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August 14, 1975 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1975-08-14

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rage cignr


Thursday,' August 14, 1975

rage ~ignt 1h1 MICHIGAN VAILY Thursday, August 14, 1975

Sports of the Dail
By The Associated Press
Friedler frolics
Michigan tennis ace Eric Friedler advanced to the semi-finals
of the Columbia Invitational 21-and-under Tennis Championships,
in New York. The fourth-seeded Friedler downed Bill Scanlon of
Dallas, 7-6, 6-3 in their quarter-final match, and will meet Mike
Grant in the semis.
Gonzalo Nunez of the University of Texas and top-seeded
Hank Pfister also advanced.
Bama players disciplined
TUSCALOOSA, Ala.--All-American defensive end Leroy Cook
and five other Alabama football players have been placed on
probation and two others suspended for- the season, Coach Paul
"Bear" Bryant announced yesterday.
Three of the eight were arrested last spring on marijuana
charges, and a spokesman said the others were involved_ to a
lesser degree.
Cook and two others. placed on probation, defensive back
Wayne Rhodes and linebacker Conley Duncan were expected-
to be starters again this fall, but Bryant said they are not
now listed as such.
In addition, Cook is still recovering from foot surgery.
Suspended were fullback Ron Kuykendall and halfback Joey
Bolton, both charged with selling. marijuana until the charges were
dropped after the accidental death of the investigating officer.
Bryant said that in addition to the eight, warnings have gone
to several other players to watch their step.
Play for- pay?
JACKSON, Miss.-The NCAA has accused Mississippi State
University of offering up to $25,000 in an effort to hire football
players, a Jackson newspaper reported yesterday.
The Clarion-Ledger said sources reported the charge was
among 34 alleged recruiting violations which the NCAA ivill
confront Mississippi State with at an Aug. 25 hearing in
Kansas City.
The sources were quoted as saying a Mississippi State athletic
staffer allegedly offered one high -school player $15,000, an auto-
mobile and free clothing if he would attend State.
The player rejected the offer twice in December, 1973, and
enrolled at the University o Alabama, the Clarion-Ledger said.
Deadly swing
WILSON, N.C.-Alford Wheeler, 37, a sportscaster, was killed
Tuesday when the metal shaft of a golf club he swung broke
open, struck a nearby golf cart and then riccocheted, striking
Wheeler in the chest.
Dr. Edgar Beddingfield, Wilson County medical examiner,
said a 10-inch portion of the shaft snapped off as Wheeler swung
his No. 3 wood while playing golf with his wife.

