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May 15, 1975 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1975-05-15

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Thursday; May 1 S 975

Shie TeizHE MiHAN DArvokThwr dyo 15risis
Ship seizure incdent provokes world crisis

(Coatungetd from Page 1)
After the-successful retrieval
of the shipand crew, more
support - was voiced for the
President's action.
SPEAKING in measured and
somber tones, Ford said:
"At any . direction, United
States forces tonight, Wednes-
day night boarded the American
merchant ship S. S. Mayaguez
and landed at the island of Koh
Tang for the purpose of rescu-
ing the crew and ship which
had been illegally seized by
Cambodian forces. They also
conducting supporting strikes
against nearby military instal-
"THE FORCES that have suc-
cessfully accomplished this mis-
sion are still under hostile fire
but are preparing to disengage.
"I wish to express my appre-
ciation and, that of the entire
nation to the units and men who
participated in these operations
for their valor and sacrifice."
Ford's decision to use troops
underlined a basic administra-
tion belief that diplomacy held
little hope for recovering the,
ship and its crew.
MEANWHILE, the surrender
of 30rcrew members from the
captured American merchant
ship Mayaguez was praised last

night in initial congressional re-
"That's good news," said Sen..
Henry Jackson (D-Wash.). "So
far it would appear the major
part of the effort has been suc-
cessful. That's the main thing."
MINUTES before the release
of crew members was an-
nounced, Chairman John Spark-
man of the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee said he sup-
ported military attempts to res-
cue the men. "I'm sorry it be-
came necessary," Sparkman
But Sen. George McGovern
(D-S.D.), a longtime opponent
of U.S. policy in Indochina, said
he was "puzzled why the mili-
tary strikes came before we
had an opportunity to let the
diplomatic efforts through Pe-
king work for release of the
As the Marines dropped onto
their targets by helicopters,
President Ford was sitting in
the ornate State Dining Room
of the White House, entertaining
the Dutch prime minister and
assorted guests.
Earlier yesterday, U.S. war-
planes had sunk three Cambo-
dian uinshins when efforts were

regain the vessel and members
of the crew."
Nessen then added that the
operation was in progress and
Marines had stormed the ship.
NESSEN'S bri e f i n g came
about an hour after a broadcast
was monitored in Washington
from Phnom Penh radio saying
"our Royal Government of Na-
tional Union in Cambodia will
order the Mayaguez to with-
draw from Cambodian territor-
ial waters and will warn it
against further espionage or
provocative activities."
Nessen took note of this and
responded. "We have heard,"
Nessen said in reading a mes-
sage sent to Cambodia, "a radio
broadcast that you are prepared-

to release the- S'S. Mayaguez.
We welcome this development,
if true.
"As you know, we have seized
the ship. As soon as you issue a
statement that you are prepared
to release the crew members
you hold unconditionally - and
immediately, we will promptly
cease military operations."
came about an hour after he
briefed congressional leaders on
the situation. At that time he
pledged he would live up to
legislative strictures that he in-
form Congress in writing before
he launched the operation.
Late last night, House Speak-
er Carl Albert and Democratic
House Leader Thomas "Tip"

O'Neill said no such letter had
been submitted.
Nessen was vague about the
effort to communicate witl
Cambodia on its offer to give up
the ship. An administration of
ficial said it was not known "it
the route by which we are
sending this message is suffi.
ciently fast. Therefore, we be
lieve the news channels may be
the fastest way to reach the
PRESUMABLY, the adminis
tration gave the message to
Chinese diplomats here and
perhaps in Paris, the channel
used fruitlessly the past three
days to reach the Cambodians

H'EW withholds. $485,000
pending Cobb investigation

(Continued from Page 1)
federal contract and refused to
comment further.

W W BUT Vice President Rhodes
made to move the cremen said last night he - was "not
from the island. aware of . any information"
PRESIDENTIAL Press Sec- about HEW's action, and also
retary Ron Nessen called news- withheld further comment.
men into the White House brief- University Secretary Richard
ing room and issued this state- Kennedy could not be reached,
ment: but several sources affirmed
"The President has directed that the contract delay was
the following military measures, discussed at Tuesday's meeting
starting this evening, Washing- of the University's executive of-
ton time: ficers..
"-U.S. Marines to board the R e s e a r c h Vice - Presi-
S.S. Mayaguez. dent Charles Overberger said
"-U.S. Marines to land on he thought there was "no prob-
Koh Tang Island in order to lem" with clearance of the
rescue any crew members as contract beyond the Univer-
may be on the island. sity's delay in supplying a copy
"-Aircraft from the carrier of the Cobb report to HEW.
The Coral Sea to undertake as-
sociated military operations to OVERBERGER. who stressed

that "all available information"
on the deanship crisis has now
been forwarded to HEW, ap-
pearer to affirm reports that
the/ administration is viewing
HEW's action as simply based
on the report's delay.
Rogers said yesterday his of-
fice still has not received the
report - despite Fleming's pro-
mise last week that a copy was
on its way.
University Attorney Roderick
Daane said the report was sent
Tuesday. When asked to explain
the delay, Daane responded,
"Let me answer you this way:
Can you tell me why you
haven't quit beating your wife?"
DAANE THEN insisted that
the delay resulted only from
"procedural" problems created
when another University lawyer
could not be reached by Rogers

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after the report was issued two
weeks ago. He also claimed
Rogers was "unnecessarily ex-
ercised" over the Cobb affair.
The University's dealings with
Rogers, he contended, "have
not been very responsive." In
an angry tone, Daane began,
"Rogers is simply-well, I guess
I don't want to say that." He
also said Rogers had failed t
respond to the University's re-
quest for a written explanation
of HEW's need for information
about the Cobb affair.
But Rogers last night denied
ever getting such a request.
ANOTHER HEW official de-
clared, "We wouldn't have got-
ten the report before June if we
hadn't withheld the funds. It's
the only way to get the Univer-
sity to cooperate."
One source told The Daily
yesterday that Fleming has
asked other University officials
to remain silent on the Cobb af-
fair to "have nothing on the
record" for HEW.
THE COBB affair grew out
of the Regents' unanimousJan
uary decision to appoint Cobb,
currently dean of Connecticut
College, to the top LSA post
vacated by Rhodes last year.
The Daily disclosed that Flein-
ing and Rhodes had strongly
favored selection of Acting Dean
Billy Frye over Cobb, and re-
jected Cobb after a series of
moves that have since become
highly controversial.
The Affirmative Action Con
mittee report reaffirmed these
disclosures, strongly criticizing
Fleming and Rhodes for failure
to give Cobb standard "courte-
sies" and for rejecting Cobb on
the basis of her "manifestly in-
adequate" tenure review by the
Zoology department.
Cobb, a cell biologist, has re-
fused to comment on-the most
recent developments in the
deanship crisis.
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