The Michigan Daily Vol. LXXXV, No. 66-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, August 19, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages RESPIRATORY ATTACKS INCREASE FBI begins By DAVID WHITING The FBI revealed yesterday it has started an investi- gation concerning a mysterious rise in the number of respiratory arrests at the Veterans Administration Hospital here. At the same time hospital Administrator Arnold Mouish announced that the institution was limiting admissions to only emergency cases pending the in- vestigation. HOSPITAL ASSISTANT Chief of Staff Gary Calhoun stated yesterday that the staff has observed 34 cases in which patients have stopped breathing since July 28, but no fatalities have been attributed to those arrests. Foul play has not been ruled out, but the undeter- mined cause of the rise in respiratory arrests could be accidental, Calhoun emphasized. He cited hot weather and possible procedural errors in administer- ing intravenous medications as two reasons which could account for the increase. It has been reported that several patients at the hospital stopped breathing after apparently receiving injections of thewrong medicine. probe of V. WHILE THE FBI refused to elaborate on their in- vestigation, Special Agent Bob Knapp said yesterday the reports of alleged injections of wrong medicines were the "basis" and "essence" of the bureau's study. Calhoun said that he had not heard of the incorrect injection reports. The 34 respiratory attack cases involved 23 patients, with the most recent case occurring Saturday, Calhoun said. NO COMMON denominators amongst the cases have been discovered yet. Calhoun said, "They (respiratory attacks) have occurred in seven different areas of the buildings." More of the respiratory attacks have been reported in the hospital's intensive care unit. But Calhoun ex- plained that this is expected because patients in the worst condition-and therefore more subject to attack- are placed there. The hospital began its own investigation into the rise in respiratory attacks some weeks ago, but has not found anything conclusive yet. "We're still in the process of collecting information . . . and verifying A. hospital medicine labels," Calhoun said. He added that he ex- pects the hospital's study to be completed sometime today.or tomorrow. Calhoun said that the temporary restrictive admis- sions policy is to allow the hospital staff to better observe and treat the patients already there. He added that all in-patients have been notified about the rise in respiratory attacks. DURING THE past three weeks-the time when the hospital was experiencing the sharp rise in respiratory attacks-seven patients died. However, Calhoun em- phasized that this is a normal mortality rate there. He did say that the hospital currently has an unus- ually high number of extremely ill patients, but that this is not sufficient to account for the increase in respiratory attacks. FBI agent Knapp said that the bureau was requested to launch the investigation by hospital officials. Calhoun said that hospital officials have no reason to believe any laws have been broken. "We have no evidence to point to that as yet," he said. FEA forecasts 3 cent gasoline price increase WASHINGTON (P)-The Federal Energy Administration said yesterday the expected end of oil price controls, eased by re- moval of import fees, would add no more than three cents per gallon to consumer petroleum prices. This official estimate was presented by Deputy Administrator Eric Zausner, who said he thought the world oil market would not allow price increases that would cancel out the removal of U.S. import fees. THE OFFICIAL estimate was in line. with earlier unofficial reports on the expected impact of the removal of controls. The controls, which now limit the price of about 60 per cent of U.S. domestic oil to $5.25 per barrel, were due to expire Aug. 31. This would allow the price to increase to prevailing market levels of around $12 per barrel. This increase alone, Zausner said, would add about six cents per gallon to the average price G OnCa VeS, of gasoline, fuel oil and other petroleum products in the United States. sa ewould soften the blo by removing fees of $2-per-bar- rel which he imposed on im- ported crude oil earlier this year. Zausner said this would reduce the consumer price by about three cents per gallon. LISBON, Portugal (1) - Pre- Thus, he said, the net effect mier Vasco Goncalves threw of price decontrol and fee re- the weight of his office yester- moval would be a three-cent in- day into a campaign to save crease per gallon. Portugal's pro-Communist rev- Zausner said, however, that olution. the cost of residual fuel oil burn- In his first public appear- ed by electric power plants and ance in nearly two months, he other large installations prob- was addressing a rally in Al- ably would not rise, so the price mada, a Communist industrial of other petroleum products stronghold across the Tagus es- might increase a little more tuary from Lisbon. t than three cents to maintain HOWEVER, the center Popu- that average. lar Democrat Party - PPD - MEANWHILE, Sen: L o w e It also scheduled a rally, at Cal- Weicker (R-Conn.) was boosting das da Rainha near the town the cause of those who would of Alcobaca, where 20 persons rather see rationing than higher were shot or stoned in left- prices as a way to force con- right clashes last weekend. servation. There were fears the PPD In Hartford, Conn., Weicker might assault Communist head- predicted gasoline at $1 per gal- quarters in Caldas da Rainha, lon in the near future unless setting off another gun battle Congress acts quickly. such as the one that bloodied Weicker said rationing would Alcobaca. See FEA, Page 7 See GONCALVES, Page 7 At Photo J01-N BALES of Seattle, Washington chose the easy wvay to hitchhike to Central America yes- terday. le told the photographer that holding ota his thumb all the way would be too much, and besides, the glove gets more attention. U ' icls devizse deficit budget aroud sotage of $.6 mllion By BILL TURQUE was also cut from the University's utilities allo- University officials, faced with a gaping $1.6 cation, possibly to be restored sometime next million shortfall in this year's operating fund, are year. devising a deficit budget for this fall. Asked if he thought that legislators were acting "We'll have a budget this fall with expenses in bad faith by making the last minute cut, greater than revenues," said Frank Rhodes, Uni- Rhodes said he held no ill will toward the law- versity vice president for academic affairs. "And makers. we'll have to find some way to balance the two," "They've had their problems too," he said. he added. UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Robben Fleming IN A STATEMENT issued after the Saturday and other executive officers discussed the plan meeting, Rhodes indicated that the tuition in- for deficit budgeting at an emergency Saturday greases and staff pay raises approved -at the meeting following last week's unexpected severe July Regent's would not be altered to help elimi- cut in the University's state appropriation for nate the deficit. fiscal year 1975-76. The shortfall w o u 1 d be dealt with by "at- State legislators made a final 1.5 per cent cut tempting to rely on the state's committment for in the higher education bill, producing a new $1.6 later reimbursement of our utilities costs, and million deficit for the University. Another $403,000 See 'U,' Page 7