Tuesdoy, May 18, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Platform committee pro-Carter WASHINGTON (AP) - The IDemocratic Party's platform committee switched chairmen yesterday and elected a draft- ing subcommittee heavy with supporters of presidential con- tender Jimmy Carter. Guy. Philip Noel of Rhode Is- land opened the committees final four days of hearings by announcing that he was step- ping down to spare the com- mittee any embarrassment from recently reported remarks he made about black ghetto home life. (Continued from Page 8) PERSONAL CELLIS'Treeks nmosiriasfornea teur string Quartet. Larr-y, 662-4050. ...tt.FRTIVE--Dne by stealttb.suerep- titiotussecere t. PURTIVENESS TRAtNING workshrops begtnning so.Why tet otber pespte be mare ctandestine tbsn yau? Lesen is disguise ysue intentios. Hilde youe- setf-everyone etse is. 28F518 PREGNANT? Need belp? Caltt Prob- tens Pregnascs Help, 769-7283. 400 5. Divisiors. Feee pregnsacy tests. SPRING TERM EXERIStE HOUR- l:30-6:30eveey Tues. and T'rs., May tI-June 22. Meet at WtNES FIELD band practie- area. Cost: $3t25 per persaonfrte eteem; pay at Cotiseam, 5th at Hill. 0F622 FIREWORKS RBly dirct, Wesip trogurtthbe U.S. Send ftsefreee peterliar toay. Puaees must be tt yes. se older. PERSONAL WTT-Y, !SENSITIVE NMAN. 25, seeksr femrale campiian witbl similar quat- ties. Weite Boxet720. 88F519 EUROPEAN CHARTER FLIGHTS Midwes-t's Largest Selection U.S. and Canadian Cbarters Two wees tos9months dation Ca11 GREAT PLACES, 769-1776 cF529 FRtENGS LAKE COMMUNITY. 80 acewildlife preserve aear Cbelsen: swimmning, e a n a e i a g, picnicing, camapinp. Memaberthip $50 pee ndult. Breebe tram Blaods, 2005 Penn- craft, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48103. 84P529t COPIES-- 2'0e eacb owrest Peicer Anywh~er IMPRESS. 524 K William 665-4221 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Istorwrk at the Ex-Gftender Cantact Center in Ann Arboe. Par furtber informsation caatt: Shrelly, 868-8220; Debbie. 662- 2832; Pete, 995-2849. 51F519 DON'T PAY tar a stare's ovreead vaahiaS markr-up, Par tbe area's lawest pricer and fiinert qrualities possible onan engraagemrent1 rinr, rsop Ausrtin iamrornd, 1209 S5 Cal- versity, 662-7151. c~te PERSONAL PERSOINAL. CHOICES WORKSHOP onavoratioaliand othrer ierroal irier. Mary 2a-30. $25 lusslilding srcrle. Rob, Mac~art Blaed, 769066. 36F520 WCC STUDENT seeksr il lits with raoenial U atf5M girls. Pbrone Louis Wn PARTICIPATE ini the RBsie Shield prescription per-rasi. Villiaae Aparliecai, 11i2 S. University. r~tc LUNCH at Cssrrerbury Hause. Mail- darythrarugh Priday, 12 aoea to 2 pIm Tabletsont he parch, nit an the lanrinsaide. Bring soirething tor eatitbeerget peasided. Career at Cathrerire anid Divisian. 15P52i CAT LOVERS--Havre a eat withouit a seiriias comrmitmnt? My eat needs a brineritiser tar susmmer or the yer. I will help with cnre and en- peiset. Nancy, 665-4202. 84F525 HEART CENTER SCROOL GP AS- TRGLOGY. Insrucitor Mirhael and Mrrgaret Erirwine. Teaching snce 1967. Clasres, Natal Charta, Retail Textboakt, Reaings, Certificatian 662-6677. 68F515 OPEN TILL I AMi tonlirghI. Billards, bowlir'g ailpirnbarl at also great CM Unioin. cP507 GOV. WENDELL Anderson Elieltose capy at requred Michigan of Minnesta then was elected Saeprsl rr rrior r Fireworks, nox 221, Connearut, Ohio unlanimou~sly, on Noel's recoin- 4430 Manufrturrrer,lamportrae mendation, as permanent chair- whoiesaler, Distribiutor. ePtc mean of the platform committee. "MAKE LOVE-NOT WAR" The $5-member drafting rub- lit's goad lor arir bsines coimmittee was chssen after par- Arirtin Diaond ty regulars beat back an at- r20aS. Univieriry. 