The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, May 14, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 The flip side of sex bias THE MALE STUDENT elected "Women in the Law", Women's Studies Course 370, because he wanted to discover women's attitudes about their treatment by the law. He soon discovered that he was not welcome to find out. The instructor of the course announced in class that she felt the males would dominate the conversation in the session if they were allowed to stay in the course. After discussion, the instructor took an in-class vote on whether or not the males should be allowed to stay; only four women raised their hands to indicate they would be intimidated by the males's presence. Follow- ing the vote, the instructor asked the male students to leave. The instructor later told one of the stunned male students that his presence in the classroom would make' enrolled women uncomfortable in discussing certain class issues, specifically rape. Men were to be excluded because their presence would diminish profits to other students, and because men would not benefit from the course, which was allegedly designed to teach women how to use the legal tactics men have used for so long. Yet there will be a male influence in the course even if males are excuded; one of the major textbooks of the course, "Sex Roles in Law and Society", is penned by a man. TRUE LIBERATION - of both sexes - is based in in- formation; the fact that some males did elect a Women's Studies Course seems an indication of their level of consciousness and desire to learn more than they know. Those men attempting to educate them- selves about women in society deserve at the very least a chance to learn; would that there were many more of them. The Women's Studies Program is funded by LSA; the LSA Faculty Code reads in part: "No College Course may be restricted in enrollment for non-academic rea- sons . . ." (Paragraph B204, Sec. 4). The course catalog listed no prerequisites or special conditions necessary for enrollment in the course. It was certainly within, the rights of the three male students to elect that class. The University established the Women's Studies Pro- gram to offer courses that focused on women to LSA students. The Women's Studies Program should consist- ently recognize men as capable of that focus, Capitol ipressions Notes from a D.C. neophyte By GORDON ATCHESON WASHINGTON - On f i r s t impressions this town of offic- ials and bureaucratic red tape is America's eastern mecca for star gazers - those people who aren't household words but get some thrill out of trailing, gawking, and gaping at those who are. Of course, the true h o1 y ground for gapers is Hollywood, where the St. Laurent and Hal- ston devotees frolic. Washing- ton's appeal is different, though, in that the prey there includes thosewho have a direct hand in shaping the path the country follows. As hackneyed as it may sound, walking around the Capitol Building is actually like seeing that ninth grade civics course brought to life. Senator Hubeirt Humphrey bounces down one of the high, arched hallways bending the ear off an aide - undoubtedly on the way to some important hearing, or so I conjecture. Now no one would mistake the good senator for a beautiful person. The high forehead and the sagging jowls count him out on that score, but what he says and does and how he votes per- force have more impact on the world than Robert Redford's smile, AS HE SCURRIES by, people waiting for a tour of the majes- tic building turn, follow him down the corridor with their eves and whisper something to whoever is standing near them, friend or -stranger. The star gazers then add one more name tosthe list they will recite to the people back home. En masse, they file into the Senate and House chambers for a brief glimpee of government in action and with 3 little luck there may be something hap.- pening on the floor. It could be limited to an ob- scure Congressman deliverin~ a soeech on a strictly parochial issue to a virtually non-existent audience. Then, again, the clan could be gathering for consideration of a crucial bill. And the gazer goes right to work. First sweep the entire arena for the m o st famous faces - no reason to miss Ted Kennedy because he decides to take a leak. LOOK BRIEFLY, don't ling- er. Make sure it's who you think it is, then move on. You can always come back and make a closer inspection. Af- ter all the biggies have been sighted check out the leser folk - maybe the local congressman or a face-that appears in Time magazine last week though no name readily comes to mind. The genuine gazer is, how- ever, on the alert all the time .because somebody - spoken with a capital 'S' - could