Attica inmates prone on prison yard awaiting skin search during the 1971 up- rising: Prisoners nationwide are beginning to express their dissatisfaction w it h prevailing jail conditions, in- cluding daily humiliation, squalid living quarters, and sometimes false accusations made by inmate informers, or "snitches". The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Tuesday, August 12, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 Withrends like Indira ... T1HE UNITED STATES government should reassess its relations with Indira Gandhi's Indian regime in light of that nation's worst political crisis in its two and, a half decades of independence. Prime Minister Gandhi, once lauded as the inspira- tional and diplomatic leader of the world's largest demo- cratic nation has shrouded herself in a cloak of defiance and resorted to the tactics of totalitarianism in lashing back at criticism in the wake of her conviction for elec- tion fraud. The turmoil now throttling the upper echelons of Indian government compares in intensity and implica- tion with the American domestic crisis climaxed by Richard Nixon's resignation a year ago. In the Indian situation, however, though the mis- deeds at its core were at the least as dubious and in- defensible as the Watergate crimes, an unprecedented crisis in confidence may well be weathered with no change in the nation's highest office. Mrs. Gandhi has exhibited an unabashed willingness to fight fire with, fire, to defend against the righteous outcries of her con- stituents by systematically suppressing the nation's media and boldly convincing the Indian parliament to pass a law which retoactively rendered Gandhi's fraudulent activities legal. THE UNITED STATES has no right to mettle directly in the domestic affairs of other countries. Even if it could, judging from recent trends, the Ford/Kissinger axis would intervene just long e n o u g h to decorate Gandhi for displaying courage in the face of criticism and leave it to that. What the U.S. legislature can do, however, is inform Prime Minister Gandhi that, until the full trappings of democracy are -restored to her people, our primary concern will be the survival of the Indian people, but not the sustenance of a corrupt and undeserving regime. Business Staff DEBORAH NOVESS Business Manager PETER CAPLAN............................Classied Manager SETH FRIEDMAN.................................... Sales Manager DAVE PIONTKOWSKY........ ............... Advertising Manager CASSIE ST. CLAIR ................... . ........ Circulation Manager STAFF: Nina Edwards, Anna Kwok gALES: Colby Bennett, Cher Bledsoe, Dan Blugerman, Sylvia Calhoun, Jeff Milgrom Sports Staff BRIAN DEMING Sports Editor JON CHAVEZ ......... . . . . . ..Night Editor AL HRAPSKY...........Night Editor EICH LERNER............ ...... . .........Night Editor BILL CRANE ......................Contributing Editor. Tattling time S By ALICE YARISH rTHE LOWEST form of life in - any prison, in the opinion of inmates, is the snitch. He's the convict who will inform on his fellow prisoners, truthfully or falsely, to gain some ad- vantage. Now, so obscure case of two California prisoners is opening up the widely rumored practice of state d e a 1 s with prison snitches for testimony in prison trials. The case begins with Herman Johnson. Herman Johnson had a big snitch jacket-a reputation for squealing. He was righteously hated in the California prison system, and the word was pass. ed on the grapevine from joint to joint. That his testimony against his fellow prisoners was not always accurate was fairly well estab- lished when he volunteered as a witness against the Soledad Brothers in 19701-the first case that gained nationwide attention for the prison movement. Because if was so clearly evidentthat he was lying, the c a s e collapsed and charges against four of the defendants were dismissed. So it was not too surprising when on July 19, 1971, he was stabbed in the back at high noon in the upper yard at ugly old San Quentin, the big daddy of California's maximum se- curity prisons. Maybe Herman had got the word too, because he told the investigators at the time that he could not identify his assailants. TWO DAYS later, asEerman Johnson lay in his bed in the prison hospital behind a guard- ed steel door, whoever it was that bore him umbrage sneaked into the dead end corridor and by multiple knife thrusts killed the correctional officer who was guarding him from just such an attack. Leon Davis was the first cor- rectional officer to be killed in San Quentin since 1952. Three more were killed exactly one month later along with George Jackson and two other pris- oners. Everyone agrees that whoever