Tiger streak goes on
Rangers win 6-5
ay The Associated Press Tovar then ran for Sundberg. 5-1 lead in the seventh.
DETROIT - Shortstop Gene R a n d 1 e followed with a Successive one-out singles by
Michael's throwing error on grounder to Michael who step- Aurelio Rodriguez, Tom Ver-
Lenny Randle's grounder gave ped on second for a forceout. yzer, Ron LeFlore and Gary
Texas the tie-breaking run in But when he tried for an in- Sutherland accounted for two
the 11th inning last night and ning-ending double play, his runs and chased Jenkins, then
the Rangers beat Detroit 6-5 to throw to first wild and Tovar Meyer singled off Jim Umbar-
extend the Tigers' club-record came home with the decisive ger before Stan Thomas put
losing streak to 19 games. run. down the rally.
The loss brought the Tigers Bill Freehan led off the sec- But the Rangers tied it with
within two games of the Amer- ond inning with his 12th homer four runs in the eighth. Doubles
ican League record for succes- of the year, a shot off Texas by Mike Hargrove and Jim
sive losses, set in 1906 by Bos- starter Ferguson Jenkins that Spencer scored one run, then
ton and tied twice by-the Phila- landed in the upper deck in left Toby Harrah chased Coleman
delphia A's in 1916 and 1943. field. Moates' third homer, an with a single that sent Spencer
The major league mark is 23 upper deck clout to right off to third.
by the 1961 Philadelphia Phil- Joe Coleman, tied it in the Bob Reynolds came on and
lies. third. Tom Grieve greeted him with
WITH ONE OUT in the 11th, his ninth homer, a three-run
Jim Sundberg beat out an in- THE TIGERS went ahead in shot into the lower deck in right
field single off Gene Pentz, 0-2, the sixth when Dan Meyer walk- to knot the score.
and moved to second on Dave ed and Willie Horton and Free- a#
Moates' single to right. Cesar han singled, then they took a
Bucs bucked
" "ATLANTA-Mike Lum drove
Mao Lo a Standings in the winning run with a bad-
AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE hop single over first base in the
seventh inning last night as the
East East Atlanta Braves edged Ahe Pitts-
w L Pet. GB w L Pet. GB burgh Pirates 4-3.
Boston 71 46 .607-- Pittsburgh 67 51 .573 - Ralph Garr led off the sev-
Baltimore 63 52 .549 1 Philadelphia 64 54 .5% 3 enth with a double, his third hit
New York 60 56 .517 105/. St. Louis 62 55 .527 45 ,
Muwaukee 55 64 .465 173%" New York 60 57 .516 6% of the game, moved up on Rob
Cleveland 52 61 .460 17 Chicago 55 65 .458 13x2 Belloir's single and scored the
Detroit 46 73 .389 26j Montreal 48 67 .420 17x tying run on Darrel Evans'
west west ground-out. Dave Giusti then re-
lieved Ken Brett, 7-5, who had
Oakland 71 46 .02 - Cincinnati 78 39 .667 - relieved starter Dock Ellis in
Kansas City 65 51 .560 5x, Los Angeles 63 55 .534 151/.
Texas 50 61 .43 54 San Francisco 55 59 .500 59f. the first inning.
Chicago 56 60 .483 14! San iego 54 64 .455 24.,
Minnesota 54 66 .445 18%/. Atlanta 53 66 .442 26 GIUSTI GOT Dusty Baker to
California 52 67 .437 20 iouston 45 27 .371 35'" ground out, but then gave up
Last Night's Results Last Night's Results the bad-hop single to Lum, scor-
Texas 6, Detroit 3 (11 inn.) Atlanta 4, ittsburgh 3 he aes got seven hits i
Minnesota 5, Milwaukee 2 St. Louis 4, Houston3 2The rswotsnis tshid
KassCt tBaltimore, inc. San Diego 8, New York 5 the first two innings buit had
Kansas City at goInc. San Francisco 4, Montreal 3 only two runs to show for them.
Cleveland at Chicago, inc. Los Angeles 5, Philadelphia 4 Garr, Belloir, Evans and Baker
Be osto at Calna, inc.Toa'Gme greeted Ellis with consecutive
NewYorkatO andinc. Toay's Games singles to start the first. Bat-
Today's Games St. Louis (McGlothen 12-8) at At- er's hit scored Garr with the
lanta (Niekro 11-10), 7:35 p.m. first run and chased Ellis.
New York (Hnnter 15-1l) at Oak- Pittsburgh (Reuss 12-8) at Cin- rt aeonadgtLs
land (Bosman 7-4), 4:30 p.m. cinnati (Nolan 10-6), 8:05 p. Brett came on and got Lum
Cleveland (Harrison 5-3) at Chi- San Francisco (Barr 10-9) at to pop out and Rowland Office
tago (Kaat 16-9), 9 p.m. Montreal (Blair 7-13), 8:05 p.m. to bounce into an inning-ending
Boston (Lee 15-6) at California Chicago (stone 10-5) at Houston double play.
(Singer 6-11), 10:30 p.m. (Richard 8-), 8:35 p.m. Garr singled home a run fsr
Only games scheduled. Only games scheduled the Braves' in the second.

Newly acquired Oakland Ath-
letic, Tommy Harper (center)
chats with his new teammates
Reggie Jackson, (left) and Joe
Rudi. Rudi has a dislocated
thumb and has been placed on
the disabled list. Among others,
Harper has already played for
teams in Seattle, Cincinnati,
Cleveland, Milwaukee, Boston
and California.

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