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August 19, 1975 - Image 18

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Michigan Daily, 1975-08-19

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,, Page Twelve


Tuesday, August 19,197!


fried ei
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Eric Friedler, an All-
American from the University of Mich-
igan, won the Columbia International 21-
and-under Tennis Championship yester-
day with a 3-6, 2-6, 6-4, 6-4, 61 victory
over Hank Pfister of San Jose, Calif.
Friedler, trailing by two sets, appear-
ed to be outclassed by the All-American
from San Jose State but took control in
the third set of the match which lasted
3Y2 hours.
Friedler jumped to a 5-2 lead in the
third set but needed a service break
in the 10th game after Pfister had
closed to 5-4. Friedler also came up
with a crucial service break in the
final game of the fourth set to tie the
Pfister, competing for the first year on
clay, often was his own worst enemy,
letting his temper break his concentra-
tion. Twice, after bad shots, he tossed

r grabs
his racket over the fence.
Friedler, of Evanston, Ill., also beat
Pfister in the North-South Tournament
in Montgomery, Ala., in June 3-6, 7-6,
7-5 after trailing 5-2 in the final set.
Meanwhile, Michigan's Fred DeJesus
defeated Chris Delaney of Potomac, Md.,
6-3, 6-2 in the first round of the Pennsyl-
vania Tennis Championships in Haver-
Pistons sign Robinson
DETROIT - Will Robinson, head bas-
ketball coach at Illinois State University,
has joined the Detroit Pistons as direc-
tor of scouting services, the National
Basketball Association team announced
Robinson, hired by Illinois State in
1970, was the first black to be head coach
at a major university. His record at the
school was 78-51.
Robinson's responsibilities with the

Columbia title

Pistons include scouting college seniors,
evaluating professional basketball play-
ers and organizing a scouting system.
"I'm very enthusiastic about the new
position because it provides me with
an opportunity to bring into play all of
the experiences I've gained as a coach
and evaluator of people throughout my
lifetime," Robinson said.
Hall of Fame expands
COOPERSTOWN, N.Y.-Five players
reached the pinnacle reserved for base-
ball immortals yesterday: Induction into
the Hall of Fame.
Ralph Kiner, Billy Herman, William
"Judy" Johnson, E a r 1 "the Rock"
Averill, and Bucky Harris were inducted.
Kiner was a slugging outfielder for
the Pittsburgh Pirates, Herman, a busy
secondbaseman for the Chicago Cubs,
Brooklyn Dodgers and Boston Braves
in the 1930's and 1940's.

Johnson was the great thirdbasema
of Black baseball history whose skin ton
kept him out of the major leagues,
Averill played for the Cleveland Indians,
and Bucky Harris managed five teami
in a 29 year career.
Kings trade no. 1 pick
LOS ANGELES - The Los Angelet
Kings yesterday t r a d e d center T71
Young, their first choice in this year'
National Hockey League draft, to the
Minnesota North Stars.
"We did not want to pay the high
salary demands of Young considering
our acquisition of c e n t e r Marcel
Dionne earlier this summer," said
Kings general manager Jake Milford.
The Kings said they would get Minne-
sota's second round pick in the 197(
amateur draft in exchange for the 6-foot-
2, 178-pound Young.

Phi ies bomb Braves s
By The Associated Press ing dealt to the Phillies after dinals only three hits through nesota Twins' pitcher D a v e
TLANTA - Mike Schmidt's he refused to play for the the first five innings in the na- Goltz limited Baltimore to six s -,
and home run of the game Braves. It was Allen's eighth tionally televised game while hits last night for a 6-1 victory x;:;:::: :; ;; r::::
t..- th ,,..., t..h in homer of the vear outdueling right -hander Bob over the Orioles d ping them


-see ae shree-run sevein tn-on
a tht nwprr# h;Id ihia" * * Frsch 119. eve ga es ehiL. le ostn

ring nai powere a iaeipia
to a 6-3 victory over the Atlanta
Braves last night and moved
the Phillies into a first-place tie
with idle Pittsburgh in the Na-
tional League East.
Schmidt's first homer came
in the second inning, immedi-
ately after Dick Allen's two-run
Allen was making his first
appearance in Atlanta since be-