attacked Johnson in the yard two days earlier had come back to complete the botched up job hut was frightened off before havinga chance to take Davis' keys and open the cell door to get at Herman. After a brief investigation, two prisoners were indicted for murdering Officer Davis. They were Earl Gibson and Larry Justice-both black, both 31, both from Los Angeles, both in the in prison: Snitch in paves ime in jail prison hospital on the day of That appeal has become a the murder, both in the big minor cause celebre in legal yard on the 19th when Herman circles as a test case for chal- y.a onsthed19thlenging alleged manipulation of J. was stabbed. witnesses by the state to induce onsLtshsss5 GIBSON WAS in the hospital as a patient with a back injury. Justice was at his regular job in charge of the linen room. Far from political types, both were considered 'Model prison- ers. They had been fingered by Herman Johnson who bore a grudge against Gibson from a fight they'd had at Soledad. After the explosive events one month later, pressure was heavy to produce therkillers of the guards a a d restore morale among prison personnel. Gibson and Justice were con- victed by a jury on the testi- mony of Johnson and two other known snitches -Charles John- son, who had been denied pa- role just two weeks before the killing, and Ivan Kranzelic, im- prisoned for killing his mother. The defense alleged that all three hadebeen given or prom- ised early parole for testifying for the state against Justice and Gibson. Not one of the civilian nurses or doctors, nor any members of the prisoner staff who were in the hospital at the time of the killing identified either Justice or Gibson as the killers. Three nurses who knew Justice said they saw three men running from the crime scene and that none was Justice. A fourth nurse who knew Gibson said he was not among those she saw running from the scene. THE MURDER weapon, a b i o o d y shank (prison - made knife) was found with finger- prints that were never identi- fied but that were good enough, in spite of some smearing, to exclude either suspect as the handler. There were also bloody prints on the windowpane that have never been identified. Prison witnesses who testify for the defense are always aware thaththey may be taking a risk with their own well-be- ing, yet all the prisoner wit- nesses, except the two Johnsons and Kranzelic, placed Justice and Gibson on the fourth floor of the hospital at the time of the second floor killing. After a lengthy trial in which the prosecution charged that Gibson had faked a back injury to get into the hospital, the two men were convicted and have been held ever since in maxi- mum security, sweating out their appeal. snitching. ON JULY 28, attorneys Mar- vin Stender and Franklin Glenn argued before a three-member state appellate court that the testimony of Johnson, Johnson and Kranzelic was self-serving and unreliable. Herman Johnson had recently been denied parole, but was immediately released after testifying for the state. Charles Johnson had been de- nied parole for one year just two weeks before testifying be- fore the grand jury against Gib- son. and Justice, but after his appearance his parole date was advanced several months. After his release he was arrested five times and convicted twice, but his parole was never revoked. Kranzelic had served only 18 months of his term and was not eligible for parole, but after he testified in the case he sued the state Adult Authority for not setting a parole date-promised in return for his testimony. Also at issue in the appeal is misconduct of the trial jury. After the conviction, the attor- neys learned that the jury, con- trary to the rigid rules of evi- dence, had sent two of its mem- bers to the library to research blood types and the effects of morphine on perception. These matters concerned evidence that had specifically been ruled in- admissible by the trial judge. IN DOING SO, the jury mem- bers had deliberately ignored the court's admonition to base their conclusions and delibera- tions solely on evidence pre- sented in court and to refrain from reading about or talking about the trial to anyone. A decision on the appeal may be expected in six to 12 weeks: Attorneys say the obscurity of the case highlights the fact that snitching-far from beingscon- fined to highly-publicized-cases of prison militants-is routine in prison trials. Alice Yarish is a reporter for the San Francisco Ex- aminer and a veteran ob- server of criminal justice in California. Copyright, Paci- fic News Service, 1975. Letters should be typed and limited to 400 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit letters for length and grammar.