Pge Ten MHE MICHiGANV DAILY Wednesday, August _13, 1975 Pope Ten (H-.M....... DAL Wedes .y Auut1 11 alla|k Panel subpoenas Rhodesia's white rulers and Nixon CIA tapes black nationalists to meet soon (Continued from Page 1) Goldwater said that the in- vestigation so far has shown that all presidents since World War It have directly or indirect- ly approved of all CIA actions and that the CIA at all times had reason to believe it was acting within the law. "I'M just at a loss to know what the -senator means," Church said- Church said he be- lieves the fial report will bear out his previmis statement that the CIA at times acted on its own authority and was effec- tivelv out of control from above. "All this committee is inter- ested in is telling the truth and w'e're doing our best to do it," Church said. As for Nixon's testimony, the former president's attornies are reluctant to have him testify on only one phase of the investiga- tion without knowing what the committee may choose to ask him in further sessions. "THE committee is not dis- posed to press for the imme- diate appearance of Mr. Nixon if he is disinclined," Church said. "We will hold open the question of his later testimony when we can cover all subjects with him in the course of one interrogation." The subpoena seeks documen- tary evidence from Sept. 1 to Nov. 3, 1970 involving all efforts by the United States to prevent the election of Salvador Allende as oresident of Chile. The document and papers sought are not confined to the Nixon papers but also include those of Kissinger , former White House chief of staff Alex- ander Haig, the National Secur- ity Council and the so-called 40 Committee, which directs U.S. intelligence activities. In addition, it was disclosed that the committee has learned for the first time of the exist- ence of a special Files Unit in the Office of Presidential Pap- ers. (Continued from Page 1) to the African name for the falls-Mosi Oa Tunya, or the Smoke that Thunders. SPANNING the gorge with- out a center support is a 657- foot road and rail bridge built in 1905, close enough to the falls for passengers to feel the spray. A statement issued simultan- eously in Rhodesia and Zambia, where many Rhodesian black nationalists are in exile, said the conference would begin without preconditionstand would give both parties "the oppor- tunity to publicly express their genuine desire to negotiate an acceptable settlement." After an initial stage, the con- ference is scheduled to adjourn and committees will discuss settlement proposals which will be taken up at a formal meeting later - "anywhere decided up- on." T H E STATEMENT s a i d white-governed South Africa and the black-ruled nations of Bot- swana, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia have all "express- ed their willingness to ensure that this agreement is imple- mented by the two parties in- volved." Prime Minister Smith and Bishop Abel Muzorewa, leader of the Rhodesian African Na- tional Council--the main black nationalist group-are expected to attend the opening talks. The break-through on the site came following a meeting last weekend between Smith and Prime Minister John Vorster of South Africa, who. has been pressing Smith to settle with the black majority. SOUTH AFRICA, long Rho- desia's financial and political supporter, has all but declared it favors black majority rule in Rhodesia and announced Aug. 1 it was pulling out all its para- military forces in the former British colony. About 250,000 whites current- ly hold a monopoly of political power over some 5.4 million Af- ricans in Rhodesia. Britain, still the legal ruler of Rhodesia, would have to ratify any agreement before it be- comes effective. IT IS THE view of most po- litical observers in southern Africa that there are now so many pressures on Rhodesia that a settlement is virtually sealed. But Smith has dashed hopes in the past for a settlement and could do so again, although this appears increasingly doubtful. Collapse of Portugual's Afri can empire last year and sub. sequent independence of neigh- boring Mozambique on June 25 means virtually, all Rhodesia's northern and eastern b-orders are open to guerrilla attack. AT HOME, economic sanc- tions mounted by the United Nations have hurt Rhodesia's economy, and Mozambique, now ruled by a militantly Socialist African government, has threat ened to cut off the landlocked nation's main outlet to the sea Most significant of all has been South Africa's increasing pressure on Smith to reach a settlement. South Africa mount ed a major diplomatic cam- paign late last year to reach detente with black Africa and a key issue has been a settle- ment in Rhodesia. COtMPLAINT? t ., ...missing out )y<. on some of the ,i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r >,a tr- r e: f G }+i5i~~ ?t. ra~ ~~~~~~~0 reivr 1 3fS { ' " hryG ( y.~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 1\ F cALE be a s " mistakes ? OR disagree wih a bil we sent you for THE DAILY? WE'D LIKE TO TRY TO STRAIGHT - ( EN OUT THAT PROBLEM, BUT WE CAN'T IF YOU DON T LET US KNOW ABOUT IT. Monday thru Friday, 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. CRCULATiO "git t 764-0558 GEO says 'U' failed to hire enough mnorities (Continued from Pag;e 3) of the available applicants, they received all the jobs. However, John Forsyth, the GEO contract administrator for the University, contended that there are a lot of complications involved in interpreting the figures. He pointed out that when a department is hiring graduate students other things are taken into consideration than just race and sex. STUDENTS in need of finan- cial aid are often hired as well as those who must satisfy work experience requirements, he emphasized. According to For- syth, this reduces the number of women and minorities which can be hired. Forsyth elaborated, "At some time everyone in the depart- ment (with a work experience requirement) must hold a job regardless of race or sex. Forsyth then blasted CEO fo releasing the figures. "The took data which we were under no obligation to give then d released it with a stateinest without even discussing the in- formation with me." THE FIGURES were given it GEO after they requested the information in connection with a grievance filed in June. TI- grievance for departments to recruit women and minorities to increase the percentage of these groups in the available pool af job applicants. Forsyth said "you can't look at one term's data and draw conclusions. If there is under representation (of minorities) we will set goals and try to correct it. We don't lose any- thing by waiting (for an addi tional term for more figures) since people have already been hired for the fall." Man robs campus bank, flees with cash (Continued from Page1} I ly unrelated, incidents which generally, bank robbers "don't also involved banks and "stolen" get a very big amount (of money. Krasny said an alarm money)." was set off at the National Bank and Trust on William St. at THE ROBBERY yesterday oc- about 1:30 p.m., but when police curred less than 20 minutes arrived at the scene, the call after two bizarre, but apparent- proved to be a false alarm. One National Bank official said the alarm may have been triggered by a serviceman who was working on the bank's camera system at the time. But moments after the false alarm was relayed, a man walk- ed into the offices of a local "confession" to a robbery at the National Bank. The pseudo' robber took off, however, be- et fore police could question hit- k Krasny said the bogus con tession occurred before the 4H -A TW ron Valley bank robbery ani that police will probably wor on a follow-up investigation.