Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, August I(>*,1975 PageTwo HE MCHIGN DALY aturay, ugus 16,197 In the news today... Betty Ford during a weekend interview in international which Ford said she would not be surprised if her 18-year-old daughter Susan said she was TV tonight TILLSONBURG, Canada - Four gunmen in Halloween masks robbed a jewelry manufac- turing company of $250,00 in gold bars, silver and diamonds, fled with a hostage and then released him unharmed ,police said yesterday. The masked marauders, armed with sub- machine guns and automatic pistols, hit the Cadman Manufacturing Co. Ltd. near Tillson- burg about midnight. Police said the robbers went to the hostage's home in the plant com- pound and forced him to accompany them to the company and open the vault. The Cadman Company is one of the largest jewelry manu- facturers in Canada. National having an affair. v NEW YORK - The divorced parents of kid- naped Seagram's heir Samuel Bronfman, wait- ed tensely yesterday for assurances that their son was alive and would be returned safely. He disappeared at 11:30 p.m. August 8, exactly one week ago, when he left his father's estate here to drive to his mother's home in Pur- chase, 20 miles away across Wstchester coun- ty. The family, now hidden by a complete news blackout, have refused to either confirm or deny that the kidnapers told them Bornf- man was buried with a 10-day supply of air and water. WASHINGTON - Former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter, here last Thursday to promote his campaign for the Democratic presidenal Weather nomination, was quick with his answer when asked how he would feel if his daughter had an The weather outlook for today calls for affair. "Well, I would be totally shocked and partly sunny skies with only a 20 per cent completely overwhelming and would be af- chance of rain. Highs will be in the upper flicted with absolute disbelief because my 70's to low 80's, cooling off to the 60's to- daughter is only /-years-old and I just cannot night. High's tomorrow will be in the 80's imagine her doing any such thing," Carter re- with partly cloudy conditions and a slight plied. The question was similar to one asked chance of precipitation. 6:00 2 4 9 11 13 News 20 Movie "The Young Mr. Pitt" 30 Electric Company S0 Star Trek 56 Life of Leonardo Da Vinro 57 The Romagnolis' Table 6:30 4 13 NBC News-Tom Brokaw 7 24 ABC News--Ted Koppel 9 My Partner the Ghost 11 CBS News-Dan Rather 30 Two Way Street 57Cdean Shepherd's America 7:00 2 CBS News-nan Rather 4 Profiles in Black 7 Is Your Neighbor Hungry? 11 Hee Haw-Variety 13 50 Lawrence Welk 24 Last of the Wild 30 Those Thrilling Days of Yesteryear 5 To Be Announced 57 To He Announced 7:30 2 $25,000 Pyramid 4 Masquerade Party 7 Treasure Hunt 9 Horse Race 24 Let's Make a Deal 30 56 57 Drum Corps International Championship 0:00 2 NFL Foothal s 4 13 Emergency!' 7 24 Night Stalker o Hasebal 11Aslinthe Family 20 Nanny and the Professor 50 That Good Ole Nashville Music 8:30 11 Fiot-Comedy 20 Public Policy Forums 50 Night Gallery 9:00 4 13 Movie-Drama BW "The Manchurian Candidate" 7 24 S.W.A.T.-Crime Drama 11 Mary Tyler Moore 50 Percy Mason B 9:30 11 Bob Newhart 20 Temple Baptist Church 10:00 11 Dick Cavett-Variety 20 700 Club 50 Lou Gordon 11:00 2 7 11 News 9 CBC News-George Finstad 24 ABC News-Bill Matney 11:15 7 ABC News-Bill Matney 9 A Look Back 24 Movie-Thriller Bw "Terror in the Haunted pr~""i"iii, There ISa . difference! PREPARE FOR: ! T Over 35years " of experience AT and success e S L S A T - - !voluminous home GRE study materials " a " Coursesthat are " ATGSB constantly updated " ! i " Tae #aciliies or" CAT review ass FLE lessons and for use " of suplementary e " - " F F Make-ups for e : Eissed lessors NAT'L MED DDS " " - " (313) 354-0085 * " 21711 W. Ten Mite Rd. " Southfield, Mi.48015 * EDUCATONAL CENTER " Branches in Maor s Gilles House" 11:30 2 Movie--Adventure 3W "Flame of the Barbary Coast" 4 13 News 7 Movie-Drama BW "Detective Story" 9 Movie--Thriller BW "I Saw What You Did." 11 Movie-Adventul* "Modesty Blalse." 20 Right On-MusIe 30 Janaki--Exercise 50 Movie-Thriller "Beast of the Dead" 12:00 4 Johnny Carson 13 Movie-Western "The Raiders." 1:30 2 Movie-Mystery BW r'Calling Dr. Death." 4 11 13 News 7 Movie--Drama "The view from PompeY's Head." 3:00 2 News 3:30 7 Soundings-Di5eUnsiM 4:00 7 News :.... .. : ..: . o ::.i r. ..rt . . "bt : . .. .d . Daily Official Bulletin SATURDAY, AUGUST 16 Day Calendar: wUOM: From the Midway - B. Solomon, "Forecasting Failures;" A. Heltzer, "Too Mucs Govern- ment," 10 am.; 1075 Advocacy Inst. -"The Product Liability Case: MusS osol: rMozart's Don Gio- Praparation & Trial," 1 p.m. vanni, Mendelssohn, 8 p.m. SUNDAY, AUGUST 17 Day Calendar: wUOM: States of the Union, bi- centennial series, featured state: Cosnecticut, 1 p.m0. Outing Club: Hiking and/or swim- ming, meet N. Entry, Rackham, 1:30 p.m. Summer Commencement: Mary Ellen Avery, physician-in-chief, Har- ard, speaker, Hill Aud., 2 p.m. Music School: Mozart's Don Gio- vanni, Mendelssohn, .8 p.m. . MONDAY, AUGUST 18 ISR: Peter Flora, U. of Mann- heim, "Historical Indicators of western European Development," 6th floor Conf. Rm., ISR, 12:15-1:30 Music School: Carillon recital, Hudson Ladd, carillonneur, 7-8 p.m. er-sri:: Meeting, 225 E. Liberty, 7:30 p.m. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXV, No. 65-S Saturday, August 16, 1975 is edited and managed by studeats at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Published d a i y Tuesday through Sunday morning during the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier (campus area); $11 ocal mail (Michigan and Ohio); $12 non-local mail (other states and foreign). Summer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus area); $6.50 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non- local mail(ther otatesand foreign) Ann Arbor Civic Theatre Presents SEPARATE TABLES FRI.-SUN., AUG. 14-16 201 MULHOLLAND Curtain 8 p.m. donation $1 i i 1 1 * 1. Change inbowel or bladder habits. i 1 t * 2.A sore that doesnotheal. I I 3. Unusual bleedingor discharge. 4.Thickening orlump inbreast or elsewhere. I I 5. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing. t 6. Obvious change in wart or mole. 7 Nagging cough or hoarseness. t If you * have a warning signal, I see your doctor. American Cancer Society La - mmm.m mm m mm mm .m..M rmmJ NEW RESTAURANT NOW HIRING COMPLETE CREW " WAITRESSES " WAITERS - COOKS " DISH MEN " HOSTESSES Apply in Person 2 to 6 Daily COTTAGE INN 512 E. WILLIAMS