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August 13, 1975 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1975-08-13

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Wednesday, August 13, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY
Anti-leftists burn, riot
LISBON, Portugal 00 - Civilians opposed to Com- Lourenco, spokesman for the dissidents, had gone
munist-leaning Premier Vasco Goncalves attacked left- Belem presidential palace to present President Fra
ist party headqquarters in two northern towns yester- cisco da Costa Gomes a petition signed by officers o
day. Meanwhile, moderate military leaders petitioned posed to Goncalves' radical leadership.
for Goncalves' dismissal. It was not immediately known how many signatur
Crowds sacked and burned the headquarters of the the petition carried or how Costa Gomes, a close p
Portuguese Democratic Movement, a Communist sat- sonal friend of the premier, had reacted.
tellite party, in Vila Verde in north-central Portugal, r s .cw .. - . -
and smashed the offices of the militant Popular Demo-
cratic Union in Prior Velho, near Lisbon. Crowds sacked and burned the hea
THE DEMONSTRATIONS followed an attack Mon- quarters of the Portuguese Democrat
day night by political moderates on Communist party Movement . . . and smashed the offic
headquarters in the north-central town of Viseu, where of the militant Popular Democrat
more than a dozen persons were injured, four serious-
ly. Unon.
Socialists staged a show of antigoverment strength s a :;s ... :..* -
yesterday in the central Portuguese town of Evora, ..
military headquarters of Brig. Gen. Pedra Pezarat However, the dissidents claimed support of 85 p
Correira, one of the front-line dissidents. cent of the armed forces, including Costa Gomes a
Communist counterdemonstrators and troops turned internal security chief Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, w
out in large numbers. with Goncalves make sp the ruling triumvirate.
IN LISBON, the president's office said Capt. Vasco LATE yesterday some elements in Carvalho's secs
Judge arraigns
youth shot b city
police 'n break1'n M
By ELAINE FLETCHER reaiy wasn't that big a deal."
Willie Wilson, who was shot "I thought it was the real
by a city police officer as he thing," added Lopez. "But it
fled from the scene of an at- was kind of a screw deal (for
tempted burglary Sunday, was Wilson), though I'd like to ask
arraigned yesterday on charges hi why he did it."
of breaking and entering, ac- lie reported that he had met
cording to Police Chief Walter Wilson on the Diag a few days
Krasny. before It was kind of sad
Wilson, 17, who has been un- since a person had to get hurt, A
der intensive care while recov- Iut they told him to stop and|
ering from surgery at St. Jo- anybody knows when the police
seph's Hospital, was released sa stop you stop."
without bond, Krasny reported. KR ASNY' also confirmed re-
Wilson w a s injured Sunday ports stating t h a t although
while fleeing from Juanita Lo- warning shots had not been
pe/'s residence at 1116 Packard fired, patrolman Richard Blake
St. -who fired the shot--yelled
LOPEZ'S SON, Tony, who "halt" before shooting Wilson
summoned police from a pay with a single shotgun blast
phone on the day of the alleged which caused chest and abdo-
burglary, stated yesterday that minal injuries.
he knew Wilson and wouldn't "No, that's not our policy-
have called the police, but we don't believe in the warning
would have dealt with it himself shot business. The person was
"if I had known it was him-it fleeing and it's a judgment situ- "Moonman" Barry McArdle hawks dee
ation," said Kranny.yetra
Councilwoman K a t h y Koza- Yesterday. 'cArdle, a 25-year-old Cal
chenko (HRP - Second Ward) en over by big corporations. "You'veg
said Monday that a failure to "but you've gotta be partly crazy to bi
fire warning shots could pro-
voke a full investigation into
o h ling HOWEVER, Kozachenko stat-
ed yesterday that she would C i o ff
" make such a request only if she
80 s nh a d further questions after
reading the police report-due
to be released Thursday-on the
By TtM SCHICK incident.
By IM CHCK ncden. ro b iKrasny said reports indicated
The University failed to hire . that Blake shot Wilson from L S ANGELES I - County ed in
representative numbers of mi- within a range of tile feet a O NEE R) Cut-di
supervisors calmed yesterday and It
norities sod women as -Gradu- the you ran from the house for a new inqur into the as- havet
ate Student Assistants (GSA's) and through the backyard.
during this past winter term ac- The police chief explained assination of Robert Kennedy. that
cording to affirmative action that officers were summoned to "We have a direct obligation killed.,
figures made public last week the Lopez residence after Tony to clear up some of the contro- THE
by the Graduate Employes Or- and his friend, Gordon Riley, versy" surrounding the June Comm
ganization (GEO). found a basement window open 1968 killing, said Supervisor releasi
According to a GEO state- in the house, which has been Baxter Ward as the board vot- groun
ment, the figures "clearly indi- vacant since Ms. Lopez left ed unanimously to join a court vade1
cate the lack of affirmative ac- the country. battle to reopen the inquiry. person
tion in graduate employment." K E N N E D Y was shot to case
They also condemned the Uni- WHILE Lopez's son ran to death as he celebrated his vic- Othe
versity for both failing to break pay phone, Riley entered the dt in California's Democratic ort
down data concerning minori- house and confronted the burg- topraintalifria'sy. r at ,p
ties by racial group, and count- loas whom he says he recog- presidential primy Sirhan data,
ing non-citizens as minorities. nized as Wilson, Michael Col- S'ran was convicted as the weap
lins 17, and an unnamed 15. lone gunman - a verdict that areC