663-7151 tempt to have the name of Pat- rick Moynihan knocked cff the DufsetPcinrrinrr, Xerrox crrpies Xeros redrrelirr, rhotrrrtrrts, slate proposed by party and hrrlftolnc, yper er 111an cosmmittee officials. mc oe Duoring a lengthy debate over ARBOR INSTANT the slate, Moynihan, former U.S. PRINTING ambassador to the United Na- 51vSaD-iTACCOUNS 5WEL.COME tirons, was criticized for his past 214 s. 4111Are. 994-4r64 froreign policy possitirs and set- riallis rice in ihe Nixro and Ford ad- c~nc ministrations. ICE CREAM- THE SUBCOMMITTEE in CARAMEL CORN CASTLE cueforconvention delegates [Now Open 1 1-1 1 commilitted to Carter, the cur- reint front-ronner for the Demo- E, Lrberty, 2 blrreastrrrorrtSla t e cratic presidential noniination,. cilrlriltr , a a nrrrrl rrrrir 1111, and twro others considered lean- PF618 itg to the former Geoirgia' gov- FPANISH I III 081US tehrng en- ernso. perier eNatrre sree r. -e995-105.5 Sen. Ilenry Jackson, who has 0F1 ceased active campaigning for ,'PERM5ANENTi'WEIGHi-TLoss rTrub h Be r a vior eMorrifircaion the nomination, has two mem2- tWei2rllr Contrerl Natrrra, 994-0019, hers on the subcommittee, in- cFre cetiding Moynihan. California Crov'. Jerry Brown, Alabama Crush Gorrv. George Wallace and Rep. Mrrris Udall have one each. all smokes The remaining members are dedo . either uncomniitted or pledgedded ut In favorite-son candidates. Noel received a standing ova- tion as hr annoonced that he wrould not reek the permanent chairmanship. "I MADE the decision hecaose, oinfortiinately,. I have become the subject of some controversy that revolves around rome re- marks that I made several monttsr ago, which when taken out of context and viewed in, their harsheot light have caused' a concern to many Democrats," Noel said. Noel said he could handle the situation personally because of ' hi 6years of public service and dedication to civil rights. W "However, I feel that the work qW - .m (If this committee is so critical Please: help prevent forest fires. and vital that I should not bring that controversy that issue, to- the remaining days of this com- mittee's deliberation and work," Noel said. IN HIS COMMENTS, Nosel had sold: NOMI "Take a kid from a black , PCA O ghetto, bus him across town A SPC L N b to a white school,' he's four TAKE NOMINA 7 hours under classroom instruc- tions. Then he's back in the -Exec t ghetto for another 19 or 18 hours ... The other 18 hes back --Bargc in that sweathole or wherever--Ba C he comes from with the drunk- ar en father and the mother that's out peddling her asos, or what- ever." ED NE Anderoon, 43, who is serving..D., hio second four-year term as governor of Minnesota, praised MCHG N EA U Noel at "a great credit to his MIHG NLAU state and his party." Glenda as Hedda E "H DDA"on flm i alla olartlengly frosh and HEDDA~on (em is alleptivpevesion 6writ1en Glenda Jackson ' and directed by Trevor Nunn --VINCE NT CANS? and rngenioussly intereted New Yorimoes by Jackson Seldom has a classic boon so well servod." --JUDITH CRIST EPG Saturay Reviewer MT Mon.-tel. 7:00 & 9:00 Sat. &Sus. 5:00-7:00-00 in.E61-974O OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - BOOKS & MAGAZINES 1301 South University UAW LOCAL 2001 INATING NOTICE AINATING MEETING IS SCHEDULED TO TIONS 5FOR: utive Officers (11) aining Committee Chair (1) aining Committee Members (3) ON S DAY, MAY 19, 1976 1 6:30 P.M. 2ND FLOOR MICHIGAN ROOM PERSONAL ltrrrrs (lus tes--tc' P11155.... ietrriir,' From 21 z per copy COPY MILL t11 .8.e at byGno. e~ TetepOeN 5-6295 TONIGHT 7007& 900 OPEN st 6:45 TONIGHT st 700& 0-0 ' OPEN at 6:45 18 dee viou-cucmin ma-etngterror!in TONIGHT r 7:0 & 9:0 OPt 6.45 18Fetofgu-'uchn manFeangateror!os