Page Ten
Friday, August 8, T975
Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, August 8, 1975
H H H, Mskie, McGovern in '76?
bert Humphrey, Edmund Muskie and
George McGovern, three aging warhars-
es of Democratic presidential politics,
are ready, willing and perhaps eager to
make another run for the W h ite
But the three veteran Democrats will
not actively seek the 1976 presidential
nomination. Each stands waiting for a
bolt of lightning that has not struck for
28 years.
THEIR chances for winning the most
cherished prize in American politics,
which in turn has eluded each, ride on
the possibility a deadlocked national con-
vention might pick one of them to lead
the party against the Republicans next
Neither major party has had a con-
vention since 1948 that took more than
one ballot to nominate a presidential
candidate. The Democrats have had their
first-ballot nominations since 1936, when
they dropped their two-thirds rule for
a simple majority nomination.
But the Democrats have adopted a
complex set of delegate selection rules
for 1976 that will make it much harder
for a single strong candidate to elim-
inate opposition in the primaries and
state conventions.
SOME observers think four and per-
haps six candidates may arrive at the
convention July 12 with enough delegate
support to stay in the nomination fight
but not enough to win on an early bal-
Humphrey, Muskie and McGovern have
adopted a strategy of staying out of next
year's primaries and making no at-
tempt to corral delegates. But the three
are certain to be on hand in the con-
vention city - either to receive the
plaudits reserved for party leaders of the
past or to emerge from a smoke-filled
room as the presidential candidate.
Of the three, Humphrey, 64 - energe-
tic as ever - appears to have the most
urgent itch to wage yet one more na-
tional campaign. And many political ex-
perts - Democrats as well as Republi-
cans - are convinced the party will
turn to the veteran Minnesota liberal in
HUMPHREY has a huge reservoir of
support in the party hierarchy, with lab-
whaat youdo
Probably not. All things considered you do
what you do pretty doggone well. After all, no one
has taken yourjob. And you're eating regularly.
But have you ever considered what doing your
job just a little better might mean?
Money. Cold hard coin of the realm.
If each of us cared just a smidge more about
what we do for a living, we could actually turn that
inflationary spiral around..Better products, better
service and better management would mean savings
for all of us. Savings of much of the cash and frayed
nerves it'scosting us now for repairs and inefficiency.
Point two..By taking more pride in our work
we'll more than likely see America regaining its
strengthinthecompetitive world tradearena. When
the balance of paymentsswings our way again we'ld
all be better off economically.
So you see-the only person who canreally
do what you do any better is you.
Afmalc.ft N only woks
aswf aweo
' SNroti c~ emh rkme . fIj1,,Abrle0
or, and among blacks.
And time may have dimmed memories
of his association with Johnson's Viet-
nam War policies, which probably cost
him the 1968 election. But there still may
exist resentment among McGovern sup-
porters over Humphrey's attempt to
grab some of the California delegation in
1972 after the winner-take-all primary
was over.
As in the case of Humphrey, there is
a segment in the Democratic party that
still believes Muskie, 61, may be the
best man to send against the Republicans
next year.
"IF I said flatly I wasn't interested, it
wouldn't be 100 per cent honest," the
Maine senator said. "But I am not
doing anything about it."
But Muskie, Humphrey's high-
ly effective running-mate in
1968 ,is up for re-election next
year and could have trouble at
home, especially if he showed
too much interest in presidential
politics again.
Yet if the phone rings at the
convention center, Mskie's an-
swer almost certainly would be
OF THE three the convention
is least likely to look to Mc-
Govern, who carried only Mas-
sachussetts and the District of
Columbia against Nixon in 1972.
He is considered much in the
same position as the Republi-
cans' Barry Goldwater -- a
leader of one segment of his
party who cannot build the coal-
itions needed to win a national
McGovern has issued a state-
ment saying, "It is still my
feeling, as I said in 1974, +hat
I should not be a candidate for
the presidency."
He added, however, that if
the convention offered him the
nomination "I would, of course,
McGovern feels the candidate
will not come out of the pri-
maries but adds "the conven-
tion is much more likely to
agree on Sen. Humphrey or
some other person than me"
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War more than 100 battles were
fought in New Jersey, one of
the 13 original colonies.
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