THE FIGURES show about 60 year-old juvenile. has been challenged. New
departments failed to h i r e All four had been residing at The vote was to join in a law- stein
enough women or minorities, a family group home at 1001 suit filed by former labor lead- Ameri
The worst offender was the Vaughn St. er Paul Schrade demanding the sic Sc
South, Southeast Asian Study Police approached the build- release of a 10-volume record The
Center. Although non-minority ing with their guns drawn, while of the initial investigation of the ing Di
men accounted for 6.9 per cent the juvenile escaped from the shooting and all physical evi- either
house and was followed by Wil- dence in the case. caseo
See GEO, Page 10 son. Schrade was seriously wound- to rev

f-age fhree


in Portugal
ity arm COPCON blamed the Communists and right-
wing "reactionaries" for much of the country's politi-
cal crisis.
A statement criticized "Communist attempts at di-
recting the aopparatus of state" and said the Com-
munists and their satellite party had proved "incap-
able of solving local problems" in the municipalities
and rural areas where they seized power soon after
the revolution.
The COPCON splinter statement also said the docu-
ment presented. by Lourenco and the other officers
"could be taken advantage of by the right wing" de-
spite its authors' intentions.
GONCALVES, meanwhile, huddled with 20 members
of the Revolutionary Council, the top military body
under the junta.
The council was meeting without nine of its memn-
bers responsible for circulating the dissident document
late last week as anti-Communist rioting rocked the
The meeting was believed to be an 11th-hour attempt
to sideline the nine and slow down the moderate mili-
tary opposition to Goncalves.

loon for sale
ds to the moon on Capitol Square in Madison, Wisconsin,
lifornian, says he wants to save the moon from being tak-
got to be pretty crazy to sell these things," he admits,
uy them."
icials call "for
o RFK's death
the attack on Kennedy HOWARD said he, too, wants
las said of his suit: "I to clear up disputes over the
the right as a victim of evidence, even though he said
assault who was nearly he does not doubt that Sirhan
was the lone gunman.
LOS ANGELES Police Howard, as have police offic-
ission voted July 7 not to ials before him, warned that
e the 10-volume report on reopening the case was no as-
ds that doing so could in- surance that the controversy
the privacy of innocent would be put to rest.
s connected with the He said there is some ques-
tion that the bullets perserved
rs seeking release of all as exhibts by the prosecutor's
art of the investigative office were unquestionably
including the murder those recovered after the slay-
n and bullet fragments, ing. The supervisors said they
CBS Television, former specifically want the murder
York Rep. Allard Lowen- weapon refired for comparison
and a committee of the of bullets with those used at
can Academy of Foren- Sirhan's trial.
iences. MUCH of the current ques-
supervisors asked Act- tioning centers on the so-called
st. Atty. John Howard to "second gun" theory that holds
intervene in the Schrade Sirhan did not act alone.
or seek a special master Ward challenged Howard's
iew the evidence. objectivity in the case,

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