CIA and Maia: Partners in crime By GORDON ATCHESON WASHINGTON--The sparkly blue eyes and balding head fringed with white hair make Robert Maheu look quite grand- fatherly-a guy who loves little kids and never says a sour word to anyone. But the former FBI agent and close associate of billionaire Howard Hughes helped develop an assassination plot aimed at Cuban Premier Fidel Castro in the early sixties. Maheu claims that Castro could have been killed then, except the "go" signal never came from some unknown Mr. Big in the organization. Such are the frustrations of being a CIA operative. Last week, Maheu testified behind closed doors to the Senate select com- mittee probing the CIA about the plot and how he recruited two alleged gang- sters to help pull it off. After testifying, Maheu talked with re- porters and spun a tale that seemed a bit hard to believe. But frankly, in light of all that has been revealed about the CIA, it fit right in with the rest of the clandestine, illegal goings on. He didn't embellish the story with colorful language or emotional inflec- tions of the voice. It didn't need those extra touches to be dramatic. He just told it straight and simple. And it goes something like 'this: In 1960, Maheu contacted a long time friend John Roselli and asked him to lend a hand in designing a plot to bump off Castro, who had, of course, just come to power in Cuba. At this point Maheu was employed by the CIA in a number of ways-his public relations firm occasionally provided a "cover" for agents going abroad and once he had helped spy on a foreign stu- dent in this country whonwas suspected of being an operative for another power. Anyway, his boss at the CIA told him that Roselli could be of some assistance because he might still have "contacts" in Cuba-a carry-over from the days when Roselli had gambling interests in Havana. Maheu made the connection and in- vited Roselli and one of his friends to Miami to talk about details of the, opera- tion. "At first Mr. Roselli was very reluc- tant, but when I explained to him that this (the assassination plan) was a nec- essary ingredient to perpetrate a suc- cessive invasion of Cuba, he finally agreed," Maheu told reporters last week. of this year, shortly before he was due to testify in the Senate CIA hearings. Roselli did testify four days later and apparently outlined a plan that matches with that sketched by Maheu. While in Miami, the three - Maheu, Giancana and Roselli-hatched a plot that involved slipping a potent poison been part of a much larger plan to in- vade Cuba including extensive U-2 re- connaissance followed by high altitude bombing coordinated with a seaborne attack by'anti-Castro forces. After the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs in- vasion, Maheu said he was told by Col. Sheffield Edwards of the CIA that "there came a time that Mr. Castro could have been administered the poison." Edwards died several years ago and thus cannot vertify that statement. Maheu added that he knew of no other assassination plots against Castro, al- -though admitting it was conceivable he and the gangsters discussed the use of snipers. For about nine months in 1961, Maheu stayed with Giancana and Roselli in Miami, as he describes it "because some- one had to be there to hold their hands and to make sure they didn't leave." During that peripd, Maheu, hired a private detective - at CIA behest - to monitor the activities of Dan Rowan of "Laugh-In" fame, who Giancana sus- pected of seeing actress Phyllis McGuire, the mobster's close companion. Also, Maheu, at that point, described the whole operation to Howard Hughes who had earlier retained Maheu's public relations firm. "I had to tell Mr. Hughes the reason I couldn't leave Miami and return to Los Angeles," Maheu said. "Hughes was vehement that I return-he was an im- portant client and, selfishly, I didn't want to lose him-so I told him." Later Hughes decided he wanted a CIA project of his own so that he could "use it as muscle" if he had disputes with other government agencies, accord- ing to Maheu. Maheu's association with Hughes dis- solved several years ago and he claims that the billionaire-with a helping hand from the CIA-has been trying to dis- credit and intimidate him ever since. Now, why would they want to do that to such a nice-looking gentleman? Gordon Atcheson is Co-editor-in- chief of The Daily and a summer intern for the Knight Newspapers Washington bureau. UNDER A PLAN developed by Howard Hughes protege Robert Maheu and Mafia figures Sam Giancana and John Roselli 15 years ago, Castro was targeted for death from food poisoning. Though the plan was never carried out, the Maheu/Mafia linkup did its part to eliminate the Cuban leader and serve the interests of both the U.S. government, then eager to see the island's Communist regime thwarted, and the syndicate, which possibly saw a chance to revitalize its once thriving Havana gambling empire. The friend who accompanied Roselli to Florida was none other than Chicago Mafia kingpin Sam Giancana. "They agreed to join because they truly thought that this mission would contribute to the national security of this country," Maheu said. "In all fair- ness to these men I know of no money paid them for this . . . we felt we were involved in a just war." Giancana was found dead-shot once through the head with a .22 caliber re- volver-in his Chicago home on June 20 into Castro's midnight snack. As Maheu recounted the affair last week, the pills were given to an opera- tive with access to Castro and his mun- chies and could have been used. "The steps to be taken were always subject to a 'go' signal that never came," Maheu said. "I never asked from whom the signal was to come and I never knew. "In many respects I felt a lot like the pilot who delivered the atomic bomb The assassination was supposed to have 1~~A# ~ ON~6 Wv( 4copicw ~I~04eNe otuA ~-~o" Ism The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Thursday, August 7, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 Editorial Staff JEFF SORENSEN Editor PAUL HASKINS Editorial Director BETH NISSEN ..... . . . . ..Editorial Page Ass't. JO MARCOTTY .......................................... Night Editor ROB MEACHUM .. .... . . . ..Night Editor JEFF RISTINE...........Night Editor TIM SCHICK ..........Night Editor DAVID WHITING........ .. Night Editor BILL TURQUE.......... Night Editor ELAINE FLETCHER........... As't. Night Editor TRUDY GAYER ...... . . . ..Asst. Night Editor ANN MARIE LIPINSKI... . . ..Ass't. Night Editor PAULINE LUBENS... . . . . ..Ass't. 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