Reds ramble on
ST. LOUIS-Don Gullett made'
his first start in nine weeks and
continued his mastery over St.
Louis, pitching the red-hot Cin-
cinnati Reds to their ninth
straight victory, a 3-2 triumph
over the Cardinals last night.
Gullett, a 6-foot, 185-pound
left-hander, permitted the Car-

V .%1, i - .
Then began a parade of Reds
relievers, who turned the shut-
out into a cliff-hanger.
Pedro Borbon came on to
pitch for Cincinnati in the sixth.
Will McEnaney replaced him in
the eighth and gave up a run
Twins trample

in the American League East.
Goltz improved his record to
11-10 as he handcuffed the
Orioles in every inning except,
the third when they scored on
Don Baylor's single.
The Twins, after scoring a
run in the first inning on three
singles and a passed ball, knock-
ed out Orioles starter Mike Tor-
rez, 14-7, in a three-run third.

- Major League
W I, Pet. W',
Boston 74 49 t602-
Baltimore 66 53 .545
New York 62 59 .512 i
Miilwaukee 56 66 .459 i-':"
Cievelantd 55 65 .458 17'
Detroit 40 74 .3935
Oakiand 74 48 .607 -
Kansas City 67 53 .558 6
Texas 60 65 .480 15
Chicago 59 63 .484 15
Minnesota 57 67 .460 18
California 55 69 .444 ?0
Last night's results
Cleveland 4-4, Texas 3-2
Minnesota 6, Ba irnore 1
iwaukee at California, inc.
Detroit at Oakland, inc.
Tonight's Games
Texas (wright 2-5) at Cleveiand
(Eckersly 5-4)
Chicago (Jefferson 3-7) at New
York (Gera 4-4)
Boston (Lee 15-7) at Kansas city
(Fitzmorris 2-8)
Baltimore (Cuellar 12-8) at Min-
nesota (Blyleven 12-6)
Milwaukee (Colborn 8-9) at Call-
fornia (Tanana 11-6)
Detroit (Lolich 10-1,3) at 0k-
land (Boshan 9-4)
W I. Pt. t
Philadelphia 67 55 .549 -
Pittsburgh 67 55 .549 -
St. Louis 65 58 .528 51'
New York 63 59 .516 4
Chicago 58 67 .464 10'
Montreal 51 0 .42 115
Cincinnati 83 39 .680 ]
Los Angeles -66 57 .537 7
San Francisc i 61 62 .496
San Diego 56 67 .455 '
Atlanta 55 70 .440 9'
Houston 47 80 .370
Last night's results
Los Angeles 3, Chicago 1
Montreal 4-2, San Diego 1-5
Philadelphia 6, Atlanta 3
Cincinnati3, St. Louis 2
Houston 4, New York 0
Tonight's Gaines
Los Angeles (Sutton 16-10) a
Chicago (Bonham 11-9)
Philadelphia 1-6 (Lonborg 8-6)
Atlanta (Easterly 1-6 or ThompsO
0-4), 2 t-n.
san Francisco (Barr 11-9) a
Pittsburgh (Reuss 12-9)
San Diego (McIntosh 8-11) a
Montreal (Rogers 9-9)
Cincinnati (Nolan 11-6) at St
Louis (McGiothen 11-9)
New York (Matlack 13-8)
Houston (Dierkee 11-12)
NFL exhibition
Kansas City 26, Dallas 20

Kenya's Ben Jipcho edges ahead of Phil Chenier of the Washing ton Bullets, George McGinnis of the Philadelphia '76ers and
Bobby Hull'of the Winnepeg Jets in the 100 yard dash of the Su perstars competition. Jipcho won the race in 10.94 seconds in the
battle of the supermen got underway Sunday in Rotunda, Florida.

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