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May 15, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-05-15

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXV, No. 7-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 15, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
US. Marine raid recovers

seized crew, merchant
WASHINGTON (A) - Cambodia sur- Mayaguez
rendered 40 American freighter crew- s te ta n; 1 oP e s o t was over.
men in the face of military force early I u E v though we
this morning after U. S. Marines recap- As the 1
tured the ship seized by the Khmer bodia were still under hostile fire as ing in this clash with a Communist gov- bodian shi
Rouge government three days ago. they sought to disengage following re- ernment which had taken power in Cam- ed the U.
President Ford announced the return turn of the crew. bodia only days earlier. ed over 3
of the full crew after a tense and uncer-
tain day of troop landings, bombings and The civilian freighter was seized about Last night the White House announced
tais day op l90 miles off Cambodia but within about that Marines were landing from U. S. IT WAS
false hopes. eight miles of the small island of Koh ships which had rushed to the Gulf of the remai
TWO HELICOPTERS were reported Tang, which Cambodia claims. Thailand. Ford sai
lost in the operation and military offic- bodat
ials indicated the Marines took casual- THE U. S. government immediately AS HUNDREDS of Marines stormed all 40 wer
ties. demanded return of the ship and sought onto the island, U. S. planes bombed As thec
Ford said the crew was unharmed and diplomatic help through the People's Cambodian air installations on the main- gress in M
the ship was intact, but that Marines Republic of China. land. Ford's de
who landed on a small island off Cam- But no diplomatic help was forthcom- When Marines seized the freighter S.S.

, hopes rose that the crisis
But the ship was empty, al-
arm food was in the galley.
U. S. assault continued, a Cam-
ip flying a white flag approach-
S. Destroyer Wilson and hand-
0 of the ship's crew.
NOT immediately clear how
ining ten were returned, but
d in a one-minute nationally
and televised statement that
e safe.
day wore on, members of Con-
Washington generally supported
cision to strike with military
See SHIP, Page 10

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PRESIDENT FORD announces at the White House early this morning that the
40-man crew of the American merchant ship Mayaguez has been safely
House approvesaid
i or iet refugees
WASHINGTON (P) - Resettlement aid But the House approved 353 to 54 an
for Indochina refugees was overwhelm- amendment by Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman
ingly approved by the House last night (D-N.Y.) to write in the $507-million
despite assertions that some American limit.
poor people will not get the same bene- SHE SAID she did not want to limit
fits. refugee aid but wanted to require that
The House approved a bill authorizing if the administration needs more than
the $507 million in aid President Ford $507 million it will have to be approved
requested and then took up a separate by Congress.
bill to appropriate $405 million of the She was supported by Rep. Robert N.
money that would be authorized. Giaimo (D-Conn.) who said "I think we
ought to tell the American people we are
SENATE LEADERS had announced for this program and it is a $507 million
plans early yesterday to also approve program at best rather than say we
the Vietnam aid bill but Senate action have no regard whatever how much it
was delayed until today or Friday by may cost."
prolonged debate on creation of a con- The House rejected 346-71 an amend-
sumer protection agency. ment by Rep. Donald W. Riegle Jr. (D-
Floor leaders urged the House to put Mich.) that would have required that any
no limit in the authorization bill, saying job, housing or other benefits for refu-
the $507 million was only a "rough fig' gees would also have to be extended to.
ure" and that more money may be other Americans with "equivalent per-
needed. sonal economic hardship."

HEW to withhold
$485,000 until
Cobb query ends
By DAN BIDDLE do not discriminate against women or
and SARA RIMER minorities.
The Department of Health, Educa- IN THIS CASE, the grant originated
tion and Welfare (HEW) has blocked a from the government's Consumer Pro-
federal research grant of nearly half a ducts Safety Commission (CPSC) and
million dollars earmarked for the Uni- was earmarked for HSRI. HEW this
versity pending completion of HEW's week blocked approval, the sources said.
probe into the literary college (LSA) University officials last night insisted
.c. i.l that HEW's action was due only to "pro-
deanship crisis, official sources told The cedural" delay in getting a copy of the
Daily yesterday. Cobb report to HEW. But Bernard Rog-
According to sources at HEW, the ag- ers of the agency's regional office af-
ency will withhold approval of a $485,000 firmed that the report is "only one piece
research contract to the University's of information," and stressed the possi-
Highway Safety Research Institute (HS- ble need for more investigation after his
RI) until the so-called "Cobb affair" can office examines the report.
be examined for possible violations of
federal discrimination guidelines. President Fleming would acknowledge
only that he is "aware" of the blocked
THE SOURCES said the money will be See HEW, Page 10
delayed at least until the civil rights di- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
vision of HEW's Chicago regional office
can examine the University Affirmative
report on the administration's rejection
of Jewel Cobb, the black woman edu-
cator unanimously chosen by the Re- As repercussions of the "Cobb con-
gents last January for the LSA dean- troversy" c o n t i n u e, the University
ship post. Affirmative Action Committee's 46-
If HEW determines from the report- page report has taken on pivotal im-
or from its own subsequent investigation portance. The report has drawn vocal
of the Cobb affair - that University of- support from black and women's or-
ficials violated affirmative action guide- ganizations while being heavily cri-
ticized by some faculty members. The
the hi rejectnCobb, rantsourcests University's highest officials, whose
.e . y .actions came under fire in the report,
similar contracts will be blocked until have withheld comment. HEW has de-
the violations are remedied. manded a copy of the report and held
The $485,000 contract, like other fed- up a huge University research grant
eral research contracts with the Univer. pending a probe of the Cobb affair.
sity, cannot be approved until HEW af- Today's Daily includes the report's
firms that the University's policies are findings. Please turn to Pages 6 and 7.
in keeping with affirmative action and

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