cent
Others 5 per cent

DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL hopeful, Jimmy Carter, was all smiles last night as he hustled
through Detroit's Metro Airport on his way to his Michigan campaign headquarters. Carter nar-
rowly defeated Morris Udall in last night's Michigan primary.

Brown takes Maryland

WASHINGTON (')-California Gov. Edmund "Jerry"
Brown yesterday won the Maryland Democratic presi-
dential primary, capitalizing on his primary debut to
wound the front-runner campaign of former Georgia
governor Jimmy Carter.
With 83 per cent of the state's 1546 precincts report-
ing, Brown had 224,443 votes or 48 per cent and Carter
171,395 votes or 38 per cent.
THE 14 per cent of the vote not going to Carter or
Brown was split among five other candidates. Morris
Udall, who abandoned plans to campaign in the state
after Brown came in, had 5 per cent and George
Wallace, winner of the last two Maryland primaries,
had 4 per cent of the vote.
On the Republican side, Ford led Reagan by a
margin of 72,294 or 57 per cent to 55,113 or 43 per cent.
Brown held Carter to a virtual standoff among rural
and black voters, the former Georgia governor's main
source of strength in Maryland. The 38-year-old gov-
ernor was ahead in all metropolitan areas around
Baltimore and Washington.
CARTER claimed he could absorb defeats and still

win the Democratic nomination on the first ballot.
The question was how many.
In Maryland, for the second ceek in a row, he lost
to a campaign newcomer facing the primary voters for
the first time. Sen. Frank Church of Idaho beat Carter
in Nebraska last Thursday.
Brown was moving quickly to build on his Maryland
victory. He opened a campaign office in New York
City today to woo uncommitted delegates in that
state's big delegation.
BROWN waged an intensive campaign against Car-
ter in the Maryland presidential preference vote. But
the 38-year-old California governor came to the presi-
dential race too late to field a slate of delegate candi-
dates, so his Maryland delegate support had to come
from Democrats who were formally uncommitted to
pledged to dropout candidates.
Ford campaign manager Rogers Morton said in
Washington that the President's victories in Maryland
and Michigan will develop "the kind of momentum we
need to get us through the days ahead." He said Ford
can win all the rest of the primaries,. including the
June 8 contest in Reagan's native California.


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