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The Mi%4chigan al
Vol. LXXXV, No. 60-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, August 9, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
GoVt may call
for testimony
in Hoffa search
DETROIT (A) - Justice Department officials are consider-
ing bringing witnesses before a federal grand jury in the investi-
gation of Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance, department sources said
The FBI has conducted numerous interviews trying to locate
the ex-Teamster president who vanished July 30, but at least one
key figure in the probe has refused to cooperate, according to
other sources.
A SPECIAL U. S. grand jury has been sitting in Detroit to
hear evidence of corruption and organized crime. It was under-
stood that a decision would be made in Washington on whether
to subpoena witnesses in the Hoffa case and bring them before
the panel
Mayor plans
new Human
Mayor Albert Wheeler yester-
day announced plans for a new
Human Services Department in
city hall immediately after he
received official letters stating
that Ann Arbor has received a
$2.4 million federal grant.
Wheeler received a personally
s i g n e d congratulatory letter
frmn President Gerald Ford and
a notice from Housing and Ur-
ban Development (HUD) offi-
cials that the city had been
granted the money they applied
for in the form of Community
Development Revenue Sharing
(CDRS) funds.
BUT THE MAYOR explained
that the CDRS funds would not
make up the lions share of the
budget for the still-to-be-formed
See MAYOR, Page S
T h e Justice Department
source said the move was being
pondered yesterday by top de-
partment officials in Washing-
ton, where the labor-manage-
ment section of Justice's Crim-
inal Division has taken respon-
sibility for the case.
A source close to the investi-
gation said that Anthony "Tony
Jack" Giacalone, a reputed un-
derworld kingpin, has refused
to talk to the FBI Hoffa told
his family he was going to
meet Giacalone the day he dis-
appeared. Giacalone has denied
that he was ever supposed to
meet Hoffa.
M E A N W H I L E, the
probe of Hoffa's disappearance
showed no signs of progress
U. S. Atty. Ralph Guy said
the investigation was "pains-
taking," and added that he
foresees no quick break in the
An FBI spokesperson said on-
ly that the probe is continuing,
and declined to comment on its
progress. A high state police
official said Michigan investi-
gators had no new information
to go on.
See JURY, Page 10
Thirty years ago today
Thirty years ago today, the United States sent a mushroom cloud billowing 20,000 feet
over Nagasaki after dropping its second atomic bomb on the civilian town of 253,000. The
first atom bomb was dropped two days earlier on Hiroshima, despite indications that Ja-
pan was ready to surrender.
'U' could challenge GEO
University officials brought to life once again yester-
day questions regarding the Graduate Employes
Organization's (GEO) right to represent various cate-
gories of Graduate Student Assistants (GSA's).
However, the questions cannot be raised until the
union brings unfair labor action against the University
to the Michigan Employment Relations Committee
JOHN FORSYTH, GEO contract administrator for the
University, maintained that it is 'likely" the University
will raise the issue should GEO appeal a dispute to
But GEO member Daniel Tsang maintained that the
representation question was a tactic to hinder the
"They're just trying to scare us," he said. "It's just
another tactic to destroy the union.
THE QUESTION of GEO's right to represent all grad-
u10e employes was raised last spring during a MERC
hearing over an unfair labor practices complaint. The
issue was dropped when GEO withdrew its complaint.
Tsang added that the University was holding
the threat against the union since "it is embarassing
that the University has no affirmative action."
The issue was raised yesterday when Forsythe
questioned GEO's legal status in an Ann Arbor News
LAST NIGHT Forsythe maintained that he was only
trying to explain the complexities of the GEO griev-
ance procedure regarding affirmative action.
He said that it is difficult to draw conclusions from
data concerning the employment of women and minor-
ities, since many GSA's require a certain amount of
work experience to receive a degree, making it ne-
cessary for the University to hire them thus re-
ducing the number of minorities the University can
This, says Forsyth, could allow some GSA's to be
classified as students rather than employes, prevent-
ing GEO from representing them.
AN ADDITIONAL factor in the University's favor is
a ruling that the National Labor Relations Board
(NLRB) made last winter concerning Stanford Univer-
The NLRB ruled that theStanford administration
union status
was not required to bargain with their graduate em-
ployes because they were students, not employes.
But, he added, MERC could also decide that all
GSA's are students or that all are employes.
SANDY WILKINSON, GEO secretary, blasted the
University, and said, "This flies in the face of what
they have been doing for over a year. By their actions
(in the past year), they recognize us as employes,"
because the administration has signed a contract with
the union.
"The fact that they considered all the outcomes
shows that they wish GEO would go away," Wilkinson
Forsyth denied this charge, and chided GEO for
releasing the figures on the utilization of women and
"THEY TOOK data which we were under no obliga-
tion to give them and released it with a statement
without even discussing the information with me," he
GEO filed a grievance in June= charging the Uni'
versity with failing to meet affirmative action obliga-
tions set down in their contract.