G rMA. 14 .aMS 4 Av AI6A An Israeli perspective The Mid East debacle The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, May 7, 1975 . News Phone: 764-0552 Cobb: The plot thickens WITH THE ISSUANCE of the Affirmative Action Com- mittee's report on the LSA deanship controversy, the repute of those administrative and faculty personnel closest to the matter has reached justifiably a new low. The 46 pave report spins a tale of bureaucratic in- consistency, incompetence and, apparently, malice, aforethought so unsettling in its implications as to rival the pulpiest of drugstore fiction. The Affirmative Action Committee was charged with probing the Cobb affair by President Fleming, and in that capacity it has no real authority to assure en- forcement of its recommendations. Hopefully, however, Fleming, Dean Rhodes, Professor Gans of the Zoology Department, and those other parties in the matter most clearly impuened by the report, will recognize the spirit of diligence and impartiality with which the Investiga- tion was undertaken and see to it that the recommen- dations are pursued. The committee identifies a long line of indiscretions ranging from technical oversights to rather blatant abuses of procedural guidelines which, taken together, comprise one of the more sordid chapters in the history of this or any other University administration. The committee's indictment is complex and thor- ough, but it still manages to spotlight a few key devel- opments as central to the mishandling of the entire af- fair: f The question of a deanship candidate's eligibilityj for tenure should have been thoroughly resolved before that candidate's choice was finalized. The search com- mittee, in the course of its search, should have seen to it that the candidate's research and scholarship record merited granting of tenure before submitting that can- didate's name to President Fleming or the Regents. As it turned out, the tenure issue was still up In the air when Vice President Rhodes made his initial overture to Dean Cobb, and the eventual denial of tenure was the result of a harried and streamlined last minute proce- dure of the Zoology Department Executive Committee, the Intent and Integrity of which is hardly above sus- picion. * The eventual two-year contract offered to Jewell Cobb was a gross departure from accepted routine and can only be viewed as an attempt to discourage her ac- ceptance. We support the Affirmative Action committee's sug- gestion that the Administration resume good faith nego- tiations with Jewell Cobb, and, in the event such efforts fall, appoint a new search committee with an eye toward implementing those recommendations made by the com- mittee. By AVI SAGI WE DON'T QUESTION the legitimate right of the Pal- estinians for self-determindtion. Yet, this basically sound case is full of ironies. Until t h e ear- ly 60's, the gospel was Arab unity. Arabs from Palestine were considered part of the great Arab nation from the At- lantic Ocean to the Persian Gulf. In 1961 the Syrian region revolted and the United Arab Republic, the first step toward Arab unity, dissolved. Since then, Arabs from Palestine are not just Arabs, and certainly are not Jordanians, Syrians, I r a- quis, Egyptians, or any of the other fifteen Arab states. An enormous intellectual process project was erected to explore the possible origins of Palestin- ian nationality. At the same time, Jews who kept their na- tional aspirations for 2000 years are denied self-determination. Zionism, the Jewish national liberation movement, is declar- ed an imperialist tool, and ano- ther effort is devoted to pro- viding scientific proof that Jud- aism is a religion. Thus with more than a modicum of aca- demic arrogance, the Arabs are those who are entitled to deter- mine Jewish consciousness. "JEWISH PEOPLE, yes. Zionism, no." - Tough s h it! Jewish people alone will deter- mine whether they are religion or nation; no one else will de- cide it for them, not even Pal- estinian scholars. In any other context, denying to others the rights one claims for oneself is considered chauvinism. When will radicals start to recognize Palestinian chauvinism? To all those who are inter- ested, the Arabs would provide movies, figures, and guided tors which ilistrate the suf- fering of "millions of Palestin- ians." While any illustration or aspectofthis no more than one per cent of the billions voted to military preparation for the "liberation of Palestine" to enable the re- fugees to lead a decent life. Such an allocation would hardly detract from the military pre- parations, but once the refagees start leading a more decent life, who knows, a decent human so- lution may terminate the con- flict in the Mideast. Unfortun- ately, that solution is incongru- ent with retrieving Arab pride. In a very real sense, the Arab refugees are hostages in the per- petuation of this battle to re- trieve Arab pride, rather than the cause of it. WE HAVE committed a cu- siderable amount of space to expose the internal conflicts and contradictions of the case for the secular democratic state. This, of course, does not pro- vide a positive analysis, yet all this space was necessary to ele- vate the level of the debate from the common trap of ideological name-calling. The level of de- bate which is most congruent with our instinctivs inclinatian to divide the world into good guys and bad guys. It would be equally superficial to deny all the merits of the Palestinian cause. Furthermore, we believe that most of the Arab students on this campus, who devotedly adhere ±o the idea of a secular-democratic state, sincerely believe that it is a humanistic solution which would withstand critical exam- ination by universalistic stand- ards. Our belief in the sincer- ity of many of