Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesdoy, August 19, 1975 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAlUt Tuesday, August 19, 1975 NAACP MAY APPEAL Legal battles foreseen over bu (Continued from Page 3) "The decree mu s t consider "The Constitution does not the overriding community con- require an inflexible approach cern for the quality of educa- to desegregation," DeMascio tional services available in the s a i d. "Desegregation requires school district," he explained. only that black students be rep- "An e f fec t i v e and flexible resented in significant propor- remedy must c o n t a i n safe- tions throughout the school dis- guards that will enhance rather trict by the elimination of than destroy the quality of the identifiably white schools. There educational services provided to is no longer a denial of the right the city." to equal protection when there He c a 11 e d for sweeping are no schools from which changes in almost every branch blacks are excluded." of the system's structure, in- cluding: AT THE SAME time, how- *substantial expansion of ever, he directed the board to Detroit's experimental "middle begin a wide-ranging modernsuschool" teaching format-a con- zation and construction program cept which replaces the tradi- aimed at upgrading academic tional junior high school unit; and vocational faciilties at all 0 construction of new techni- city schools. cal high schools to provide spe- cialized training for students in- terested in scientific or business careers; * a comprehensive reading improvement effort at all grade 1 e v e is, accompanied by in- creased support of in-service training for teachers and ad- ministrators, counseling a n d career guidance activities, and extracurricular programs; and * shutdown of as many old, outaated school buildings as possible. SCHOOL BOARD and city of- ficials seemed pleased by De- Mascio's apparent stress on im- proving the present educational program rather than ordering highly extensive integration ef- forts that might have interfered with classroom activities. Board president Carnelius Golightly termed the DeMascio decision "a victory for the schoolchildren of Detroit." Mayor Coleman Young agreed. "This is the first time in the history of the consideration of a desegregation case by any court that we have met the question of quality education head on," he commented. "I hope that this order has taken a step toward providing quality education for all children." But Lawrence Washington, president of the Detroit NAACP chapter, bitterly disagreed with DeMascio's limited emphasis on further desegregation. "It does not appear as if the court has addressed itself to the question," he said. "We're right back where we started. This is a non- plan." WASHINGTON asserted t h a t the court had "abdicated its re- sponsibility" to the Detroit school board by not specifying a detailed integration scheme. Co- hen claimed, however, that the "constitutional responsibility for developing a desegregation plan lies with the local board of edu- cation." DeMASCIO asked the board to "forthwith" submit a timetable detailing how and when e a c b element of the court order would be implemented. But if - as appears likely - the NAACP chooses to appeal, the provis- ion's of Saturday's decision would probably be held in abey- ance until a final judicial ver- dict was reached. That pracess could easily consume another two to three years. And even if the board was in- structed to begin carrying out DeMascio's complex develop- ment program, the legislature- which would have to appropriat- s ruling substantial fiscal bonuses to De- troit to permit the district to pay for any major improve- ments - could simply refuse to approve all requests for further funding, forcing another Audi- cial showdown. In addition, any faculty reas- signments necessitated by t h e court-ordered procedures would have to be negotiated with the Detroit Federation of Teachers, the city's teachers' union. But a breakdown in bargaining for a new agreement has already motivated the Federation to con- sider setting a strike for Sep- tember that could delay the opening of school - and thus any initial implementation of the DeMascio ruling. Clearly, however, the dispute over integration in the Detroit school system is still far from definitely settled. One source close to the case suggested that the sixth circuit court of ap- peals -the next stop for the suit if the NAACP indeed de- cides to pursue it - might well be expected to overrule DeMas- cio and ask for a comprehensive bussing plan, since the sixth ap- peals court has an unusualy lib- eral reputation. But a Supreme Court decis- ion could go either way. PG ROUNN RB SOY SHAW SCHEIDER DREYFUSS Fri.-Mon 4Tues.t7&9:15 Opent6:45 Wed.-Sat-Sun. at 1:15- 3:45-6:15-9:05 Oes o 1:00 The best western since Ford's T6 origina "Stagecoach"I -LIA. TIMES iOLUMBIA PICTURESprsnts BITE THE f LAW STUDENTS WE DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NEW TO OFFER YOU ... JUST THE USUAL t' 5% Discount on all Required or Rec- ommended coursebooks. za Savings of 25-50% on good used books. Lots to choose from. to A large selection of Hornbooks, out- lines and reviews-all over 5% off. Yn Informed and competent service. to Large selection of legal supplies. 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