The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Thursday, May 15, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 A man under the influence PRESIDENT FORD'S decision to adopt destruction di- plomacy against the peoples of Indochina, as evi- denced by yesterday's bombing and sinking of several Cambodian ships in Sihanoukville harbor, must rank as one of the more mindless policy initiatives of the Twen- tieth Century. Given the decidedly non-interventionist mood of the American people and the larger context of the American experience in Indochina, one is compelled to view yes- terday's bombings, ,and whatever dire consequences they certainly have triggered since this column went to print, as the work of a dangerously irrational and insensitive mentality. With one swift command decision, President Ford violated the rights and property of Indochinese peoples, brough upon the United States the moral outrage and contempt of scores of other nations across the globe, and in a very real way threatened to hurl the United States into a cataclysmic and protracted struggle which it has neither the energies nor the inclination to undertake. Like so many of his predecessors, President Ford has chosen to surround himself with the kind of military minds that, by virtue of their training and selection, can only view international conflict and military as a stasis situation. With yesterday's actions, President Ford conclusive- ly demonstrated that the painfully obvious message of past transgressions has been lost on him and those in his closest confidence. Endorse Future Worlds THE FUTURE WORLDS Program has proposed a de- tailed Future Worlds Conference Festival for the week of May 1 in 1976 as part of the nation's bicentennial celebration. The Festival would mix art, entertainment and academic thought on the subject of the immediate and long-range future. The coordinators have planned a series of exhibits, discussions and lectures on the fu- ture ranging in emphasis from outer space to the inner self. The Future Worlds Program has worked successfully since 1972 in presenting diverse visions and previews of possible and alternative futures. ' The organizers of the Future Worlds Program have proven themselves to be creative yet practical, capable of producing solid results from imaginative ideas. Yet original ideas and industrious labor must-have financial support before the first exhibit can be set up, or the first learned speaker invited. The organizers are looking to the University Bicentennial Committee for endorsement and support in order to open the doors both to outside funding and the opportunity for national endorsement by the American Revolutionary Bicentennial Association. IN VIEW OF the history of success and the impact of the Future Worlds Program on the University of Mich- igan, we strongly urge the University Bicentennial Com- mittee to give full endorsement to the Future Worlds Program and their proposed bicentennial festival. Spring Term News Staff JEFF SORENSEN Editor PAULE ASKINS5 Editorial Director- DAVE BLOMQUIST-... . .... Night Editor ROB M ACHUM .. ... .. ............................ . ....... Night Editor JEFF RISTINE.-.... .. . Night Editor TIM SCHICK . .. .............Night Editor DAVID W HITING .. . ... .... ................ .......... Night Editor BILL TURQUE ..............................Night Editor BETH NISSEN. .... . ... .. . ............. Editorial Page A st. SUE ADES .. ....... .......................... . Asst. Night Editor GLEN ALLERHAND......... . . Asst. Night Editor DAN BLUGERMAN . ... . . ..Asst. Night Editor ELAINE FLETCHER .. ................... Ass'. Night Editor GEORGE LOBSENZ ............ .. At. Night Editor CATHY REUTTER....................Ass't. Night Editor Business Staff DEBORAH NOVESS Business Stanager PETER CAPLAN , .. . . . ........... ............ Classifed Manager BETH FRIEDMAN_..........Sales Manager DAVE PIONTKOWSKY......................i. Advertising Manager CASSIE ST. CLAIR ...:....................... .....Circulation Manager STAFF: Nina Edwards, Anna Kwok SALES: Colby Bennett, Cher Bledsoe, Dan Biugerman, Sylvia Calhoun, Jeff Milgrom. Tragedy in three parts By PAUL HASKINS FIMPING gamely (how else?) toward the Dial-A-Ride van parked in front of my house, I began wondering what it was my ankle had against me. Had I ever left it behind in favor of some sturdier, better- turned ankle? Never. Was I the type that would heap verbal abuse on it every time it gave me a bum steer? Beck no. Could, I be so uncaring a cur as to smother it in a hot wool sock and high-top All-Stars when all the other ankles were out sunning themselves in the summer breeze? Uh-uh. Then why the hell did it have to get sprained every time I came within fifty yards of a basketball court? The damn thing's just no good, that's why. It doesn't know just how soft it has it, and I'd ditch it in a second if I thought my sole would let me get away with it. Anyhow, this latest twist of foot had definitely cooled our relationship, and I was dead set on ignoring the matter c o m - pletely until the morning after, when I noticed that, much to my dismay, that ole-ankle-o'- mine had suddenly become the Ankle that Ate Tokyo, c o m - plete with the shape and hue of last year's cantalope. The itch to seek out side advice be- came too much as an unholy pain sent visions of empirin dancing through my head. So'it was that the affable Dial-a-driv- en got stuck with a none too affable passenger who'd added Health Service and-unnecessary aggravation to his appointed rounds. "HAVE AN accident?" asked, the wheelman as he madly lurched us into Washtenaw traf- fic. "No thanks, just had one", I snapped, in no mood to be original. He was the kind of -guy who would laugh and say, "Good