SIst 1-95 THE MICHIGAN DAtILY Page Five SEVERAL PERSONS were injured and scores of cars were damaged yesterday when groups of rock-throwing youths attacked passing motorists in the Roxbury section of Boston. Police said the driver of a small van truck was pulled from the vehicle and beaten by a group of youths and the van set afire. Antietuitionhie committee clarfies public position U.S. Air Force ordered refugees to leave Vietnam WASHINGTON (I)-The Air Forceconfirmed yesterday that it drugged 13 Vietnamese refugees and put them on the last plane from Thailand to Guam as they demanded to be returned to Vietnam. The Air Force issued a statement after Chairman Joshua Eilberg (D-Pa.) of the House immigration subcommittee said he had talked to 12 of the refugees and been told they had been drugged, beaten and taken to Guam against their will. THE AIR FORCE did not confirm the reports of beatings. "Near hysteria, they (refugees) demanded to be returned to Vietnam and threatened suicide if they were not returned im- mediately," the Air Force said. The Vietnamese had been flown from Vietnam to Thailand, and Thai officials adamantly refused to let them stay, so a deci- sion was made by U.S. and Thai officials "to sedate the Viet- namese and take them to Guam," the Air Force said. TME 13 VIETNAMESE said that when they boarded the plane in Vietnam, they had been told it was flying to the delta region, not out of the country, the Air Force said. "Hours of discussion failed to persuade them that there were no means to take them back," the Air Force said. "The Thai officials were adamant that they leave Thailand immediately." The Air Force said the Vietnamese were sedated with medi- cines regularly given in evacuation situations "for the patients' comfort or where because of mental or emotional disturbance they may pose a threat to themselves or others." AN AIR FORCE nurse accompanied the 13 Vietnamese on the flight and "no ill effects were noted," the Air Force said. "Although they were helped aboard the aircraft, all 13 were ambulatory during the flight," the Air Force said. "And all ex- cept one, who insisted on being carried off, left the aircraft at Guam without assistance." The decision to sedate the Vietnamese and take them to Guam with other refugees, the Air Force said, was made with the hope that they could be repatriated expeditiously. THE AIR FORCE said the incident occurred May 1 after South Vietnam had fallen and the drugs were administered by U.S. medical personnel at Utapao Air Force Base in Thailand. Eilberg had said he would conduct a formal subcommittee inquiry into the incident if the Air Force did not give, him a full explanation. He, who is at Guam with subcommittee members on an in- spection trip, said through his Washington office that he did not know why the refugees were beaten and drugged. He said the 13 Vietnamese were among .65 people who had fled to Thailand at the time of the fall of Saigon but changed their minds and asked to return to Vietnam. By BILL TURQUE and is part of a nation-wide pat- The Committee to Fight the tern of tuition hikes and cut- Tuition Hike took more defini- backs in higher education." The tive steps last night to clarify leaflet also urged students to its public posture by approving "take inspiration from the GEO the language of a leaflet to be (Graduate Employes' Organiza- distributed to students in Sep- tion) strike of last year and the tember. Black Action Movement strike But the committee, an ad hoc of five years ago." coalition of campus groups SYL representative C r a i g formed in the wake of last Thurtell objected to the leaflet. month's six per cent University on the grounds that a primarily tuition increase, lost the sup- student-oriented m o v e m e n t pert of the Spartacus Youth against the increase could not, League (SYL) in a dispute over succeed. He also questioned the the content of the leaflet. actual gains derived from the GEO and BAM movements. THE LEAFLET, as originally "You are asking us to draw drawn up by a repesentative inspiration from a strategy that of the Revolutionary .Student's quite clearly failed," Thurtell Brigade (RSB) described the argued. "It is a manifestation. hike as "an out-and-out attack of new left politics which we on our ability to attend school believe are impotent." THURTELL objected to what he called the anti-working class tenor of the leaflet, which claimed that the revenue gen- erated by the tuition hike could come from other sources. The other sources were interpreted by the SYL to mean possibly the laying off of University workers. GEO representative Dave Si- men submitted an amendment expanding the committee's com- mitment to preventing layoffs of University workers. But when members of the committee voted down a further change in. the leaflet's language, the SYL delegation left .the Student Gov- ernment Council chambers, where the meeting was held. Dlan's notes rom the underground By KURT JOHN HARJU combination was capable of and notice that is never quite sent, Stones' Exiles On Main Street simple like country, his grow- At the time of his nearly-fatal on par with their legendary per- for the music is so alive a n d (for its rough, raw and raunchy ing concentration on his voice, motorcycle, accident in July, formances on Dylan's 1965 and jumpy that it's physically im- recording. It's a testament to and his developing theses of con- 1966, Bob Dylan was at the very 1966 tours (which may also be