Saturday, May 15, 1976 Dailly Classi ieds (Continued from Page 8)1 LOST AND FOUND ...... _....._FOUND - KEY on the corner or MISCELLANEOUS Wos hteoow and East University. _____662-0305, askfor G0ry dA5I9 ASSERTION TRAINING fos wome beingI May 21-Jone30, 1mit15,FOUND NEAR FePontacTral-A 3 I 662-7449, 434-3565. 01M1110 oonth old dog, brown with white _____ - chest an0 pans, Drowo collar. 0a11 AHE PEOPLE IMPORTANT TO 995-5921. dA5lO YOU? It yogi core abotit shoeing - with others, consider toaing your 8 MONTH OLD too tiger cot. Loot omel ot Priends Interootional 00- fsern Tsues. Nigh1t. HillPockord orea. OPERATIVE. Ca11 Carol/Tom, 701- 663-6271" Answers so Mitch. 08A515 7435 OSOOO LOST--Fat, block cot. White mouo- USED CARS ,,achesandgpas. HEWARDI 005-7303. OLDS '60 DELTA 80. 2 dosr, gord ILOST= TYPODONT ottd headrest. hitv. Peier negotiable.IRandy,608- Reward.995-02371. Ask for Jean. 7121.05522i3350A516 VEGA '73. good gondition. $1050. PERSONAL 761-4014. 91N520 BILLIARDS, 01111ardt, 01111ardo, ope 1070 FORD 0100 PstlVan, iunso tll1 .m.tonight at hesiniget well.$050. 769-39907 56N515 joit in town, the Union. cFill HELP ANTED VOLUINTEERS NEEDED to wor0 at - the Ex-Offetider Contacst Center in FIGURE MODEL-Part titme. wones Ano Arbor. For forther informattion negotiable. Houors flesible. Write Rot coil: Shelly, 000-0220; Debbie, 003- 25, Michigon Doily. 130710 233; Pete, 995-3849. 51F519 ADVERTISING LOOKING FOR A GOOD, cearp Freerlance copy-writer sod ortis bottle sf Wine? Visit site wine neceded. Induistrial, retail or direct cellor. Village Apothecatry, 1112 S, omoil. Senod Xerox-samptleo of wotk University. eFte sod roles. Advergrapbics, 450 0. _ _ MotE, Ann Aebor,. MI, 40104. 14H1515 WE ARE HERE regultar house Satuir- ____ - doyt and Mondays, 8:0.20a.m.-5:15 FREE TREATMENT OP PHOBIAS UM Stylists a1 the Uot.0 F5lS attO iriational fears of physical pitk -___..._. lects by new and effective omethod WE HAVE 14 niochines going tie irexchange forecooperatinand re- ustisutweekend. Pinball a1 the seroch on he*ond why it wrks. Ugnio.Open'ttil .mo.tonight. Coil 704-4352 or write PHOBIA sF515 PROJECT. Dept. of Physiology, CM Medical Center, Ann Arbor, 481109. STEVES LUNCH- Comie for home Please glee address anod phione nuts- cookinig. Breakfoasoil day, greet berrforbhoeand work. ltH4:15s copoande-rl. 3 egitmelet _._.®_ .__..._ ._ _._. ®,1 with lreesh vegetables and fresh COUNSELORS -Jewish Dy Canp. beanspruouts cerved sit day Siu- 095-2337.020509 days to-s. It13 South Unliviersit obte ENTERPRISING ecouple or person {A 5OVNS _e _.s.lieu lee own buiessici994-1382. 700515 fC - LVES-aea a ihu aoseriusttcuotmittent? Mtytcatieeds lA's/NA..-What would the original a omie either fee sutmutec or the AmeiconsRevolutionaies havedone yer.I wilhelp with careoand ex- wnfacted with the choice between tessc. Ntity, 665-4282. 84F5J5 becotingstullBritich citizene ne CECRAM being taxed n 'o representatiio? C C E M GOwntssyour nones wheher yost CARAMEL CORN CASTE like it or not. Intersted in the revolutio this tailt? Send namie, N w O e - addeess. these nis bee of Dept. to. GEONOBo 4. 7851 KLibeel ytt2tlosiatiofitte WANTED -NA S loser ior organ iltirdoi-scandtintwtchitOtis ! plyrwho pleys boot to jotn work- c6115 hi~ bnd. 403-9470. 68H519 PANISI I Cl OH USL~ittettii.ex perience. Sutvs liel 95-053 TRAVEL 0iF510 I'M BICYCLING is Torotttio: nyone WE ARh the cool est into tktn. ltoei iteestedtinshoringisfotdloi it tile.Ciotn,tietgotdtoid pan call 761-0020. 