one," after you put gunpowder in his bong. A glutton for pun- ishment. "How'd it happen?" he quer- ied, undaunted and painfully genuine. "I don't know. I was walkin' down the street, minding my .own business, and all of a sud- den there were these crutches stuck to my armpits. I tan's seem to get rid of them." "Gffaw, gfaw," he guffawed. "Actually, I got punched out by a dwarf." The joker kept begging for more, and I just was irascible enough to oblige him. Finally we made it to Health Service, and I gingerly stumb- led out of the glorified flower 'truck. Once inside, things seemed to pick up as the two receptionists quickly processed me, gave me my file, stamped my id. card,' and sent me behind the yellow door into the medical clinic. The nurse at the desk politely' pro- cessed me, took my file, stamp- ed my i.d. card, and asked me to sit down. I didn't bother asking why the temperature in Health Service is never under 120 degrees. I would have said something hut I wanted to conserve my breath. Maybe they find unconscious patients easier to deal with. I was just getting into a racev short in "Urology .Digest" when my name greeted me. I looked up to see a doctor, my file in hand, deftly sliding a copy of "Wrestling Heroes" into hs back pocket. As I stoop up, a big, knowing smile broke across his face. The nurse turn- where between 220 and half a ton and could have used a shave. But she had a great personality. "O.K." said the x- ray technician. "We're going to sit on the table and lie real still and then I'll take a couple pictures and we'll be all done." Sounds harmless enough, I reckoned. I lay on the table and watched down my nose in ter- ror as she put my heel where my toes used to be. "Tell me if it hurts", she advised. "Argh, off!" I complied. "That's good," she chirped. It was over in a few minutes. She hauled me off the table and left me leaning on a wall, while she punched my i.d. card on:a three or four forms. Then she sent me back down to the doctor's office to wait ed the corner and we got down to business. I sat down, took off my sneak- er, and unwrapped the Ace bandage from my foot. The doc- tor expertly deposited my shoe near an open window and ask- ed for my i.d. card. "327-50-7460- 4", he mused, raising the lever to stamp it. "My friends call me '327' for short," I offered. A vague smile crossed his face and quickly disappeared. "Well, now," he cleared his throat, in full command. "First off, I want you to take a walk down to the end of the hall." "Why's that, Doc?" I oalk- ed. "You want me to prove that it hurts?" "No. Actually. Ii want you to register with the cashier." I obligingly trudged o f f , watched my i.d. go through ano- ther beating, and returned. O.k., said the doctor. "I think you better go upstairs for an x-ray. You can't be too care- ful with this sort of thing." Unpersuaded, I set out for the th:rd floor, certain that if no'h- ing was broken yet, it would be by the time I crawled into x-ray. The x-ray technician was any- Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN for the results. The doctor met me at the door, pausing to take my i.d. and matters into his own hands, and set off for parts unknown. Seconds passed into minutes and uncertainty over my fate be- gan nagging me like the UGLI circulation department. Fin- ally, the door opened, and the somber look on the doctor's face told me all there was to know. "It's cracked badly," he said. "I don't think we can save it." "That bad?" I gasped, in- credulous. "He slowly opened his hand to reveal three jagged pieces of yellow plastic, hapless relics of a once proud i.d. card. "I'm very sorry," he said, "but don't get discouraged. It's amazing what they can do with those things these days. Why, with a little luck and persever- ance, you can get one just as good in no time." "Thanks, Doc. I appreciate it," I said, as I- rose to leave. "Oh, yeah, about the ankle?" "Two aspirin and an ice bag." "Thanks again." "Don't mention it." Letters to The Daily BFA jury To The Daily: I WOULD like to respond to art professor Jacquelyn-Rie's comment in the March 28 Daily, concerning the jurying of the Bachelor of F in e Arts show. Ms. Rice said, "It's a public showing by non-professionals. It's good to have outside opin- ion. Many of us who are receiving our BFA's this spring will not be going on to school and wll leave the University to try our hands at being artists on our own. As an artist about to set out on my own I have not yet undergone the trial and expec- ience of spending years work- ing in my field and so, do not equate myself with thse who have, in this sense. However, I do not consider myself less of an artist because I am young and have much to learn. An ar- tist must always, after all, have much to learn in order to grow and develop. Why, then, should not the 1975 BFA's and those in the future have an opportunity to try out their professionalism and learn about judging their own work, which is a very im- portant part of their profession? THERE WAS a time, when universities first began, when conferring a degree on a stu- dent indicated his acceptance as a peer by his teachers. This is no longer generally true in university systems today This acceptance as peers should be important both to the students and to the established comiun- ity as new ideas and. stimuli move between them. Giving vs the opportunity to have our own show we, the artists, jurying our own work would seem to be a positive step toward building our professionalism and welcoming us to the professional world we must enter. Giving it to a show which would be formed by other people's opinions would, on the other hand, be a step backwards into the shelter of the academic community we are just leaving. --Ann J. Kremers March 28