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May 18, 1976 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1976-05-18

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Tuesday, May 18, 1976


Page Seven

Tuesday, May 18, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven

Jeff Carter speaks

Daily staff writer Susan
Ades interviewed Democratic
presidential hopeful Jimmy Car-
ter's youngest son Jeff, 23, and
his wife Annette last weekend.
Jeff was in town cani paigninsg
for his father in preparation for
today's primary. The following
are excerpts from that inter-
vs w
Daily: What do you think
was the major contributing
factor to your father's rapid
rise to national recognition?
Carter: A lot of hard work.
When you start talking about a
particular state it appears to
the people that he did rapidly
rise but when you talk about
the people who have heen
around him through this rise you
find that its been going on now
for about two years. He spent
about 250 days last year outside
of Georgia. In 1974 he was a
Democratic National Elections
chairman and traveled in 40
states in 83 state-wide races
working with officers who were
trying to get elected. We went
into 83 races in which 20 of
them the Democrats were fa-
vored, and worked them. Our
staff taught them how to cam-
paign, how to target delegates
and won 63 of them (races). So
we've had a lot of exposure and
through that we had gotten a
lot of national contacts we could
draw on. We've seen it building
for a long time.
Daily: Do you have any idea
who your father might choose
as a running-mate?
Carter: He's got three criteria
that he's set up but he has never
named names. He said he
wisn't (going to mention any
possibilities) until the conven-
tion. But the three criteria in
their order of importance is
first-off, whoever it is is going
to have to be able to take over
the job of the presidency should
something happen to him (the
president). The second one is
they will have to be somewhat
similar in political philosophy to
him so that they will be able to
carry over programs that he
was elected to do. And the third
thing is a very minor one that
is kind of a regional considera-
tion to balance out the ticket. I
think that what he plans to do
is to get a list of from 20 to 30
names of people who will be
accepable to him and then open
it up to the convention and for
once let the convention decide
who they want as vice president.
So I don't think you can say
there's any one person he
favors. He doesn't want to be
in the position of coming into a
state and saying "your gover-
nor will make a good vice pres-
ident or your senator will be

a good vice president" so that's
why he hasn't named names.
Daily: Do you think then he
will open it up to the conven-
Annette (to Jeff): Do you real-
ly think that? I mean you just
thought that up yourself?
Carter: No, that's what he
said. Well, assuming after he
gets it on the first ballot nomina-
tion. If he goes into the second
or third ballot then it (the run-
ningmate) would be one who-
would influence the delegates.
. . . Oh, he'd never accept any-

the Humphrey - Hawkins b i11.
That a month ago we were op-
posed to it and now we are for
it. That's true because about
three weeks ago they have
amended it so that it calls for,
instead of a three per cent un-
employment, a four and a half
per cent unemployment. . . . I
think that a four per cent
(figure) is considered zero un-
employment because at that
point it just costs so much to
get the rest of the people back
to work that it's just not feas-
able without starting inflation

up for
Carter: Most of Morris Udall's
support comes in towns that are
college t o w n s; predominantly
young and liberal. We do well
everywhere else. That's the gen-
eral impression I get. Of course
that's a pretty general state-
ment so I'm not sure about Ann
Arbor. . . . We're in all the
elections so Dad is spread pretty
thin and that's the one thing
that I think we're vulnerable to
is people setting us up for a
single shot. . ..8Idon't know
if y'all know but on last Wed-
nesday, on the front page of the
Washington Post they broke a
story that Morris Udall and
Frank Church and Jerry Brown
had gotten together and they
had decided that they weren't

going to go into a state that one
of them was concentrating in. . .
Daily: Udall, I think, denied
that yesterday (Friday) . . .
Carter: I would too if I were
Daily: Who do you think is
the biggest obstacle in your
tather's campaign? W h i c ht
other candidate?
Carter: I don't know that we
have any biggest obstacles right
now. I think that we'll have
over a thousand delegates (by
June 8) and I think Hubert Hum-
phrey has come out and said
that if we do have a thousand
delegates that we'll probably get
it on the first ballot. . .. Of
course we don't want to be over-
confident but I think that it looks
real good for us.

Coming soon.
The Jackson Road
Logging Company.

one who didn't fit those three
credentials. . . . It (throwing it
out to the convention) will be
seen as a "unification of the
party" type thing. It will be a
good gesture.
Daily: I was wondering, if
your father did win the nom-
ination do you think he would
receive the backing of the
Democratic ranks or do you
think they w o ul d remain
splintered as they seem to
have been?
Carter: No I think we're see-
ing a unification of the party
right now behind Dad. I think
they look back and see how split
the party was four years ago
and they don't want that to hap-
pen again . . . or they'll lose the
election. I think it is more im-
portant to the party now to beat
the Republicans than it is to
splinter the party at the conven-
Daily: What are your feel-
ings about the contentions, es-
pecially Morris Udall's, that
you've been "waffling" on the
Carter: I think that Udall,
right now, is in the position
where he might possibly be
grasping at straws. He says for
instance that we've waffled on

off again (a the three per cent
mark). So now that it is 4.5 per
cent we can go ahead and sup-
port the bill. I think he says
that we're opposed to forced
bussing and we're for integra-
tion and that's waffling on the
issues. I don't think that's true
either because there are several
things that you can start off with
before you impose forced bus-
sing and Dad has always said
that as a last resort he will
have to resort to that (bussing).
Daily: What do you think
the chances are that your
father will win in Michigan?
Carter: I think he's going to
win it . . . by a substantial vic-
Daily: What do your cam-
paign people say about this
town (Ann Arbor)? Do they
give you impression that it
might be hard going?

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