our opponents adds a somber dimension to the way we see this tragic c o n- frontation. It drives us to a fur- ther examination of our ana- lysis. THE CONFRONTATION in the Mideast is between two sets of universalistic, legitimate val- ses: on the Jewish side, an at- By the time history brought home the fact that a national home for the Jews was indis- pensible, it raised the Arabs' consciousness. to an acceptance of their appropriate place in the family of nations. While Zion- ism was nourished by boh the "it would be equally superficial to deny all the merits of the Pale- stinian cause. Further- more, we believe that most of the Arab stu- dents on this campus, who devotedly adhere to the idea of a secu- lar-democratic state, sincerely believe that it is a humanistic solu- tio...". yearnings for establishment of a fully pledged national life and by .the rejection of the Jews by an inhospitable world, Arab nationalism was nourished by memories of the glory of the past as well as the atred of foreigners who had arrogantly dominated the region and hu- miliated its inhabitants for cen- turies. Inevitably, therefore, the Zionist movement could n o t have accommodated even in this miniscule fraction of t he area. It was perceived as ano- ther colonial national power aiming at exploitation, rather than self-liberation. As all na- tional movements, the Arab n- tional movement in its first sta- ges, cannot be expected to be tolerant of limitations. The dy- namics of decades of mainly hostile interactions did not make things any easier. It did not bring out the best in sash side. FROM A geographical, a n d more importanly, an emotional distance, an instant socialist so- lotion has its appeal. Intimate knowledge of the Peculir real- ities of the situation leave this solution wishful at best, or d- liberately misleading at worst. The effects of the heavy hand of the past cannot simpv be wished away. The hostility of today's reality cannot be just vote out. The vision of the se- cular democratic state is a is- ion without tactics and, as such, is not a politically viable plan. This is why the Black P a n- thers reject this solution and call for recognition of two le- gitimate national liberation movements. We believe in a better tomorrow for the Mid- east: A future of fraternity and mutual respect between Arabs and Jews. The first step towards this goal is the mutual recognition of two legitimate national liberation movements. THIS IS HOW the confronta- lion is perceived from our per- stective. Naturally ws cannot be expected to be free of all biases. If you sincerely believe in the viability of a state where "Jews, Moslems and Christians" can live together, we call upon you to come and share with us your conviction. The achieve- ments in the United Nations and other arenas of diplomaic ;us- tice will not do it. There is the justice of the polititans a n d dinlomats and the justice of human beings. Come and talk to us like people. Avi Sogi is president of the Israeli Student Orgort- zotion. "Jewish people, yes. Zionism, no." Jewish people alone will determine whether they are religion or nation; no one else will decide it for them, not even Palestinian scholars. . . . deny- ing to others the rights one claims or oneself is considered chauvinism. ;{L{ ":}' 5":. ; a {t: . ,{{": ":r,? s -}:+ -.: ,i{{ {Sr: - aspect of this tragedy is rele- vant and important, there is a drastic gap between illustration of a situation and an explana- tion of its origins. For those im- mersed in the suffering, the in- terpretation that the Zionist-ex- pansionists are responsible is very plausible indeed. Yet in site of its compelling face val- idity, this interpretation is false. Arab nationalism, which could not accept the United Na- tions compromise of participa- tion in 1947 and led to the 1947- 48 Israeli war of independence,' created the original problem. The seige of Israel by Nassar in 1967, which prompted an as- tonishing Israeli victory, wors- ened the refugees problem. In both cases, Arab nationalism created the violence and A r a b individuals were the main vic- tims. The refusal to settle for peace perpetuates the p-oblera today. AS IN every case of historical analysis, proof depends on many controversial factors and facts and demands much more of an educational effort than the ad-hoc supporters are normally ready to make. How about the case for establishing resoonsibil- ity for the "squalid conditions of millions of Palestinians" at pre- sent? Arab leadership, of all political persuasions, wianes it to be this ways It would take tempt to build a national home in a country which was sparse- ly populated. A country which could easily be developed to hold a much larger population, where Moslems, Jews, and Christians could live together in a democratic regime which respects individuals as well as group aspirations and establish the only spot under the s u n where Jews, who aspire to it, would be able to live a fully pledged national life. This, in a nutshell, is Herzl's Zionism. Had world Jewry been moving to fulfill this goal within t he first two decades of ou- cen- tury, the Mideast today would be an economically flourishing re- gion where both Arabs and Jew- ish states coexist peacefully, in common pursuit of progress and fraternity. If . . . HISTORY never works this way. The actualization of t h e Zionist vision could not be real- ized as long as the communist vision of the 1920's held the promise of universalistic solu- tion on a global scale. As long as the visions of the prophets of the Old Testament seemed to be close at hand, the Jewish nation contribute thousands of its best sons and daugners to an endeavor for a better world for al. Karl Marx, Trotsky, and Rosa Luxemburg are only a few of the best known.