turn up anywhere. "No one would mis- take Humphrey for a beautiful person. The high forehead and sag- ging jowls count him out on that score. But what he says and does and how he votes per- force have a greater impact on the world than Robert. Redford's smile." For instance, during my first afternoon hanging around t h e Capitol, Kennedy (or at least a ruddy-faced man I pegged as him) turned up in the Senate gallery rather than on the floor, while giving a tour to a per- sonal friend. Similarly, leaving the Capitol, the cab I was in searlj r an down Congressman Ron Del- lums, the flashy Californian. La- ter I learned that hse had Just finished a press conference to explain why the Blak Caucrs would oppose a measure grant- ing aid to Vietnamese refugees.- NOT ONLY do government of- ficials cavort about the town -- many reporters run hither and yon making inviting targetsfor the gazers. Without -question the o n 1 y sought-after memb-rs of the press are the television corre- spondents, who in many cases are more recognizable than the Congressmen. Newspaper re- porters, however, are totaki for- gotten because almost no one can identify them by nanmc let alone looks. CBS News' Roger Mudd turn- ed up in the Senate chambers and drew attention as he brief- ly mugged for the crowd. He spent much of the rest of the time jawing with the other re- porters and telling mildly wit- ty jokes - judging from the re- sponses. I'm not quite sure what all cf this is worth. Tracking down the Humphrey celebrities of gove-nment is entertaining is moderaion but a steady diet of it leads to intellectual malnutrition. After all, what difference does it make if I've seen these jokers in the flesh. I'm not msic's bet- ter off and they don't even know that they have fallen un- der my scrutiny. WHILE I HAVEN'T figured out the virtues of s'ar gazing, one of the pitfalls nas become apparent - after a short stretch on the look out every- body begins to seem like some- body noteworthy. The characteristics begin to blur. A dog-eared man with greying hair and wire-Frained glasses suddenly becomes Wil- bur Mills and the tired tourist from Omaha is transformed in- to a network commentator. But I haven't sesn J u d g e Crater . . . at least not yet. Gordon Atcheson is Co- Editor in Chief of The Daily currently working as a sum- mer intern with the Knight Newspapers Washington Bureau. Letters to The Daily censorship To The Daily:c ON FEBRUARY 28, 1972, former President Nixon signed the Sino-U.S. Joint Communi- que, which established the cs- tural exchange program be- tween the United States a n d China. We in the U.S.-China Peoples Friendship Association of Ann Arbor consider that event to have been a great step forward in the development of friendship between the Amer- ican and Chinese peoples. In the years since the signing of the Shanghai Communique, the ex- change of scientific and cultural ideas and experiences has en- riched our mutual understand- ing and friendship. - . We join with the National Ex- ecutive Committee of the U.S. - China Peoples Friendship As- sociation with over forty-five io- cal associations, in strongly pro- testing the action of the U.S. State Department in insisting on the right to censor the con- tent of the cultural program, forcing the last-minute cancel- lation of the tour. This action of the State Department was clear- ly not in keeping with the spirit of the Shanghai Communique. The fact that the State Depart- ment objected to the s o >g "People of Taiwan Are Our Brothers" raises great ques- tion as to the sincerity of the U.S. recognition in the Snanghai Communique that Taiwan is an integral part of China. T h e song is an expression in the field of culture of China's cen- tury long struggle for sndepend- ence and unification. The ques- tion of Taiwan and the unifica- tion of China is an internal mat- ter for the Chinese people to settle, in which no other coun- try has the right to interfere. THIS ENTIRE regrettabls in- cident serves to snow o n c e again, that the con'inued pre- sence gf the U.S. military si- stallations in Taiwan and t h e United States' recognstion of the KMT regime on Taiwan remain the major barriers t-> tha nor- malization of relations between the U.S. and China and the growth of economic, cultural, scientific and people-to-people contact between our two coun- tries. We call upon the U.S. govern- ment to request the National Committee on U.S.-China Rela- tions to re-extend the ,invita- tion to the Performing A r t s Troupe of China, and we call upon the U.S. government to take immediate steps t"3 imple- ment, both in letter and spirit, the Shanghai Communique, of 1972. -U.S.-China Peoples Friendship Aasociation of Ann Arbor April 10