possible to settle into its depres- the greatness and scope of this fession, salvation and content- peak of his artistic success and forthcoming in record form). sions. music that The Basement Tapes ment. Nashville Skyline and popular acclaim. Then, for over Robbie Robertson, The Bard's BUT DYLAN isn't all that pes- succeed cotstantly in its at- Self-Portrait may not have con- a year in what one writer called leader and lead guitarist, once simistic or cynical about things tempts where those of their fused so many of his fans had "the period of silence," an said that "we taught him what - just tired of the demands toughest rivals occasionally fail. they heard this first. aroused and anxious America- we knew of rock and roll" in his career and public made of EVEN the weakest moments As always, Dylan confronts us stopped hearing from the singer those summer sessions of 1967 him. Perhaps .his attitude is here, or the most bizarre, have with a paradox. On the opening who, had become its young in the basement of Big Pink. best summed-up in'the magnifi- something totally absorbing go- song "Odds and Ends" he de- voice. IN DOING so, Dylan and The cent "Goin' to Agauulco" where ing for them and the production clares that "lost time is not When he released John Wes- Band got down to rock's earthy he admits is clear enough to capture it. found again." Well, for one ley Hiarding at the beginning of roots - the blues, old ballads, it's a wicked life Most likely, it's the vocals. In thing, these aren't just a pile of 1969}w it was apparent that Dy- honky-tonk tunes and 'drinking But what the hell the company of friends and with- tunes thrown together - th e y lan bad left the rock scene, his songs that The Band were to Everybody's got to eat. out the pressures of making a make better odds than that and rebel image and the bid to be- excell in undating in a modern and while he grants an end has record, Dylan seems to really let have come to fine ends. And bigger than Elvis (the explosive format. The 24 tracks compris- came, he's looking for a way go and sing with an abandon, with this release, lost time is ingredients of his" greatest hit ing this 2-record set are as laid- to move on. In fact, this whole passion and richness that is found again - though it is not "Like a Rolling Stone") far he- back and down-home, as funky alhiim is filled with nlaces to go rarely matched. in his own re- th- sane as it was then. hind . and was now entering a and flnnv, ns Dylan ever got. to the iseonle in them, and the'. lenses. If Dylan and The Band had new phase of hisrapidly evolv ,.:Of'ther, Dylan wrote 18 and snrnoses they serve - good or Bliut it's the harmonies by The nit this opt when it was made, ing career. rerforms on all but two of those. evil, comic or tragic, they're Band that really shine on these it would hi'-e certainly caused a RECENTLY released, T he They rane from the htmoros nrt of the s-me changing ex- nerformanies - when they sing rein ltisn in, or at least, a re- basement Tapes (Columbia C2 "Lo and Behold" ("Lo and be- p-ri-nce. .in inison with Dylan, the strik- evaluation of rock thgt, John 33682) are"i i'ndieds'ot 'th'rt ' isodi' In and behiosl - I'm look- The eight Band songs also ing effect 'stands ont and up- Weslev H-rding and 'Music silence and a telling sign of in" far my to and hehol"'and diznlnv this awaren*rss of the lifts an otherwise ordinary chor- From Ri Pink were to create the hard times he was living "Vea! Hea'v' And A Bottle df Pt- o flrnine ht .them - t h e s or lyric. Or it could just at sesrately and with a different thro'lgh eight. years ago. An in- Bfted" ("The comic book and '-ner ln'.r i, s-'r-h of his well be the precise and perfect. effect, famous collection of.tapes (se- ie. inst s. w ta ght',tPh e "tRancie . t'' hl not-as-hid- eit-r work by Robrtson, t he As it is. The Basement Tapes cond only to Richard Nixon's) h's") to major thematic works ,ln sov i' ",,V--,, Stret Scan- da7eling. piano of R i c h a r d are signifi-nnt contrib.tions to that Dylan made ,with his back- that exnraes his sense of -fr's s- -" and th-sTn-5ineqs that en- MAn1el or Carth Hudson's mov- Dylan's total otnut and's satis- up group, the Hawks (later to tration and neestion with the o--ifs the l-e,-s in~'O-nee .tice' ini dd mellow organ. fntory clarification of that' part become The Band), they show weld h's withdrawn from. Rlea" nd- "Katie's Been,. OR IT could be that Dylan of .the myth surrounding, them. the drastic changes he was un "'I' Mch -n \. Nothin," Gone". has released some work that They're living historv and the dergoing in both his music and "No'hina Was D-Hlt6s." 'i Y411.' This s-o-r- n of a set w-s done when he was still mysterv is that they sound so views durihg the time he was re Amin't Cine Nownre." the vis -1l- tojmicl " ' s- oth-rs that dlearly ahead and on top. fresh and contemoorary. Maybe covering 'up at his Woodstock san of the world as "This ""'en- .a mwhtgai ' - the Beat- Thaogh transitional in. retro- it's because we've only now retreat.. Wheel's On Fire" and the warn- ips' White 'AP,na for its self- sne-±. this material goes far to reached the noint where we can The recordris everything that. sag that "life is brief" on "Tears or.Qe ins,,a l'aok at the nst in its i',stifv Dylan's switch from rock flly apreciate -this collection anyone thought .the dynanec of Rage" add up to a rejection review of rock) ar,4 the Rolling to 'something more basic and for the masterpiece it is.