Saturday, May 15, 1976
Paige Three
Udall denies Carter charge
Special To The Daily
DETROIT-Presidential hopeful Mor-
ris Udall responded yesterday to
charges made by Jimmy Carter that
Udall and Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho)
made a deal that Udall would stay out
of the Nebraska primary and Church
would stay out of Connecticut and Mich-
The Arizona Democrat said, "There
was and is no deal between Sen. Frank
Church and myself concerning the Ne-
braska and Michigan primaries . . .
nor did Senator Church and I ever dis-
cuss an arrangement concerning these
or any other primary states."
CARTER made the charges at an air-
port news conference Thursday while on
s campaign swing through Michigan.
A Udall staffer told the Daily, "we're
giving Church Oregon," but said the
matter was a policy decision not made
with the Church campaign people.
"We feel that Mo's time and money
are better spent in other states," he add-
UDALL has mounted an intense cam-
paign in Michigan and yesterday re-
vealed that his campaign people had
taken a poll that shows him trailing Car-
"It shows we're gaining but we're still
well behind . . . there will be a final
surge but whether it will be enough
we'll find out the night of the 18th," he
said to reporters at WXYZ-TV studios.
Udall in the past few days has been
concentrating on getting free media
time by doing a lot of interviews. His
campaign is heavily in debt and his
strategists believe this is the best way
to reach a large number of people for
the least amount of money.
ACCORDING to a Udall staffer the
campaign committee is about $300,000 in
debt and Udall's personal debt is about
$115,000. Much of this debt will be
erased when the Federal Election
Commission (FEC) starts disbursing
money again. Udall has about$400,000 in
unpaid matching campaign funds com-
Udall has been trying a new approach
to his campaign this week. Each day he
picks an issue he says Carter is "fuzzy"
on and elaborately explains his own
stand while pointing out alleged incon-
sistencies in Carter' position.
Yesterday's issue was the reorganiza-
tion of the Federal bureaucracy. Stating
Carter's claims that he cut the bureau-
cracy in Georgia did not appear to be
supported by the facts, Udall said.
"During the years that Jimmy Carter
governed Georgia the state budget rose
by more than 51 per cent."
Last March, Udall recalled, he asked
the former Georgia Governor to name
just one per cent of the 1700 government
agencies he intended to terminate. "He
didn't then and he hasn't since," Udall
said, "but I repeat my challenge to-
day. "
Udall also appeared at a press con-
ference at the Considine Recreation Cen-
ter in Detroit's inner city with Black
Caucus member John Conyers {D-Mich.)
Udall was asked why no other candi-
dates challenged Wallace and Carter in
the Florida primary. He replied, "There
was a common feeling among liberals
to let Carter have a clear shat at Wal-
Udall will campaign today in De-
troit and will leave the state for a day
and return Sunday night.
TU, Reliable Realty will
resume bargaining talks
After a week of court battles between
the Ann Arbor Tenants Union (TU) and
Reliable Realty Managemem Company
both parties agreed to return to the
bargaining table today and work to-
wards a settlement of the TU rent strike.
Negotiations were broken off last
month over the issue of rent control.
DESCRIBING Edith Epstein's, the
owner of Reliable Realty, decision to re-
turn to bargaining as "really good"
Mary Hulick, a TU organizer, believes
the union can "win a number of things
through negotiations that couldn't be
won in court."
After two full days of legal proceed
igs this week, attorneys for the two
groups returned to court battle yesterday.
Pinball returns
Tommy, the Pinball Wizard, would
feel right at home in New York following
yesterday's decision by the City Council
to allow the machines to return after a
34 year ban. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia
banished the pinball machines in 1942
because, he said, too many youngsters
were wasting their money trying to hit
the jackpot. The machines in LaGuardia's
day offered a chance to win cash, today's
legal machines do not. But not everyone
wants to see pinball return to the big
apple. Arthur Katzmann, a Queens Demo-
crat said, "On the surface it appears to
be an innocent device. But it will bring
rampant vice and gambling to the city."
Happenings .. .
. . . begin this morning at 9:15 with
the annual ECKANKAR Michigan re-
gional seminar at the Campus nn .
Sunday the seminar continues . . - also
on Sunday, at 1:30 Friendly People is
sponsoring a hiking and swimming out-
ing, leaving from the west entry to the
Rackham bldg.
Weather or not
It will be cloudy today with a 30 per
cent chance of rain. Temperatures will
be in the 70s, dropping into the 50s to-
night as the chance of rain increases to
60 per cent,
Arruging that Epstein reneged on a
recognition agreement TU attorney
Jeremy Rose sought a court ordered in-
junction to "prevent Epstein from nego-
tiating leases without the presence of
the TU," as agreed to previously.
UNION MEMBERS claim the landlord
was trying to get tenants to sign leases
with an added addendum saying they
would not join the Tenant Union.
The Tenants Union lost in their attempt
to impose the restraining order prohibit-
ing Reliable from signing any new leases
without TU approval.
Contending that County Court Judge
Patrick Conlin misunderstood the facts
of the case and describing the outcome
as a "royal screw job," TU lawyers filed
an appeal, now scheduled for Wednesday.
WILLIAM RAYMER, Reliable's legal
counsel, expects yesterday's decision will
bolster Epstein's position during nego-
tiations. The Tenants Union says "not
lose maintains the Tenants Union has
"no intractable position," and that there
are solutions to their differences.
Both sides seek a settlement of the
three month old rent strike as soon as
A trial, scheduled for yesterday against
one of the 19 striking houses, was ad-
journed when it was agreed to return to
bargain in good faith.
Brown Calls for
llobbyiss' gifts
WASHINGTON (A) - California Gov.
Edmund Brown Jr., saying the nation
still cries for greater political reform,
proposed yesterday that lobbyists be
prohibited from making any gift what-
ever to e i t h e r elected or executive
branch officials.
Furthermore, he said, public officials
should have to report any gift regardless
of the sources, that accumulates to $25
in a 12-month period.
THE DEMOCRATIC presidential hope-
ful, on a final campaign swing for his
first primary test in nearby Maryland,
made the proposal at a sidewalk news
conference outside the National Press
Club after canceling a luncheon speech
there because of picketing NBC tech-
See BROWN, Page 4
AP Photo
CAUGHT HERE in a pensive moment, button czar William Crookston, president
of Western Badge and Trophy Co., fondles a pile of Fonzie buttons. Production
of the buttons is outstripping that of political campaign buttons because, says
Crookston, candidates are spending their money on television.
'7 Ocandidates hesitate to
button down election funds
LOS ANGELES -) - Jerry and Jimmy
and Ronnie aren't giving the button
makers much business this year. But
the Fonz is.
A heavy reliance on television, tighter
budgets and possibly the sophistication
of voters, are all taking their toll on
that old election standby, the campaign
"THE BIG money for TV went first,"
said William Crookston, president of
Western Badge and Trophy Co.
As the June 8 California presidential
primary draws near, the candidates are
not ordering buttons in heavy quantities.
"I characterize the campaign button
as a personal medium," said Crookston.
"People seem more reluctant to say
whom they're voting for."
IT WOULD seem the only people an-
xious for buttons this election year are
collectors who salt them away and cam-
paign workers.
"I like to see people wear them be-
cause it makes me feel good," said Lynn
Nofziger, press secretary for Ronald
Reagan. "They're a morale factor. But
buttons don't win or lose elections."
Larry Peck, California press secretary
for the President Ford campaign, said,
"They're nice to have, but when it
comes down to how you allot your re-
See '76, Page 4