1aP521iMVclian Untion. PsS AMEN APPEL ARP BASKIN TOMORROW, BUFTSUNDAY ICE Inn1y *CHAGA My1 CZAN c Win Schulerts MarriottIn THE MICHIGAN DAILY PERSONAL VISIT ANN ARBOR'S only -gem 1a$ before you spend yor noney need- lenly. Fine quaity damonds and low pice on ol enggement an4 wedding rings. Astin Diamond, 1200 S, Uiversity, 663-7151. c~t BOARD EXAM TUTORING-Enroll- Rents new being acepted tee .. Kaplain Tutoring Curses to prepre fee the MCATS, DAT, LSAT, an4 Nt. Dent. Bord. Colil 131 354- 000: locally, 662-314. et WITTY, SENSITIVE MAN, 25, seek, fetoatle cottpnion with sitilr qul ties Write Box 720. 88F51 EUROPEAN CHARTER FLIGHTS Midwest's Larges Seetint US. and Cndin Chrtes Ins weeks toO9 months ditratin Cali GREAT PLACES, 70-1770 fF520 FRIENDS LAKE COMIMUNITY800 acre wildlife preseveeaoer Chelseo: swimming, caooei1n g, plnicin, comping Membership $50 per adl. Brochure from 01004s. 200 Penn- crft,Ann Arbor, Mich. 4103. 84F52 LUNCH at Cnterbury oue. Mon- day throutgh Friday, 12 noon to 2 p.m Tables on the porch, sit on the town. r inside. Bring sethting to et. beeags provided. Corner o1 Ctherine nd Diision 15F521 PERSONAL CHOICES WORKSHOP on Vcaetioial and ther lperonl issues. Moe 2-30. $25 plos sliding scle. ob. Mrtoet 01oo, 70-004. 3F520 WCC STUDENT seeks diing with cogetnial U sf H ilsPoneieLoiis at 42-5543. 34F52 PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS THROUGH BEHAVIOR MODI FICATION no-ita'f a t hadse the . s- ANNoy f r ARBopeOvra.INN~t br MAetyad oceey t o23 ac h CtoloaAL, oL p094-0019t on wi SEIHTLCONROLDATINA 32 WORKSH Ae rOMsiu PERSONAL JUDO COUNSELOR for sall private Michiganm boys camp. June 23-Aug. 14. Coll or wvrite Fly-ing Ea le-Alex Cunjo. 1401 N, Foirview. Loosing, MI 40102, 44F515 PREGNANT'. Need hello? Call Prob- letooPregnasoy Helitp 30-20.400 S. Division. Free p regoticyr testso COPIES- 3trus ih low'est Prices Atitwvher ISIPRESS. 524 E. WViltiittm 605-4321 OffostPrintitig,, Xeroo c opies Xerox reductions, photosats, balf toilet, typesetting ond muich more. ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING SiTUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOME 214 5. 4th Ave. 004-4604 cF0102 Page Nine PERSONAL PERMIANENT WEIGHT LOSS TIhcoslllh IB e h o v Io r Modificoation. WelitsCetitroi Notliol. 004-0019. HEART ('ENTER SCHIOOL OF AS- TROLOOTY On triattes: NMirboel ond MIaiteoci Ereewite(. Tearitng sinie 1007. Clot-es , Nttol Charts, Retail ()PEN 1-11. 1 A 71 teiti-slitBililiords. boollit" thkild it11t1)i111at Toegro CM\1Uttioti cF5li7 i itictuiti nto qalitYv, 1ion thrice From 2l ' c per copy COPY MILL 211 IB.S State bs (ititoti) ibdas weik )Iltt etriittg it? -3000Fl eFte I BOO1K SALE Books on All Subjects Film Anthropology History Literature Psychology Business Consumerism and for Serious Minded Book People: Bibliographies Reprints Technical Books Research Aids Reference & Library Oriented Books DUPRE C 3600 Plymouth Road DALI Ann Arbor, Michigan HUR ,JANSEN Ball room LIL LALANDE 1lAX 1AI RO MANE MOT NEIMAN 01 RE ROCKWELL UBIN A R 0 RENO RO RAUCH SHAHN F SC SARIANO RUOTH S TORM VASARELY U VICKERS WALKER OILS.,--- GRAPHICS.. Antiqu I LS CHAMVPAGNE' EXHIBITION 1:00PMo. o9 AUCTION 2:30 PM. ( tiI FREE ADMISSION FREE RFRESHMENTS ORIGINAL ASTER CHARGE GR P I AER. EXPRESS With BNA RICARD .This AD r i I Over 2,000 Titles Quantities Limited FOLLETY'S 3225S. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR ' 662-6594 L CITY NOTICE. Attention Voters from Ward 1, Precinct 2, South Quad Your POLLING PLACE for the /May 18, 1976, Presiden- tial Primary and the June 14, 1976, School Board Elec- tion has been moved from South Quad to W EST QUAD, 541 THOMPSON ST. I II